Wish us luck - we're getting tubes tomorrow!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by cclott, Jan 31, 2007.

  1. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    The twins have to be at the hospital at 6:00 am tomorrow to get tubes in their ears. Not looking forward to the procedure or the recovery, but we are looking forward to the relief from all these ear infections!! They have each had 5 ear infections since the middle of October. I think I'll buy a new house with all the money I'm gonna save in Dr. and antibiotic copays!! Emily is also having a branchial cyst ( a tiny cyst on her neck) removed at the same time. I'm glad they could do both at the same time! Poor little ones! I hate that they have to go thru this when they are so little, but from what I hear it's so much better after the tubes!
  2. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    The twins have to be at the hospital at 6:00 am tomorrow to get tubes in their ears. Not looking forward to the procedure or the recovery, but we are looking forward to the relief from all these ear infections!! They have each had 5 ear infections since the middle of October. I think I'll buy a new house with all the money I'm gonna save in Dr. and antibiotic copays!! Emily is also having a branchial cyst ( a tiny cyst on her neck) removed at the same time. I'm glad they could do both at the same time! Poor little ones! I hate that they have to go thru this when they are so little, but from what I hear it's so much better after the tubes!
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    [​IMG]s, I am sure they will do great, and you will be amazed by the outcome! [​IMG]
  4. Brockgirl

    Brockgirl Well-Known Member

    You will love it after they get them!!! I was so surprised at what my son COULD NOT hear because of his ear infections. The day he got his tubes, he finally heard a dog bark outside...so we went and bought him one. He made all the difference in the world!
  5. gatormommy

    gatormommy Well-Known Member

    Good luck to your kiddos tomorrow!! I'm sure the outcome will be great! [​IMG]
  6. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Best of luck to you, dh and the kids. Just remember, they won't remember any of this. Unfortunately, you will so it's harder on you than them. But I can imagine how upsetting it must be for you. It's just not fair that these sweet tiny little beings of life should have to go through ANY of this crap but if it will make them better, happier babies then it's ALL worth it. Good Luck!! Let us know how it all went.
  7. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    Good luck tomorrow, I'll say an extra prayer tonight!

    Just be prepared for when they wake up, they will be very groggy and out of it, they will likely scream and cry and can be hard to calm down but that is just the confusion from the anethesia (my sons been under twice). The "wierdness" doesnt last long.

    I'll be thinking of you all!
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