Wrist Leash?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Tivanni, Apr 15, 2008.

  1. Tivanni

    Tivanni Well-Known Member

    We have the bear backpack harnesses but have not used them for quite a while now. We will be taking a trip shortly, and Atlanta has a very busy airport. We are not planning to take the stroller with us because if we do need one, we have one at our destination. With the luggage we will have and carry ons I thought the leashes would help to ensure the safety of the girls. I was wondering if anyone has used the wrist leashes and what brand they would recommend.

    I thought the wrist leashes would be easier to throw in my carry on after we board instead of the bear backpack harnesses yet would allow me some peace of mind while we are checking in. I didn't want the girls to "wander" and thought it would be a deterrent in the unlikely event there was someone intending any harm. I know I'm being over cautious but we have not gone on a big trip since the girls turned 1. :D

    Any suggestions would be helpful!

  2. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Well, I wouldn't use them. I know the thought of taking 2 of them through the airport at this age is scary, but unless you will be alone I would go without the leashes. I would have a talk with them before you leave about how important it is that they stay with mom and dad and not ever wander off, run ahead, etc. We've taken several trips lately with ours and only Elizabeth has been in the stroller with Andrew and Catherine on foot. They are the same age as yours and they did really well. They know when we go out that they have to hold Elizabeth's stroller or my/Dh's hand and stay with us. Have a wonderful trip!
  3. Disney747

    Disney747 Well-Known Member

    At their age I don't think I would use them unless they are BIG runners. But when our boys were younger I took the bear-backpacks and then attached them to the diaper bag or the carseat when they did not need them in the airport/airplane.
  4. Mia D

    Mia D Well-Known Member

    I give each of mine a small rolling backpack - they love being big girls like mommy and rolling along with their "suitcases" with me. (Though I wouldn't attempt an airport without a stroller - the lengths are too long if one of them gets tired, I don't want to get stuck carrying them. Plus, then I have a place to put stuff!).

  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I imagine I will still be using my stroller to travel at that age. (4 mos. from now).

    Could you get them and then only use them if it's really necessary? (If they misbehave?) I imagine they are going to be a little bit stimulated by the environment and a bit intimidated by all the action.
  6. Tivanni

    Tivanni Well-Known Member

    Despite the fact that we will minimize luggage so that we can monitor them closely and hold their hand...it could only take a second for them to step unintentionally in the way of someone rushing to their flight. They are extremely excited about this trip as they know they will get to see grandpa and grandma and have been telling everyone they are going to Hawaii! In their excitement they may not be as cautious as they normally are. We have been "practicing" on outings to the malls and grocery stores but they still do not immediately notice or respond to people and carts coming around a corner or people rushing through a store/mall.

    From Wikipidia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hartsfield-Ja...ational_Airport
    The Hartsfield Airport has held its ranking as the world's busiest airport in 2007, both in terms of passengers and number of flights, by accommodating 89.3 million passengers and 994,346 flights respectively. Many of these flights are domestic flights from within the United States where Atlanta serves as a major transfer point for flights to and from smaller cities throughout the Southern United States. Fifty-seven percent of Hartsfield-Jackson's airport passengers do not stay in Atlanta but go on connection flights elsewhere.

    My husband sometimes goes on business trips so he knows why it is rated as the busiest airport in the world. I am mostly concerned with getting to the gate safely. Once there, it should be fine.

    I may just purchase one just in case as someone mentioned in a response. Thanks for the input.
  7. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I got mine at BRU. They are white and yellow. If your girls are used to the backpacks, I am sure the wrist leashes will work well. They take up barely any space.
  8. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    I would definitely use them! I don't think you are being overly cautious at all for wanting to use them. Airports are busy crowded places filled with anyone from anywhere. Talking to the kids and explaining the part about not running off is great. But they could very easily and unintentionally get turned around and lost in a crowd.

    Not worth a chance in my opinion. If I had my stroller that is where they would be, but since you do not need to travel with one, I think a leash or harness is the way to go. Better to be safe than sorry, IMO. Have fun!
  9. ehm

    ehm Banned

    How long are the wrist leashes? I am asking about their length because a traveler could inadvertently get 'stuck' between you and the child and get caught up in the leash. We did the rolling backpacks and I was paranoid the entire time that they were going to unintentionally cause another traveler issues because of how they maneuvered. I understand that your children are your top priority but courtesy to the other travelers was important to me as well. If I used the wrist leashes I would probably shorten then up so the distance was about the same as them holding my hand.
  10. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ehm @ Apr 18 2008, 08:36 AM) [snapback]727546[/snapback]
    How long are the wrist leashes? I am asking about their length because a traveler could inadvertently get 'stuck' between you and the child and get caught up in the leash. We did the rolling backpacks and I was paranoid the entire time that they were going to unintentionally cause another traveler issues because of how they maneuvered. I understand that your children are your top priority but courtesy to the other travelers was important to me as well. If I used the wrist leashes I would probably shorten then up so the distance was about the same as them holding my hand.

    They are similar in length to the backpack ones. You can always wrap it around your own wrist to shorten it as much as you need to.
  11. brooke78

    brooke78 Well-Known Member

    Hi you really got me thinking....
    My little ones are only 14 months but I would like to respond.

    If your gut or Mommy's intuition is telling you to take the wrist straps I think you shoud listen. I have never had to travel with my own kids at that age but have done so with nephews. It would make me feel much more confident and secure if I had the straps or backpacks.

    I just began looking for them for Amy and Matthew. Have a nice trip.
  12. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Rose524 @ Apr 17 2008, 10:19 PM) [snapback]727067[/snapback]
    I would definitely use them! I don't think you are being overly cautious at all for wanting to use them. Airports are busy crowded places filled with anyone from anywhere. Talking to the kids and explaining the part about not running off is great. But they could very easily and unintentionally get turned around and lost in a crowd.

    Not worth a chance in my opinion. If I had my stroller that is where they would be, but since you do not need to travel with one, I think a leash or harness is the way to go. Better to be safe than sorry, IMO. Have fun!

    I know what you mean about being courteous to other travelers.
    But your example is exactly why I would use a leash or backpack thing. Another traveler could easily rush between me and my child and that is when the whole thing about getting lost begins, IMO.
    People should look where they are walking anyway, so I'd rather take a chance of someone who is not looking where they are going getting caught up in our leash, rather than someone walking between me and my kids and running the risk of them getting turned around or lost, etc. Just my two cents. :)
  13. ehm

    ehm Banned

    I assume you meant to quote me not yourself? I didn't say anywhere in my post that I wouldn't use them, I just said depending on the length of the leashes I would reign them in pretty tight if I did.

    I am not familiar with the length of a back pack leash as I never had those either but thanks for trying!

    I agree people should look where they are going but generally that means looking straight ahead, not straight ahead and down (children are generally shorter than the average traveler). Can you imagine if everyone in the airport was looking down while attempting to get to wherever they were going?

    I am most definitely not saying to go against whatever you think it is safe, just sharing what I would do if I decided the leashes were necessary.
  14. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I am not familiar with the length of a back pack leash as I never had those either but thanks for trying!


    The leash is 2 feet! I have the backpacks and the leashes and never used them once! First I got the backpack and my boys hated them so I got the wrist leashes and they hated those too! I would have used them if my boys did not freak out when I tried them.

    eta- the brand is 'Baby on Board'
  15. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ehm @ Apr 18 2008, 01:21 PM) [snapback]727927[/snapback]
    I assume you meant to quote me not yourself? I didn't say anywhere in my post that I wouldn't use them, I just said depending on the length of the leashes I would reign them in pretty tight if I did.

    I am not familiar with the length of a back pack leash as I never had those either but thanks for trying!

    I agree people should look where they are going but generally that means looking straight ahead, not straight ahead and down (children are generally shorter than the average traveler). Can you imagine if everyone in the airport was looking down while attempting to get to wherever they were going?

    I am most definitely not saying to go against whatever you think it is safe, just sharing what I would do if I decided the leashes were necessary.

    LOL, yes, I did mean to quote you - I guess I hit the wrong button!
    I know you didn't say not to use them, just was pointing out the part about folks rushing about in an airport and I would rather have them get tangled in my leash (which I agree should be kept short) rather than bustle in between me and my kids.
  16. Stinkpea

    Stinkpea Well-Known Member

    You could always buy them - not take them out of the pack, try one and if it works great and if it doesn;t you could return the other.

    I would rather be safe than sorry. You don't want to have any regrets. IMO.. Have a great trip!!
  17. ehm

    ehm Banned

    Thanks! I had found some in my google search but none of them said how long they were. I just have this vision in my head of the purpose of them ' small child stays close to adult until all of a sudden something catches their eye and they dart off towards it, as the child reaches the end of the leash they are stopped in their tracks, meanwhile the 10 people between the child and the adult get hung on toddler leash'. Anyway, that is my vision although probably totally off base just wanted to share where I was coming from. Keeping the leash short would prevent any random attempts to escape as well as keeping the other travelers from being tripped.

    In my search for the length I was also looking for a suggested age for the the wrist leashes and I couldn't find one. I did however find alot of reviews saying how these items worked until their children learned how to get out of them. I think I remember 18 months being mentioned alot with that which makes me wonder about 3 year olds. I would be afraid that the wrist leash might give me a false sense of security in that I think we will be safe but then if the child does run they are free because they have figure out how to wrangle their way free.

    Can ya tell I don't quite understand how these things work?? :unknw:
  18. duranjt

    duranjt Well-Known Member

    I live in ATL and am often at the airport. I would vote for the harness, not the wrist, just due to the greater "control" over your child's movement. However the concourses are not usually crazy busy except at peak "business time" (Monday morning, Friday afternoon, early flights--before 9am, "rush hour" flights--5-6pm). Also, travelling with twin toddlers, you would most likely "qualify" for the carts to take you from one gate to the next, which could greatly limit your need to have them walking. I would contact your airline and request a cart to take you from one gate to the next. I know they've done it for less compelling reasons than twin toddlers!! (i.e. long flight and too tired to walk...seriously...for a teenager!!)
    HTH!! Have a fantastic trip!!
    :) Nicole
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