Won't sleep through the night!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by southerngirl0627, Jul 17, 2009.

    My son used to sleep throught the night at 5 months but in the last couple of monthshe has gotten alot worse. So to save my self the sleep dprivation, I would let him sleep with me. Now they are almost one and we trying to break him of sleeping with anyone.
    Now I do soothe my twins to sleep. I ahev tried the cry it out method with both and they really won't give up. So I usually let them cry it out until they are really tired and them rock them to sleep. My Daughter sleeps pretty much through the night.
    My son who is a VERY light sleeper wakes numerous times through the night my husband who works 2nd shift and get home around midnight takes over with him when he gets home. About every 1-2 hours hes up!! I even noticed this when he slept with me. He tosses and turns ALOT. I know I should of never started him sleeping with me but I NEEDED sleep and the DR even recomended it when he was sick so he could be propt up to breathe. ANy suggestions I am dying here.. I want them to have healthy sleep habitd !!
  1. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I would say CIO. I'd be interested in what you've tried, what methods, how long you let them go, etc. to give better advice. Basically, if you let them CIO and ultimately go in to rock them when they are more tired, you are unintentionally teaching them to cry longer. That's the worst possible thing to do. If you are going to do CIO at all, you need to commit to the process you choose or you'll end up causing more problems than you fix. Let me know if you want more info. He's at a perfect age for CIO IMO.
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  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sleep deprivation is no fun for parents or baby! I would have to agree with Rachel and try CIO and see how that works. The first few nights might be rough but hopefully he will learn to soothe himself back to sleep. Does he sleep with any loveys? Or use a white noise machine (or fan, music)? Those might be some other things to help him soothe to sleep. Good luck!
  3. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    Poor you :hug: sleep deprivation is no fun. I agree with the PPs and would try CIO. It´s so hard to do (I had to do it with my DS for his naps) but it works and he will sleep better and so will you. GL!
  4. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    CIO might be the only solution at this point since he is old enough and you need to break him of bad habits. Mine still need it every few months or so due to some new stage. The one thing I introduced about this age (wished i did it much sooner) was get a white noise machine. My house is small and they are light sleepers too...
  5. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i agree with getting a white noise machine - sooo helpful in keeping loud noises from interupting their sleep.

    i also agree with Rachael that letting him cry and then going in to rock him to sleep is just reinforcing his crying behaviour. if you're confident he isn't teething & that he's not sick, my recommendation would be to put him to bed at bedtime & then not go back in until the morning. it's definitely not the easiest thing to listen to, but CIO is effective & efficient if you commit to it.

    there are our sleep training options that you can look into though if you don't think you want to do full blown CIO. whatever you decide to do though, you need to be consistent. that's the key to any kind of sleep training. GL!
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :hug: I agree with everyone else. He needs to learn to self-soothe so if he wakes up in the middle of the night, he can put himself back to sleep. :hug:

    How does he fall asleep for naps? Do you rock him?
  7. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    We've never done CIO and I would be happy to offer alternative solutions...

    Whats your current sleeping arrangement for you? his sister? him?
    What time do they go to bed? what time do they get up?
    how many naps a day? how long do they nap for?
    Is he working on anything new? walking? teething?
    Do you use a white noise machine or a cd? do you have a solid bedtime routine?
    Is he ever thirsty or need a diaper change when he wakes or just comfort? does he have a lovey?
    Is he dressed too warm or not warm enough?

    At almost a year they can understand a LOT of what you say. Id start by explaining that night time is for sleeping and that mommy is very tired and that mommy is going to go to sleep too and that you will see him in the morning. We told ours that daily, multiple times a day for about a week when we were transitioning them to sleeping all night without assistance going back to bed.
    We had a solid bedtime routine and put our kids to bed with a cup of water, played the white noise, make sure they had their lovies etc.
    Sleep is a monster but you do need it so hopefully you can find something that works!!!!
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