wipes causing red, dry patches?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by newtothis, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    we use the BRU wipes. one of my LOs has been developing red, blotchy cheeks that look like little dry patches. i attributed it to the cold weather but now im wondering if its his wipes. i use the wipes for cleaning all the time during meal time, etc. he wakes up and they are fine but get worse after eating. (thought it was food but now im wondering if it could be the wipes?) just seeing if anyone else has dealt with this and has a suggestion as to what wipe to test out.
  2. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    My LO's are having similar issues, but not with those wipes. I was actually planning to post a thread about the diapers and wipes we are using! They've never had a diaper rash until the last couple of weeks, and now we are fighting it constantly. I plan to change back to the brands I had been using previously and see what happens (Target diapers and wipes is what we had been using consistently until my MIL bought us some diapers and wipes a few weeks ago).
  3. lio&ella

    lio&ella Active Member

    If I use wipes on my kids faces frequently it gives them a rash. It always has. And I use the "sensitive" wipes. I use wipes to wash their faces if we are out but at home I have to use a burp clothe or a soft wash clothe. Put aquaphor on their faces frequently and it should clear right up.
  4. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    so could it be the wipes i'm using?
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DD had this problem and the only wipes I could use on her was Pampers thick care sensitive. I also used the wipes for every other pee and tried to save them for when she had a poo. When she was red and dry like that, I would use a wet paper towel on her or an old washcloth and let her air dry and then cover it with petroleum jelly mixed with a little milk of magnesia.
    Sometimes it is the wipes, the diaper, how much they are peeing and pooping (thus how many times a day you are using wipes). You can always try to switch and see if something else works better.

    ETA: I am just re-reading this and I think you are talking about the cheeks on your DS's face and if you are....I would not use the wipes to clean his face, it could be with the cold outside and the heat inside, it's just drying out his face and use either a wash cloth or a paper towel and then cover with Aquaphor or petroleum jelly.
  6. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    My oldest DD had a problem with wipes on her bottom. I had to make my own because she'd end up with horrid rashes if I used them even once. My girlies couldn't use any wipes but a particular kind of huggies. My boys haven't had problems with any of them.

    It might also be a milk allergy or something else that's getting on his face. The rashes on his face were the main sign (low weight issues were another, unrecognized one) that helped my SIL (and her pedi) figure out that my nephew is allergic to dairy and eggs. I would start by using just a damp rag and see if it clears up, but if not maybe talk to your pedi about it.
  7. lio&ella

    lio&ella Active Member

    Its probably a combination of everything. Acidic foods (fruits), the baby wipes, dry skin and the cold air. Or it could be a food allergy. Baby wipes have lotions and perfumes in them, I wouldn't use them on my face on a regular basis. We have more sensitive skin on our face than on our bottoms. My kiddos have sensitive skin and get those little red blotchy cheeks very easily! Try washing their face with one of their wash clothes and plain water. I keep one at the sink all day along with a little babywash to clean them up with, then retire it to the wash at the end of the day. Be sure to put aquaphor on their cheeks though several times a day to clear up the rash.
  8. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    It's probably dry skin irritated by the wipes. Lather on some good lotion at all times! GL!
  9. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    It could be the wipes, it could be eczema (which is exacerbated by cold, dry weather). I would use a warm washcloth to wipe after meals and apply a non-irritating cream (like Vanicream, Eucerin, Aquaphor, etc.) to the damp skin after every meal. If it doesn't go away, I'd talk to your ped; they might recommend hydrocortisone cream or something similar.
  10. mamamolly

    mamamolly Active Member

    My son Max has mild excema and gets those dry patches on his cheeks sometimes. I usually wash his face with a washcloth (or wet paper towel) after a meal and if using wipes make sure they're "sensitive wipes." Last week, I grabbed a wipe (a flushable wipe which was was not "sensitive" I realized later on) and wiped his face when I noticed he still had some food on it and he had those red/dry cheeks from that for about a day. I usually put aquafor or vaseline or aveeno lotion on his face and that clears things up. So, I would try to stay away from the wipes on your LOs face and/or at least switch to the sensitive ones.
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