Wriggley babies and diaper change

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by twinkler, Jul 6, 2012.

  1. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    Ok I have two very wriggley babies.. Liara I can usually distract, not always but usually.. But with Sierra, it can take me up to 10 minutes to do a diaper change! Nearly 15-20mins just to dress her. She is a very active baby, she does not keep still although I am working with her on this with some tips from PT. When we use the change table, she will constantly try to either turn over or look over the side, and even though with the downstairs change table has straps, the upstairs doesn't and I get so stressed changing her, I've even stopped using cloth on her because I can't bear the struggle. I've tried changing her on the floor but this doesn't help at all and is terrible for my back. Just over a month ago I tore a disc and it has finally got better but I really have to be careful. And while I'm changing them, sometimes I can feel a twinge because they've twisted so much, I have to twist too, especially if it's a dirty diaper and I don't want it to get everywhere!

    She understands 'no' but during diaper changes, she actually laughs at me! If I giver her a toy, it might distract her for 30secs until she throws it over the side and then tries to twist to look at it.

    This has been going on for nearly 6months now and I'm at my wits end! Anyone have anything they've tried which I haven't already?
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I used to have to manhandle Alice. Can you change her on your bed? Our bed is pretty high so that helped with the back pain part, and it kept her from falling off since I could grab her. What about a mobile or something above the changing area?
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  3. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    After a while my toys had to be creative- like their bulb syringe or diaper cream tube. If they had a favorite toy I wasn't above putting that away, either. My other thing I did was sit on the floor (I know this is tough for you) and thread their legs underneath mine so they were pinned. I have rather large hands and could hold their legs with one hand (as they tried to twist like a fish) and wipe with the other. My final suggestion is singing - will she stop if you just start singing to her?
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  4. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    I changed her on the bed yesterday when DH was using the change table, you're right, Bex it is easier, I'll have to work what to do with Liara though while I'm changing Sierra if I use the bed as it's upstairs (those damned stairs are the bane of my existence!)... Our ceilings are quite high and we're in a rental so I've been a little reluctant to put something up, need to have some thinking time.

    And Michelle, you know I tried to pin her yesterday (as you described) and she got out each time! OMG she's Houdini I swear! Today I managed to wedge the safety belt under her arms with her legs from the knees down hanging over the edge and me pinned against them but I'm scared of hurting her and/or leaving bruises :(

    PS thank you and no, singing, whistling, every other noise has worn off its novelty
  5. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Do you have a baby-safe area? We bought a Superyard and two extra panels, we called it the "Octagon," and used it to fence off the good part of the living room from the bad part of the living room, so that way we could drop a kid in there if we had to step out of the room for a minute or ten.
  6. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ok, in desperation, I've been known to break out the iPod touch or put on a movie literally for 2 minutes.
  7. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member


    My kids don't know what sitting still means... Ever since they were 8-9 months, we stopped using regular diapers - and we started using Huggies Little Movers Slip-On Diapers

    These look like underwear when you take them out of the box, but when you need to take them off, they can be undone like a diaper. We always change them on a bed and after I take the dirty diaper off and I clean them, I sit on the edge of the bed and I am holding the kid on my lap with their back towards me, and slip those on like regular underwear, then I stand them up to pull them up. It's much easier on everyone. You can buy some smaller size box in a store to see if you like them, mine are size 4 now, so maybe yours would be size 2 or 3. We always buy these on Amazon - it's the best deal.
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  8. Janclamat

    Janclamat Well-Known Member

    My 9 month old wiggle worm loves to be tickled with my hair and tries to grab at it while I changer her. That and singing (which doesn't always work) is what helps keep her a bit less wiggly. Just make sure you don't get your hair in the mess!
  9. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    Whenever possible during that stage, I would change them on the floor and hold them down with my bare feet. Or have one of my older kids come play with them... patty cake type games were usually enough distraction that I could get them cleaned up and a new diaper on before they remembered to fight me on it.
  10. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    Yes that's it, Monica!! I am going to get some of Huggies Pants, I am going shopping today so will look for them, somehow I can see me traipsing to a few stores, but I am now on a mission.

    Thank you so much everyone! I now have a game plan... bed, knees and feet, old phone lol!!! some great ideas here... plus I get a few days rest as DH has finally got a weekend off then Aliah gets back from holidays at her Dad's on Wednesday so I'll have the extra pair of hands then too. My back is thanking me already :)

    PS: Bec, we have something similar but our house is a little weird shaped so it's a bit of a mission to get it out and put it up. But my main problem with Liara (with both of them actually) is that I usually have to sneak out of the room if I leave them.. you know, I'm sure, what I mean by that :)
  11. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    UPDATE: I have to say a VERY BIG [​IMG]to all of you ladies!

    I bought the pull up nappies (yes we call them nappies!) - and while they are a lot more expensive, it has made my life a whole lot easier so, absolutely worth it. I'm only using them when they are in their 'frisky' mood. (I don't know why I didn't know about them before, I'm a Huggies member!) - I'm now though looking at my cloth with dismay although it is winter here so I guess it saves me drying time.

    I've also found that the trick of diaper cream tubes and aspirators very handy too (while the novelty lasts) I guess I just felt weird giving them that before, germs whatnot, but hey whatever works...

    Now if I could just get Sierra to stop picking on her sister... :)
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