worth a trip to the pedi?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by fuchsiagroan, Apr 15, 2008.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Andrew has been having a hard time lately. I don't know what's gotten into him, but he has been much fussier than usual for easily a couple weeks now. Sometimes it's like having a colicky infant. NOTHING pleases him. Holding him doesn't work, entertaining him doesn't work. Usually the only fix is a ride in the stroller. Sometimes it's just extreme fussing, other times I wonder if he's in pain - he thrashes around, arches his back and throws his head back. He still has some smiley moments, but they seem so rare. It is driving me crazy. I feel so bad for him, seeing him suffer and not being able to help. I don't think it's teething - teething hasn't made him like this before, and I've tried giving him ibuprofen just in case - no effect at all.

    Could it be a reaction to a food? Could he have developed reflux just recently? Should I take him to the pedi? Is there anything they can do? (I'm afraid we'll go to all the trouble of getting out the door only for the dr to scratch her head and say, Well, there's nothing wrong with him.)
  2. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Andrew (my Andrew :)) was like that in December for about a week. I was taking Elizabeth to the pedi for a sick visit and decided to drag him along with me as well. It turned out that he had an ear infection in both ears! Poor guy :( He never complained about it, he just acted miserable and was not himself. Can he tell you if anything is hurting him? I would probalby go. I would rather spend the $20 and be sure that nothing is wrong!

    ETA - that 15-17 months was a ROUGH time for mine. They were really fussy and irritable due to their lack of communication skills. I started signing with them then to help with their frustration. I just realized that you are in this age bracket! That said, if you are concerned I would still have him checked.
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I would take him. He is old enough now that I wouldn't expect big behavior changes without an underlying cause. If you just started giving them cow's milk, it could be that, or it could be an EI, or maybe molars?
  4. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    The 1-year molars can be really painful when coming in....maybe that? But if you don't think it's teething, then I would probably take him in, just to rule out ear infections....

    Poor kiddo. Hope it's just a difficult stage that passes soon!
  5. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I would take him too. But I am the "jump the gun" momma when taking kids to the Ped. With that said, I do agree with the others about cutting molars. Derek is cutting them now top 2 came in about a week and a half ago together and now the bottoms are just about to cut through maybe tomorrow. He is one miserable little boy. Sometimes Motrin helps and sometimes he just wants his Momma. Hang in there.

    ETA: The ear infection is another possibility. Mine never run fevers just get really crabby.
  6. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    That age was REALLY hard for me, I had an extremely clingy ds who is only recently been better about it. We are talking going from smiling to crying, more like sobbing with no clue what caused it. He DRAINED me on a daily basis at that age, I mean DRAINED :help: (tried to find a better "smilie", but there wasn't one for pulling out hair, with bags under the eyes, longing for a glass of wine, lol).
    I really think it was his molars and just an age where he REALLY wanted to communicate but couldn't.

    Did they just have thier 1year check-up? Was this going on before you went? if so then it may just be a phase :hug99:
  7. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(excitedk @ Apr 15 2008, 09:10 PM) [snapback]723675[/snapback]
    That age was REALLY hard for me, I had an extremely clingy ds who is only recently been better about it. We are talking going from smiling to crying, more like sobbing with no clue what caused it. He DRAINED me on a daily basis at that age, I mean DRAINED :help: (tried to find a better "smilie", but there wasn't one for pulling out hair, with bags under the eyes, longing for a glass of wine, lol).
    I really think it was his molars and just an age where he REALLY wanted to communicate but couldn't.

    Did they just have thier 1year check-up? Was this going on before you went? if so then it may just be a phase :hug99:

    I agree. That age had some really challenging periods. I would take him in just in case, but don't be terribly shocked if they really can't find a cause.
  8. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    I would have him checked, just in case. Poor baby (and poor Mama, too!).
  9. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    I agree, it's worth a trip to rule out an EI. Mine both had one w/out any of the usual signs (well, they must have had something, cause i brought them to the pedi...)

    that said, D has started to get super-clingy and throw occasional fits as well; I'm wondering if it's just an age thing.

    Hope it changes soon - it can be extremely challenging, esp. as there are two of them but only ONE of you!
    good luck - keep us posted.
  10. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    I WISH he were clingy! If all I had to do was hold him/sling him all the time, we'd have it made! But when he gets like this, even holding him doesn't work.

    I'll see how it goes today and will probably make an app't for tomorrow. Interesting idea, though, about it just being developmental. He hasn't figured out how to sign yet, so there are definitely communication difficulties.
  11. annieuetz

    annieuetz Well-Known Member

    Have you recently started dairy? Our girls became totally different girls when they started dairy and got double ear infections. They were allergic to dairy and ear infections are a symptom of dairy allergies. We eliminated dairy and within 3 days they were back to their normal self. We reintroduced it and they became horrible again. They have been dairy free since.
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