WWYD? DH wants to move them to toddler beds

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ruthjulia, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    OK - so, the front piece of DD's crib that goes up and down to get them in and out more easily, was coming apart - the slats were loosening from the top and bottom bars. DH knew he needed to reclamp it. Saturday night, I put the kids down, DH lays down for a nap, so I head out to the grocery (don't get me started on my lame Sat night social life). When I get back I went in to check on the temp in the kids room and i see a HUGE hole in the side of DD's crib - 4 slats are missing creating a big gap. The slats, it turns out, are INSIDE her crib at the other end of the crib - my guess is she was playing with them? So, I go get DH (who was still napping), I pick up DD, we turn the crib so the opening is against the wall so she can't fall out, and put her back in - I don't think she even woke up.

    Sunday she was fine, but our nanny said she had a really hard time napping yesterday and today - cried and cried and cried (which she never does) and needed to be held, soothed, calmed down before she would go down for her nap. She was fine Sunday night and last night.

    DH is now convinced that she's traumatized by the crib breaking and that the cribs are unsafe and we should move them to toddler beds. I think she'll get over it in a few days.

    To make matters more annoying - their cribs convert to toddler beds and that was what I was planning on doing, but DH doesn't want to do that, he wants to make them beds that are closer to the ground (he made all their other furniture in their room and has a construction company, so it's not so crazy).

    ARGH! I think I convinced him we should wait until the end of the weekend and see if she is napping fine by then. But I just think they are too young to go to beds and that they would be all over their room and have a hard time settling (DH's response to this was - well lets try beds for a night and if it doesn't work we'll switch back - another hair brained idea!).

    ugh. Sorry, I think I just needed to vent. DH tends to over react like this and do things spontaneously, and I'm a rational planner. Drives me nuts!
  2. Jersey_Girls

    Jersey_Girls Well-Known Member

    I think they are too young. Mine were a little over 3 when they switched and it was really, really difficult even at that age. They stopped napping for me almost completely and getting them in bed and STAYING in bed has been one of our biggest challenges. I say put it off as long as you are able and as long as the kids are safe.

    My DH tried to do the same thing when my gals started climbing out of their cribs at 2 years old. I told him the EXPERTS on Twinstuff advised crib tents and not transitioning them until they were 3. He listened! :)

    Good luck~
  3. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Since she didn't have problems at bedtime but only at nap, it could be an entirely different issue. I think she should be fine with the crib turned around. I wouldn't be in a big hurry to switch either. Maybe give it a few days and let her go back to sleeping fine, maybe he'll drop the issue. If he's really set on it, maybe those toddler beds I posted about would work for you, since they still have sides. BTW, I still haven't decided, but I think we'll keep the cribs for a bit.
  4. cabonnell

    cabonnell Well-Known Member

    I know some people have switched them to beds at that age but there is NO WAY I would consider it. Even now, there are nights, like last night, they just don't want to see you leave the room and I guarantee if Emily could have chased after me last night, she would have but instead shook her crib.
  5. CapeBretoner_123

    CapeBretoner_123 Well-Known Member

    We switched all of our kids before 2...personally I think 3 is way too old(but everyones style is different). Let him maket he beds...might be really nice. Its worth a shot...better then having the crib bust and getting hurt.
    And remember not all of us have hard times switching. Make it a fun night...do what you can.
  6. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    We tried the switch at 2 years old for a few months and it was a BIG pain. I did it again at 3, and it was much easier. I think moving to toddler beds is harder for twins since they have their best friend in the room with them to play with. Of course, there are kids who make the transition easily but it seems like most have a lot of trouble until they are nearer to 3 years old. It's your call, but due to my past experience, I would wait.
  7. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    All 3 of my oldest were switched to big kid beds at 19mo. It is doable. If you are determined to do it, you will need to rid their room of everything but the basics. My boys didn't even have dressers in their room for the first few months (we were moving rooms at the same time to open up the nursery so we had the extra room for the "other" stuff).
  8. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    I moved my daughter to a toddler bed at 18 months and we really had no problem at all- but I certainly will wait longer for the boys as they share their room- I just don't think I'd trust 2 little ones getting any sleep...
  9. terilynn12116

    terilynn12116 Active Member

    QUOTE(LanieK @ Jun 14 2007, 03:37 PM) [snapback]292017[/snapback]
    I moved my daughter to a toddler bed at 18 months and we really had no problem at all- but I certainly will wait longer for the boys as they share their room- I just don't think I'd trust 2 little ones getting any sleep...

    Michael, one of my 16 month old twins, is in a toddler bed. He's climbing overboard. So it's safer for him. It can be done. Just you literally need to know your child.

  10. chris629

    chris629 Well-Known Member

    With my singleton, he decided he was ready at 20 mos. we had a twin set on the floor on the other wall opposite his crib and I put it int here all dressed up for when he was ready and we read books, played on it etc.
    Then one day at naptime he jumped in and decided he wanted to take a nap. I waited 3 full days and nights till I took down his crib. He has only gotten out a couple of times and I think he was just testing to see how far he could go and how I would react.
    He is now 4.
    I am not sure Josh would get moved as quickly but I will leave it up to him and how he does with different things and I don't see age as something I watch I mostly watch them.

    But maybe because its twins, maybe that is a diff story.
  11. BellaRissa

    BellaRissa Well-Known Member

    I would either put them in the toddler beds or buy new cribs. Any crib that an under 2 year old toddler can dismantle is UNSAFE. What if she had only been able to get one slat out, tried to climb out & got stuck by her neck? A broken crib can be deadly. My girls were in toddler beds from 20 - 32 months. They are now in twin mattress & foundations set on the floor - they have each rolled out twice in the past 4 months - I leave pillows on the floor by their beds to cushion the fall. I don't think using your current cribs, even if repaired, is safe.
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