Won't leave their hair thingies alone

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Snittens, May 1, 2007.

  1. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    How do you get your girls to leave their clips, bows, etc alone? Mine insist on having them now, but then they won't stop pulling them out and bugging me to put them back in. I tell them not to touch, but they keep doing it.
  2. Chrissy Nelson

    Chrissy Nelson Well-Known Member

    Honestly this is why my girls have short hair. I tried hair things (which they wanted) but they ended up yanking their hair out. I just did not have the energy.
  3. twingirls52905

    twingirls52905 Well-Known Member

    I have always put hairbows/bands in their hair so I guess mine are more used to it. They do take them out occasionally but for the most part (if they are busy), they leave them in. I just tell them to leave them in. They say "pretty" when I put them in their hair!
  4. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    I wish I had the answer to this myself, but unfortunately, we have the same problem! They look so cute with their hair fixed, but it never lasts long. If they forget about their own hair bows, the other one will usually take it out for them. I can't leave anything in their hair at naptime or in the car because they take it out and try to eat it. I just keep trying occasionally and figure one of these days they'll leave them in. :rolleyes:
  5. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    We don't do bows or barrettes for this reason. Reagan doesn't get anything in her hair b/c it's so fine it just falls out. Morgan gets a little side ponytail thing b/c we need to grow out some of her bangs. She has a weird cowlick which was causing her to have TON of bangs, so we had to let a chunk grow. We pull it up everyday with an elastic band. Well tel lher it's a "pretty" and she knows we don't touch "pretties" (like mommy's jewelry, etc). So, when I put it in, she will touch it and say, "pre pre mommy." Yep...and that's it!
  6. firemedic

    firemedic Well-Known Member

    I have the same problem. It seems like the more I say not to touch the more Emma does it. I have to take it out at naptime too.
  7. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I say just keep trying and tell her that you won't put it back in after the first time and see if that works? I have a hit or miss problem with it. Sometimes she leaves it and sometimes she doesn't! I have no real clue :)
  8. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    We don't use them for this reason! Mine won't leave them alone, and I don't have the patience to keep after them about it, so we're just holding off on using them until later. I also worry about them putting them in their mouth when I'm not looking, so I'd rather just not use them. We have cute little bobs with bangs. :)
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