Won't Poop in the Toilet

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bkpjlp, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. bkpjlp

    bkpjlp Well-Known Member

    I'm PTing my singleton right now. She has been diaper free, except bedtime, for about 3 weeks. However, she refuses to poop on the toilet. We'll sit her on it for 10-15 minutes, she'll fart, then get off, only to poop in her undies about 5 minutes later. This happens everyday! I'm honestly scrubbing undies everyday! How do I get her over the fear of pooping in the toilet? We've tried MAJOR bragging too - nothing works! She does GREAT with potty!
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    How old is she? That was one thing my dd would do, but I wasn't seriously pting her at that time. I would try to explain that the toilet is where her poop belongs. It wants to be there. Good luck!
  3. firsttimer

    firsttimer Well-Known Member

    We are in the same boat. Her brother did the same thing about a month ago but finally got over it. We used a special prize (a thomas train) that helped. i also kept him naked and when he really had to go, I would sit next to him. Once he figured out it wasn't that hard he is now fine. I am figuring DD just needs some time and she will figure it out. The hardest part is getting that first one in the potty. I know the frustration of sitting on the potty only to get off and then have an accident in big girl pants :wacko:
  4. frickandfrack

    frickandfrack Well-Known Member

    My daughter was doing the same thing this week. Talked to the Ped who did an abdominal X-ray and exam and announced "your child is FULL OF POOP". I saw the X-rays and she was not kidding! Apparently this is very common. DD eats tons of fruit and veggies, poops 1-2x/day, and never seems to strain or complain of pain so constipation never crossed my mind. She has been put on Miralex [think that is what it is called] 2x/day and we have done 2 entemas to clean her out. Things are coming out quickly so she doesn't always make the potty, but it is already better after a couple of days. I would talk to your Ped.

    Best of luck!
  5. kt7776

    kt7776 Well-Known Member

    The constipation thing is definitely something to consider. If her stools are hard, it's going to hurt coming out.

    I posted a very similar question about my Ben a few weeks ago. He was not pooping in the potty at all. We were also sitting him on the potty forever with no results. I think what finally worked was putting him on there when we caught his very subtle signs, but letting him get down after trying a bit with NO undies on. I think the desire to not poop on the floor kept him running back to the potty whenever he felt a slight urge (he'll yell "I gotta go POOP!"). We kind of let him be in control and do his own thing, but the undies stay off during that period of time when we KNOW he needs to go. Sometimes he'll get on and off the potty six times before he finally gets up there and poops. Sometimes it will just take twice.

    Also, he has constipation problems. The Miralax was way too much for what he needed after a few days, so he's eating dried prunes (loves them) and it's working.

    We might have some regression at some point, but he seems to have gotten over that initial hurdle of absolutely refusing to do it in the potty.
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