Won't drink milk out of sippies

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bennysusie, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. bennysusie

    bennysusie Active Member

    My girls just turned one on the 12th. My daughters drink water fine out of sippies, but if anything else is in there other in water...they won't drink it. I have tried every sippy on the market, including straw sippies and I can't get them to drink milk out of any them. They take milk fine out of their bottles, slightly warmed of course. I am worried about them getting enough milk, since they weren't crazy about milk in the beginning. Both my husband and I never drink milk and I have a feeling they might be like us. I even tried a little strawberry quick to see if they would take the milk from sippies, not water, not interested. Both my hubby and I only drink water as well.

    They don't drink a lot of milk. They drink about 8oz in the morning and maybe 4- 6oz at night if I am lucky. Ii between, I hide milk in hot cereal and give them yougurt and cheese and other calcium rich foods.

    Anyone have advice or am I stuck with bottles until they go to college? ;)
  2. shelley79

    shelley79 Well-Known Member

    We have the same problem. Water and juice in sippies is fine, but if they even see me pouring milk in their sippy, they have a meltdown. I will be interested to see others' responses.
  3. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    When you take the bottles away there will be a time when they will drink less milk until they adjust. They know ow to use a sippy cup obviously so just keep offering the milk in the sippy. I did have a daughter who went from Breast Milk to whole milk and she would only drink chocolate milk. SHe turns 10 next month and she still only likes it chocolate but as my Ped said....better chocolate than not at all.

    YOu are doing the right thing to eat lots of cheese, yogurt and other dairy to compensate.

  4. mommycandi

    mommycandi Well-Known Member

    Mine will be two in a couple weeks and still won't drink milk out of a sippy! When i finally decided to drop the last bottle at 18 months (just at night before bed, and only b/c they weren't drinking milk any other way) i figured, that they would eventually start drinking it from the sippy, right? Wrong! Never went back after i dropped that bottle. I still offer and still get "no way"! They do eat a lot of cheese and dd eats yogurt. Once in a while i can get them to drink fruit and yogurt smoothies. I just make sure that i get a lot of calcuim fortified food into them... OJ, waffles/pancakes, apple juice, graham crackers, etc. The pedi says that a lot of kids at this age refuse and as long as they get calcium in other ways, they are ok. Neither of them are small, so i guess somethings going right!

  5. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    I think you're doing great. I think the recommendation is for 16 oz of dairy/calium per day so you're right on track with that between the milk and other dairy products.

    My boys go through phases where they drink milk like it's going out of style and other times where they hardly touch it. But when we first moved to sippies, we didn't get much milk drinking...now they average about maybe 12oz of milk in sippies and the rest comes from smoothies, yogurt, cheese, etc.
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