would love to compare notes with someone whose twins were born full-term at end of september/early o

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by tammygb, Dec 8, 2007.

  1. tammygb

    tammygb Well-Known Member

    anyone interested?
  2. daisydoll

    daisydoll Well-Known Member

    Sure I will... my twins were born October 2nd.
  3. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    Our's were born September 20th at 38 weeks. I'll happily compare notes.
  4. fluffhead

    fluffhead Well-Known Member

    me too -- mine were born october 8th at 38 weeks.....
  5. Manda2059

    Manda2059 Well-Known Member

    Mine were born October 1st.
  6. jenniej

    jenniej Well-Known Member

    Great idea!!! Mine were 9/26 at 36 1/2 weeks.....I could use some pointers!
  7. tammygb

    tammygb Well-Known Member

    glad to know there are so many of us here! here are some questions (and my answers). i'd love to hear from everyone else

    1. how much are your twins eating/how often? (formula or breast milk?)
    mine eat 4- 6 oz every 3 hours - formula

    2. what is 'bedtime' and do you have a routine? then, how many times do they wake to eat in the night?
    bedtime is 9:30 and we don't have a routine, other than change into jammies, feed bottle, then bed. they wake once or twice

    3. do you have any kind of nap routine?

    4. are you taking them out yet? if so, how do you do it?
    not really. i have help during the week, so i try to do what i need to while she is at my house. otherwise, i do it on weekends/evenings.

    5. are you going back to work outside the home? if so, when?
    yes, jan. 14.

    Please feel free to add to the questions. These are the ones I can think of right now!
  8. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    I would love to join too

    1. how much are your twins eating/how often? (formula or breast milk?)
    my dd eats 2-4 oz every 3-5 hrs and my ds eats 5 oz every 3 hours - formula and ebm

    2. what is 'bedtime' and do you have a routine? then, how many times do they wake to eat in the night?
    bedtime is 7:30-8 and baths at 5-6, change into jammies, feed bottle, then bed. they wake once or twice

    3. do you have any kind of nap routine?

    4. are you taking them out yet? if so, how do you do it?
    not really that much, i live on the third floor at my apartment so going down three flights of stairs is no easy task. Once I am out it isn't bad, mommameg gave me great advice put one in the carseat in the cart and one in the baby sling on you and people dont realize you have twins and stop you less.

    5. are you going back to work outside the home? if so, when?
    no, they gave my job away so I am looking into work from home

    6. What developmental things are they doing right now?
    Mine are right on track with smiling, cooing, awareness and recognition. they can hold their heads up very well on their own too!

    7. What is your biggest challenge right now?
    getting dd to finish a full bottle without crying. once she has to stop and burp, she starts crying and then doesn't want to finish her bottle
  9. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    1. how much are your twins eating/how often? (formula or breast milk?)
    ds5 ounces, dd 24- ounces every 2-3 hours- formula

    2. what is 'bedtime' and do you have a routine? then, how many times do they wake to eat in the night?
    we turn the lights out after the 6:30 bottle and let them sleep downstairs, after their 9:30 bottle they go up to bed. usually they only wake once to eat around 3-4, sometimes twice

    3. do you have any kind of nap routine?
    we try and have a good routine down until 4 o'clock, then it gets sketchy

    4. are you taking them out yet? if so, how do you do it?
    i take them out for my own sanity, to places like meijer, target, starbucks etc. i just load them in the car and use the double stroller when we get there. i have a hook on my double stroller to hang a shopping bag/basket from.

    5. are you going back to work outside the home? if so, when?
    yes, jan. 3 2 days a week

    6. What developmental things are they doing right now?
    lots of smile and agoos, both are holding up their heads and can roll from back to side.

    7. What is your biggest challenge right now?
    getting dd to sleep, once she falls asleep its great but the only place she;ll fall asleep is in my arms.

    8. do your twins look at each other??
  10. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    1. how much are your twins eating/how often? (formula or breast milk?)
    Katie is eating 5-6 ounces every 3-4 hours of formula with a little rice cereal in it.

    2. what is 'bedtime' and do you have a routine? then, how many times do they wake to eat in the night?
    Bedtime is 9 PM... yes we have a routine. We play, get dressed for night time eat a bottle then lay her down in her bed. She then sleeps all night long until 7-8 AM.

    3. do you have any kind of nap routine?
    Yes. She wakes around 8 AM, eats, plays and then is back down by about 9:30-10 AM. Sleeps until about 11:30 and eats and then we play and entertain her a little bit. She takes a quick catnap and when she wakes we play or eat depending on what she wants to do. I pretty much go by all of her cues, and it works out so well that way.

    4. are you taking them out yet? if so, how do you do it?
    She's been out a little, we went grocery shopping last weekend. With the twins I didn't take them out without help for a while. It was just to complicated.

    5. are you going back to work outside the home? if so, when?

    6. What developmental things are they doing right now?
    Mine are right on track with smiling, cooing, awareness and recognition. they can hold their heads up very well on their own too (ditto on that)

    7. What is your biggest challenge right now?
  11. Manda2059

    Manda2059 Well-Known Member

    1. how much are your twins eating/how often? (formula or breast milk?)
    Breastfeeding only. They nurse about 3 to 4 hours. I think they are getting about 5 ounces each.

    2. what is 'bedtime' and do you have a routine? then, how many times do they wake to eat in the night?
    They are "down for the night" at 6 after changing diapers and clothes and the last nursing session. They usually wake twice during the night.

    3. do you have any kind of nap routine?
    We take the first morning nap in their crib (just started this..all other naps and at night they sleep in our bed). I usually feed them and put on some music for a "routine".

    4. are you taking them out yet? if so, how do you do it?
    Yes..some. Maybe 3 or 4 days a week we go on an errand or something. Just normal mommy places like Target.

    5. are you going back to work outside the home? if so, when?

    6. What developmental things are they doing right now?
    Smiling and just starting to coo.

    7. What is your biggest challenge right now?
    One of our sons has reflux..that has definitely been the most challenging thing so far. It's very sad. And both babies are sick right now with an aweful cold...cough and fevers...the whole bit.

    8. do your twins look at each other??
    They have briefly noticed each other...yes. They don't sit and stare at each other though.
  12. dmarie

    dmarie Well-Known Member

    1. how much are your twins eating/how often? (formula or breast milk?)
    Breastfeeding only. They nurse about 3 to 4 hours. Not really sure how much their getting, but I do know they are gaining weight.

    2. what is 'bedtime' and do you have a routine? then, how many times do they wake to eat in the night?
    We start our bedtime routine around 9 pm, and they are down for the night between 10 & 11 pm, and they wake one time for a feeding.

    3. do you have any kind of nap routine?
    Not really. We probably should though. Well, I do notice that they are down in the afternoon between 2:30-4:30 pm.

    4. are you taking them out yet? if so, how do you do it?
    Yes..probably a few times a week. That's if I have a sitter for my 2 yr. old

    5. are you going back to work outside the home? if so, when?
    No...working from home p/t

    6. What developmental things are they doing right now?
    Smiling and just starting to coo.

    7. What is your biggest challenge right now?
    My daughter has reflux..that has definitely been the most challenging thing so far. It's very sad. And also my 2 yr. old is ver, very challenging.

    8. do your twins look at each other??
    They have briefly noticed each other...yes. They don't sit and stare at each other though.
  13. tammygb

    tammygb Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Manda2059 @ Dec 9 2007, 11:07 AM) [snapback]526660[/snapback]
    6. What developmental things are they doing right now?
    Smiling and just starting to coo.
    7. What is your biggest challenge right now?
    I really need them to sleep through the night. And, I'm afraid that Alex has plagiocephaly. (The ped is on it, so I'll probably take him to a specialist soon.)
    8. do your twins look at each other??
    No, but Evan just started to recognize and look at his big sister.
  14. jenniej

    jenniej Well-Known Member

    1. how much are your twins eating/how often? (formula or breast milk?)
    Breastfeeding with some formula or EBM when I need a break. Really varies from cluster feeds every 1 1 /2 some days to 3 hours.

    2. what is 'bedtime' and do you have a routine? then, how many times do they wake to eat in the night?
    We start our bedtime routine around89 pm, or whatever the closest feeding is. They sometimes will go down within 30-40 minutes sometimes not until it is time for the next feeding really!

    Am I the only one that is not sleeping at night??? We generally have them down by 10 or 11 then they wake at 1 or 2 (since the last ate at 8 or 9) and then there is usually a feeding at 4 -6. I typically will not call this the start of the day and try to get them back to bed right after that early AM feedings (almost always works) and they sleep until 9 or 10 AM. I suppose that is there 1st AM nap?

    So is that 2 wakings in a night? It seems like a lot more than that but maybe it is because we almost always struggle getting at least one of them to sleep. What do you all mean by wakes once or twice a night? What do you consider "night"?? It seems like everyone is getting a better deal with this....share please my DH and I need sleep!!!

    3. do you have any kind of nap routine?
    Not really - we are trying. If I put them down at first sign of being sleepy they will nap in cribs/pnp otherwise swing/bouncy seat.

    4. are you taking them out yet? if so, how do you do it?
    For my sanity. I'll take just one sometimes or with both use the double stroller if I am alone. We go to church but now with them being more alert it is hard to get them to stay quiet!

    5. are you going back to work outside the home? if so, when?
    will go back in mid-May to decide if I want to go back.

    6. What developmental things are they doing right now?
    Same as everyone else. I noticed our daughter is more social or son more physically developed. DD learned that she can move toys with her feet/hands and giggles at it....REALLY CUTE!!

    7. What is your biggest challenge right now?
    Getting them to bed at night and take naps during the day.

    8. do your twins look at each other??
    Yes - they seem to know each other and at times "hate" each other - I think because we aren't up to speed on tandem and they often are waiting on the other :)

    9. Do you have your twins sharing a crib/room?
  15. fluffhead

    fluffhead Well-Known Member

    1. how much are your twins eating/how often? (formula or breast milk?)
    BF DD almost exclusively, DS gets BF each time with formula supplement 1-2 oz. every other feed or so. We are giving each a formula bottle at night and I am pumping and storing at that time. Gvies me a break and DH can feed the kiddos. They are feeding about every 3-4 hours. WE get about 7 feeds in a 24 hour span, but BF sessions often last about 30 minutes!

    2. what is 'bedtime' and do you have a routine? then, how many times do they wake to eat in the night?
    After a few horrible days recently, I decided we needed to strat getting the kids to bed much earlier and sticking with a routine. We had been keeping them downstairs with us in the living room till 10 or 11pm, then giving thier last feed and putting to bed in thier cribs. Most nights we spent tryiong to calm crying babies. Just in the past 3 or 4 dyas, I have instituted a 7pm bedtime (roughly). Routine is pretty simple -- bath every other night (they hate it!), up to nursery to change into pj's, nurse while listening to music, rock for a few minutes, and put in crib. It has worked so far most of the time (although last night DD would not stay asleep!). One will usually wake around 11pm (so the other one gets to eat too), then again around 3am, then up for the day at 7am.

    3. do you have any kind of nap routine?
    Again -- really trying hard to get this one dwon in the last few days or so. I've been trying to wathc thier drowsy signs and put them down before they get really fussy. It seems like they really only can make it about 1.5 hours from waking before needing to sleep again. During the day, I put them in the pnp in the back room downstairs, but I'm hoping to transition them to cribs soon. Naps generally are around 8:30-10:00, 11:45-2:00, and shorter nap around 4pm-5pm (this has only been the last few days, though). I have the vacuum cleaner on during soothing and the first 10 minutes or so of napping -- it puts them right to sleep :) Naps have lasted about 1.5-2 hours, with some brief waking and fussing by DS most of the time.

    4. are you taking them out yet? if so, how do you do it?
    I will take them out occasionally if DH is with me. We have gone to a football game, Babies R us, grocery store, and yesterday to get a christmas tree. We took them in the stroller yesterday, but have used the bjorns on other occasions.

    5. are you going back to work outside the home? if so, when?
    jan. 3rd, and the babies will go to daycare :(

    6. What developmental things are they doing right now?
    Smiling, laughing, just starting some cooing. Tracking well.

    7. What is your biggest challenge right now?
    Soothing both babies at the same time for naps, so I don;t miss my window of opportunity and one gets too fussy and overtired. I REALLY wish I had three arms!

    8. do your twins look at each other??
    Sometimes, but they don't really have interst in eachother -- they much prefer mommy or daddy.

    9. Do you have your twins sharing a crib/room?
    They are in separate cribs in the same room and have been from the start. We have the twin pnp for naps
  16. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    1. how much are your twins eating/how often? (formula or breast milk?)

    -They're eating 8oz every four hours (formula)

    2. what is 'bedtime' and do you have a routine? then, how many times do they wake to eat in the night?

    -Usually, they go down around 9:00 and sleep through until 5:00 am

    3. do you have any kind of nap routine?

    -They eat at 11:30 (give or take) and then sleep until 2:00-ish. This coincides with DS2's naptime so I can get stuff done

    4. are you taking them out yet? if so, how do you do it?

    -Yes and no. Right now it's really difficult because we're having major renovations done in our home. So, I need to be here during the day to make decisions and let workers in and out. But, DH and I have both taken them out to various things. Usually, I put them together in the back half of the double stroller and put DS2 in the front.

    5. are you going back to work outside the home? if so, when?

    -Nope, I'm a full-time SAHM

    6. What developmental things are they doing right now?

    -Just the normal stuff. They're smiling and being a little more vocal. Riley really really wants to turn over, but hasn't mastered it yet.

    7. What is your biggest challenge right now?

    -Ummm...I'm not sure. Things are really going very smoothly. Maybe getting them to sleep a little bit longer?

    8. do your twins look at each other??

    -Not really, but they do reach out to one another and make noises to see if the other one responds

    9. Do you have your twins sharing a crib/room?

    -Yes. I'm not ready to separate them yet, but I know it's coming the more they move around.
  17. monique+2

    monique+2 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(4lilmonkeys @ Dec 9 2007, 11:44 PM) [snapback]527311[/snapback]
    1. how much are your twins eating/how often? (formula or breast milk?)

    -my babies eat about 4 oz every 2-3 hours, they are always hungry.

    2. what is 'bedtime' and do you have a routine? then, how many times do they wake to eat in the night?

    -Usually, they go down around 10 and wake up around 1 and then again around 5 which is time to get up anyway.

    3. do you have any kind of nap routine? no but they sleep great during the day they made there own routine. They are up for like 4 or 5 hours during the day total and that is from about 6am - 10p


    4. are you taking them out yet? if so, how do you do it?

    -Yes and no. Itake them to the babysitters and family's house but not to the store or anywhere. I'm so scared of not being prepared out there.

    5. are you going back to work outside the home? if so, when?I would love to be SAHM, but I am back to work and have been for 2 weeks already. Taking them to the sitter was alot easier than I thought it would be. She is excellent!

    6. What developmental things are they doing right now?

    -They're smiling and being a little more vocal. Hold their heads up very well can roll over to the side. Stand when I stand them up with very strong legs and they are very aware of their hnds and how to use them they can practically hold their own 4oz. Avent bottle

    7. What is your biggest challenge right now?getting them to sleep through the night.

    8. do your twins look at each other??

    -yes. they are aware of each other it seems like DD is jealous of DS like she has to get all the attention and stares him down when he is being held by her dad or anyone else. DS on the other hand seems to care about DD so much like when she cries he reaches for her and stares at me and her to see if she is okay it is so sweet :D

    9. Do you have your twins sharing a crib/room?

    -Yes. I'm not ready to separate them yet. They share a pnp too. But they are getting kind of big for it in a couple of months I will add another crib to the room and they can still share a room I think they like being together though.
  18. Elizabeth619

    Elizabeth619 Member

    1. how much are your twins eating/how often? (formula or breast milk?)

    They are at 4 oz every 3 hrs. during the day. At night we give them 5-6 oz

    2. what is 'bedtime' and do you have a routine? then, how many times do they wake to eat in the night?

    Usually by 6:30 we start the bedtime routine of bath, bottle in their room and they are down by 7:00 p.m. They usually wake up about midnight and then maybe 3:30/4:00 a.m. and then lately they have been waking up for the day by 7:00 a.m. which really stinks since I'm exhausted...

    3. do you have any kind of nap routine?
    Not really... I just try to get them to nap at the same time which is a challenge..

    4. are you taking them out yet? if so, how do you do it?
    Oh yeah I have to get out. I might just go to Target or even just go out for a drive.

    5. are you going back to work outside the home? if so, when?
    I just quit my job!

    6. What developmental things are they doing right now?

    They are both smiling but Carter is a lot more smiley and he's really making a lot of cooing sounds.. Alex is a little more serious and while he smiles it's not that often.. He's not really making noises just yet..

    7. What is your biggest challenge right now?
    getting them to sleep at the same time during the day and sleep longer stretches at night

    8. do your twins look at each other??

    they look at each other although I'm not totally sure they are really aware of each other.. God only knows what is going on in their heads!

    9. Do you have your twins sharing a crib/room?

    They share a room but separate cribs.
  19. daisydoll

    daisydoll Well-Known Member

    1. how much are your twins eating/how often? (formula or breast milk?)
    forumla they eat anywhere from 4-8oz each feeding. During the day about 3-4 hours and night 5-8 hours.

    2. what is 'bedtime' and do you have a routine? then, how many times do they wake to eat in the night?
    Chase (baby A) eats 7-8oz around 7-8 and then wants to eat 4oz around 9-10. He will sleep about 6-8 hours. Spencer (baby
    B) eats about 6oz around 8-9 and then wakes up about 2 & 6am.

    3. do you have any kind of nap routine?
    No but I am going to start. I need to get them to nap in their cribs instead of in their bouncy chairs or the floor.

    4. are you taking them out yet? if so, how do you do it?
    Yes I have taking them out. To the doctor several times and also to the mall, breakfast and to my mothers (she lives about 3 hours away)

    5. are you going back to work outside the home? if so, when?
    I am not officially going back to work right now. However, I am doing stuff for them at home when I can and I will be going in to train their new person in the beginning of the new year.

    6. What developmental things are they doing right now?
    They are cooing alot and smiling. Oh trying to laugh too

    7. What is your biggest challenge right now?
    going to bed and starting a routine

    8. do your twins look at each other??
    no they don't. My first twin looks just like my first son

    9. Do you have your twins sharing a crib/room?
    My twins are in the own cribs but in the same room
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