We are thinking of getting the boys some type of workbench for Christmas. I bought one two years ago at a tag sale-that stays in the garage. They really do enjoy using it(it's old and with missing pieces). Step 2 just came out with one a few weeks ago. It's this Step 2. It looks pretty neat to me. Anyone have the Black and Decker ones or Home Depot? Not much comes up when I google it. And I haven't seen any at TRU.
I just saw the B&D ones at Costco yesterday and they look soooo cool! I think for xmas we're going to downsize a bunch of their misc toys and get them that workbench, they already have the toolset from Target and the quality of it is incredible. And the pieces act like real tools.
Hmm...Our Costco here doesn't have one. Yet at least. I like to see them in person, especially something big like that. What toolset from Target?
Last year Target had the B&D tools in a box, like 50 pieces, screwdrivers, drills, circular saw, hammers, a working (!!) measuring tape, screws, plastic wood to screw/nail together, wrenches, pliers, you name it, they had it. I picked it up on clearance for less than $10 in January. Okay, you made me look. . .links! tool bench, I think this is the one at Costco tool kit
Thanks Bex!! My mom and dad might be interested in getting something at Costco. LOVE that store!!! With 4 boys, it's great for food!
Wow, that workbench is some kind of awesome. I may have to put it on the boys' Christmas list along with a play kitchen to balance it out!
We have this one by Educo http://www.amazon.com/Educo-ED706420-My-Professional-Workshop/dp/B000JT5LZ6/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1288040239&sr=1-6 It's nice, pretty easy to put together and has storage for all the stuff. Comes with wooden tools and quite a few pieces, big enough for both boys to work together. They seem to like it but with anything it goes in streaks. They are 2.5 and have some room to grow into it.
I just love the fact that both A&R grab two pieces of plastic wood and a screw and screw the pieces together, working together. Alice will hold the wrench and the screw and Royce will hold the wood together, and like ten minutes later they come running up with huge smiles, "Look!!"
That black and decker one is the one I've been looking at. I need to keep my eye out for it at Costco. I know in the past I've seen some b&d stuff at Christmas Tree Shops...
At what age do they 'get' workbenches? I know that DS will love them down the road, but for now I'm not too sure what he could do with it? What do kids typically do when they play with those?
A&R got some last year for xmas thanks to Mellizos, and they played with them some then, but had been mostly interested in the accompanying tools. Now and then they play with the benches, but it's still mostly the tools. Same with the play kitchen, they play with it occasionally but not as extensively as my BF's daughter does, and hardly ever make me cakes. <_< They're much more about playing with superheros and cars and not so much the role playing type of play.
When I've gone to friends houses who have them, my boys have used them appropriately from the get go. They get down on their hands and knees and try to fix things. Or they go to other toys, or if they see screws on furniture and pretend to fix things like daddy. I know when dh puts things together, the kids are always right next to him and are VERY eager to help him. For them, they want to be just like daddy and that is something that interests them. The play kitchen...yeah...my kids only make "cafe" for Nonni. That's about all we are serving over here!
My girls loved playing with their cousins' toy tools/bench last christmas (at 2 1/2). But we are doing construction on our house so they've used various toys as hammers/nails/screws/saws for a very long time to be like daddy.