Woman kicked off Delta for BF

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Ky_sweet_tea, Nov 14, 2006.

  1. Ky_sweet_tea

    Ky_sweet_tea Well-Known Member

  2. Ky_sweet_tea

    Ky_sweet_tea Well-Known Member

  3. BBCanadianTwins

    BBCanadianTwins Well-Known Member

    That's just sick! We are going to be flying for the first time in 5 weeks. I wondered what the "laws" were.


    6 1/2 month Frat Boys
  4. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Makes me sick. I think I would have cause a big scene then and there to let people know why I was being kicked off. Then I would have made airport security come and escort me off for breastfeeding in public, which is completely legal.
  5. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] I'm glad our tickets are NOT on Delta.

    How many here think that the child's age was a factor? What about the blanket -- would anyone's baby put up with a blanket over them past the age when they could remove it themselves? I think I would have taken the blanket from the attendant, thanked her, then rolled it up and used it under the baby for support [​IMG]

    Also, did anyone else "vote"? I'm sickened that 7% think women shouldn't breastfeed in public, period.
  6. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    How would those who ff like to be told they have to go to a restroom to feed thier babies?????

    This is so sad.

    Molly and Zach 5 months
  7. mmhzmom

    mmhzmom Well-Known Member

    Thank you for sharing this article. I simply can't believe that this happened. I think that I would probably done as the woman did as I am likely to not be confrontational. Although, I would ask to see a POLICY that indicates that they REQUIRE the use of a cover up when bfing a child on the airline.

    I do think it is likely that the age of the child has a bit to do with it. I also wonder at the age of the attendant. I find that the younger women that I work with are less approving of public bfing and are "grossed" out by it.
  8. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I bet the childs age had a lot to do with it. I doubt if it had been a 2 month old baby that they would have been as upset IMHO.
  9. Mothership

    Mothership Well-Known Member

    This kind of attitude just disappoints me. I have this arguement with one of collegues because he gets "grossed out" when I mention that I am pumping in my classroom. He thinks that it not ok to NIP, but finds it perfectly acceptable to ff in public. I just chalk it up as ignorance on the whole subject. Men see our boobs as sexual objuects and not what they were intended for... so as far as I am concerned, NIP is not a problem, it's the people that see it as disgusting that are the problem.
  10. ali k

    ali k Well-Known Member

    I think she's going to be a rich woman (I hope so anyway!)
  11. W McNeely

    W McNeely Well-Known Member

    I feel for the woman, she was made to feel that she was doing something wrong, for a perfectly natural act. What is wrong with people!

  12. Jersey_Girls

    Jersey_Girls Well-Known Member

    Incredible. I wonder if the same flight attendant would have approached a woman in a low cut shirt and given her a blanket to cover up? Or do people just discriminate against good mothers?

    I am embarassed to say I have a sister who thinks women should not breast feed in public. Nice, huh? Needless to say, she and I don't see eye to eye.

    I am with pp- hope this woman gets very rich and changes the attitudes of people in this crazy world.
  13. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    That's awful [​IMG] I bf mine on airplanes and no one ever said a thing to me! The blanket thing seems pretty silly!
  14. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

    I probably would have taken the blanket and had my husband hold it next to us if the attendant insisted.. but then I would never fly delta again. I'll definitely keep that in mind when I have to fly again... not Delta, unless they admit they were wrong or change their policy.
  15. Faith_Pasc

    Faith_Pasc Well-Known Member

    I have tandem nursed on six different flights. Just two weeks ago we were flying back from Las Vegas and both babies were really fussy and crying and screaming. So, I nursed them both and I could tell the guy behind me was saying something about it to his wife and I wanted to just turn around and say, "You've just come back from Sin City and you have a problem with nursing two babies?!" I still cannot understand what people's problems are.

  16. Don2worrybhappy

    Don2worrybhappy Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't have left willingly.
  17. titania

    titania Well-Known Member

    we are flying in the morning and although i hope no one says anything to me, part of me wants to get into it with some ditzy flight attendant! [​IMG]

    also, be sure and sign the petition that is going around as a result of this. it can be found here.

    oh, and there is a nurse-in at 10 am at delta ticket counters tomorrow (tuesday) for anyone interested. we will be doing our part in the air! [​IMG] though its not a delta flight.
  18. a1cbrandy

    a1cbrandy Well-Known Member

    This is really sad. [​IMG] I hope Delta loses money over this. I know none of my babies that I have nursed on planes would let me cover their faces. I have tried. There are ways to be discret(sp) about nursing...but this is a natrual thing. I would be really mad..if this happened to me. [​IMG]

  19. yvonneinoregon

    yvonneinoregon Well-Known Member

    Wow is all I can say! I guess its ok to wear super short skirts and shirts that show your crack of your bum and cleavage, but nurse? FORGET IT!

    It is DISGUSTING! We should ALL ban Delta and not fly on their planes!
  20. yvonneinoregon

    yvonneinoregon Well-Known Member

    Incredible. I wonder if the same flight attendant would have approached a woman in a low cut shirt and given her a blanket to cover up? Or do people just discriminate against good mothers?

    AMEN! Or tatooed bum cracks???

    By the way, what does "ff" mean?
  21. 3under2

    3under2 Well-Known Member

    By the way, what does "ff" mean

    Formula Fed

    I eagerly await Delta's response to this and how it all plays out in or out of court. What a disgrace that anyone would be treated so poorly while attempting to do something so wonderful for her child. I hope that she makes lots of money!
  22. a1cbrandy

    a1cbrandy Well-Known Member

    I wrote Delta an e-mail asking them to explain their stance on breastfeeding moms. Here is the e-mail I got back from them...

    Dear Mrs. K,

    Thank you for your e-mail to Delta Air Lines.

    Delta Air Lines is disappointed to hear about the removal of the
    passenger onboard Freedom Airlines Flight 6160. As you may know, they
    are one of our Delta Connection partners.

    Delta supports a mother?s right to breastfeed her baby onboard our
    aircraft. Please let me assure you that we are working with Freedom
    Airlines on their investigation of this matter. Following the results
    of this internal investigation, Delta will work with Freedom (a
    subsidiary Mesa Air Group) to ensure that their procedures mirror
    Delta?s service standards.

    Again, thank you for contacting us. We will always welcome the
    opportunity to be of service.

    We appreciate your interest in Delta Air Lines.


    George Klein
    Online Customer Support Desk

    I am glad they answered me and gave an explanation.

  23. Ruth Anne

    Ruth Anne Well-Known Member

    i am glad they are apparently rethinking this, but it is still sad that public opinion is so mixed. sigh...how sad for our babies and their children. i do hope more people are educated and bf and what the normal length of time children should nurse becomes more understood. [​IMG]
  24. peanutpeddler

    peanutpeddler Well-Known Member

    I'm a flight attendant at a major carrier. And I'm breastfeeding my twins.

    As of this week....we, as flight attendant's are now in a position to deal with the fall out of this unfortunate situation.

    On my last flight, a little more than 36 hours ago...a young mother sat in row 8 with both her breasts just hanging out throughout the duration of the 4 hour flight, her baby occasionally nursing and at times just sleeping near.

    The woman just glared at me and was clearly attempting to intimidate me into doing something/anything to try and stop her.

    I had to just say nothing and move along or end up in a media nightmare or even worse.... face possible disciplinary action by a company who is left with little alternative.

    We all are held prisoner by people's antics and by how the media grabs and spins stories to incite people's ire and curiousity.

    Of course...all eyes were on me and the other passenger's were clearly mortified.

    And me..... well, as an employee hired to see to the safety and comfort of my passenger's....I was left powerless and deeply embarrassed.

    As a human being and a woman...I felt sad that our world all too often, comes down to these type of senseless confrontations.
  25. Ruth Anne

    Ruth Anne Well-Known Member

    now that is ridiculous too! trying to get you to say something just to cause trouble, embarrassing other passengers, and not really nursing much anyway wasn't the point of the whole thing. she gives us all a bad name. all i can say is shame on her and anyone who tries to capitalize on or distort the real issues. geez...how unfortunate! [​IMG]
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