Wont stop screaming! HELP!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Krazyk7757, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. Krazyk7757

    Krazyk7757 Active Member

    I have 1 year old twin boys. Gavin, is into everything, but very calm natured. Grant, has always been very sensitive. I work full time, and they go to 2 different babysitters 4 days a week. I keep getting the same report from both of them. For about a week now, Grant will scream bloody murder if you leave the room. They said he just looks terrified. :( He is only content with either being held, or sitting right beside him. They have tried ingnoring him, a couple times, for up to 25 minutes! but he wont stop screaming! He's been to the doc, no ear infection, not sick. But he doesn't do this at home?! What's going on?? could it be separation anxiety? at a year old??
  2. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I would say seperation anxiety. Jake is the same way, although it has been getting better. For about a month, if he even see me leave the room, he would scream. I would try to distract him so I could walk up the stairs and sometimes it would work, but other times he would freak out.

    He still freaks out, but not as much. My problem now is when it's bedtime, I try to snuggle with both. It does not matter who I snuggle with first, Jake will freak out if I'm holding Josh. Same with bath time.

    From what I've read it's a phase so I hope it ends soon. But I have read it can last up to 18-24 months. :eek:

    What I found that helps is playing peek-a-boo. As he is crawling, I catch him as he's going around and suprise him. I'll also do the same with a blanket. I'll put it over my head and tell him to find me and then I do the same with him.
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    It sounds like separation anxiety. If it were me, I wouldn't leave him screaming. Encourage your sitters to give him the attention he needs, even if it means something else will not get done for the time being. I have one that has had bouts of separation anxiety and if I give her just what she needs while she's working through the phase, it passes without incident. It's no fun having a baby glued to your hip every waking minute, but it's only temporary. :hug: I'm sorry he's going through this and I hope it passes quickly!! :hug:
  4. nymom4

    nymom4 Well-Known Member

    I also think seperation anxiety. My son cried for 3 straight weeks when he started daycare~ he didn't even want to eat. It was very sad but soon he adjusted & was his old self again. ( that's my older son, he's 22 now!). At the time he was 4. Good luck to you & I hope it gets easier on you & little Grant! :hug: Please, keep us posted!
  5. Krazyk7757

    Krazyk7757 Active Member

    Thank you! I'm hoping he'll adjust quickly. It just makes me feel terrible :( Thanks again for your support... it's nice to hear i'm not the only one with this problem!
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