won't stop crying!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by babymOmmax2, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. babymOmmax2

    babymOmmax2 Well-Known Member

    my twin boys are almost 3 weeks old & are totally different. angelo can sleep for 6 hours at a time if we'd let him and is a very content baby. anthony on the other hand ALWAYS wants to eat (4oz isnt even enough.. my pedi said try 5oz every 3-4 hours but that seems like an awful lot for a 20 day old baby). anyways.. he is constantly crying and ALWAYS looking for something to suck. we give him is binkie.. he spits it out and flips.. we burp him to relieve any gas.. doesnt work. we play with him, check his diaper, swaddle him, give him a bath, put him in a bouncer, NOTHING.

    i dont want to jump to the conclusion that hes a colicky baby but who knows..
  2. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    That is what it sounds like...

    You described my two to a T. Zack was peaceful and would sleep and just be calm... Jack on the other hand was fussy... nothing satisfied him. He had acid reflux.
  3. belinda07

    belinda07 Well-Known Member

    DD was similar, I think she had reflux too, so I sat her more upright to feed, it helped a lot. Also had to burp her 3 or more times during a feed. Sometimes she would only have a few sucks on the bottle and that would be enough to get wind. Had to watch which bottles I gave her because she sucked so strongly that she would get wind(tried a few sorts) She is fine now. Good luck.
    How is his sleeping?
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Did the ped mention reflux? Sometimes babies with reflux 1. eat a lot to self-soothe, and 2. like to suck because it helps them to keep from refluxing as much.

    Jacob was the same way, and he had awful reflux. :hug99:
  5. babymOmmax2

    babymOmmax2 Well-Known Member

    for those of you who have children with reflux.. is there any type of medication available for infants with this problem?
  6. Joanna Smolko

    Joanna Smolko Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Hang in there!!!!

    Have you tried a sling? Sometimes that rocky motion while you walk can help fussy/colicky babies.
  7. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    could be colic could be reflux. My DD had reflux that went away as she ate solids.

    Gripe Water is a godsend for me. try it. its all natural and you get it at the nature food stores. mine said gripe water for colic. there is also baby bliss gripe water both the same except baby bliss you didn't have to refrigerate. you can also fine both online. i bought 2 because i have heard good things about it and am glad i did. it's supposed to be good for the tummy. also since it is all natural it is safe for infants. also mylicon helped some but not as good as gripe water

    good luck
  8. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    reflux - talk to your ped and do not let him brush you off. My Ds is relatively calm and at 9.5 months my DD is still a wild, difficult to please, free spirit and, both had reflux. They were crazy fussy and cried all of the time and never slept as little bitty newborns. A little bit of temperment and a lot of reflux.

    Also, we settled on AXID for reflux. It worked for mine. I also liked it because it does not have any alcohol in it which many of them do. It tastes like bubblegum too!
  9. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    There are several different meds. for reflux.

    Also, how about trying: sling, swing, white noise or a different kind of pacifier?

    Good luck!
  10. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(babymOmmax2 @ Mar 21 2008, 05:57 PM) [snapback]681045[/snapback]
    for those of you who have children with reflux.. is there any type of medication available for infants with this problem?

    There are meds: Prevacid, Zantac, Axid...just to name a few. Talk to your Ped about your comforting issue and bring up reflux. Once mine got on meds, they were different babies.
  11. Liz Greco

    Liz Greco New Member

    have you tried just giving him more milk? My boys ate constantly from the day I brought them home. I tried the binky but neither one would ever take it.
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