winter coats and car seats

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ~ilyse~, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. ~ilyse~

    ~ilyse~ Well-Known Member

    How do you all handle this? I know they say that nothing bulky should be worn while they are in their carseats but it is so cold outside. And it's not like I can get to them to put their coats on and off in the car without opening the doors.

    Also, what do you do when you are coming home at night with them in their pjs and hopefully sleeping? Do you not use the coats and just wrap them in a blanket so you can just put them in their crib/bed when you get home?
  2. MerMommy

    MerMommy Well-Known Member

    Mine always wear their coats in the car. I just loosen the belts a little (then retighten them once they are sitting in the chair). We have never worn our pjs out, but the blanket idea sounds fine. Just really bundle them and blast the heat.
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I always have mine wear their coats in the car, it is too cold not too. As for night time, we will put their coats on them or have the car warmed up already with the heat going and just put them in there with their PJ"s on, doesn't happen often that we have to do this though. Mine are good about going back to sleep once we are home. So I have done it both ways.
  4. ~ilyse~

    ~ilyse~ Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(summerfun @ Dec 20 2007, 09:32 AM) [snapback]541436[/snapback]
    I always have mine wear their coats in the car, it is too cold not too. As for night time, we will put their coats on them or have the car warmed up already with the heat going and just put them in there with their PJ"s on, doesn't happen often that we have to do this though. Mine are good about going back to sleep once we are home. So I have done it both ways.

    Yeah we don't do it ever, I just know I don't want to bring them home past bedtime and then first have to change them into pjs. I know on Christmas it will be happening.
  5. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Jackets are off in the seats unless we are seriously going around the corner and getting out of the car. I have seen WAY to many accidents where children are hurt our killed b/c they are not tight enough in their carseat. In a car accident the carseat is going to compress the jacket so much that it will be like your child is not in his/her harness.

    While were at home I let the car warm up then we go out the the car take the jacket off and buckle in. if were coming from a store and I cant warm the car they have their blankents to cover with until its warm inside. And is were coming home at night in pjs they are coverd head to toe in a blanket.

    I know its ALOT of work to do this and if you have more then 2 children its even more work. I takes me 10-15min to get in and out of the car each and everytime we go someplace but that extra time is worth it for me to make sure my kiddos are safe.

    NOTE*** Im not knocking anyone that leaves their children in their seats with thier jackets on. Each parent does what they are comfortable with but like I said when you see alot of children end up hurt just b/c of this simple mistake that alot of people dont even know about I say why risk it whats a few extra min getting the kids in and out of the car.
  6. shelbyolivia

    shelbyolivia Well-Known Member

    We use car seat blankets, they make a toddler size one, I think we got them at One Step Ahead. I put coats on when we get where we are gooing, it only takes a few seconds to do it, most of the time. We never take them out in PJ's so I cant help with that one, but it seems like a blanket would be fine.
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(~ilyse~ @ Dec 20 2007, 09:37 AM) [snapback]541442[/snapback]
    Yeah we don't do it ever, I just know I don't want to bring them home past bedtime and then first have to change them into pjs. I know on Christmas it will be happening.

    I think I forgot to say, that if we are out past bedtime, we always put them in the PJ's and overnite diapers before heading home. That way when we get home we just take them up to bed.
  8. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't say it gets super cold around here.....probably in the 30's or 40's at night. We warm up the car if we are able to, and bundle up with blankets & stuff over the top of the carseat. It's not worth it for me the risk of having the carseat malfunction b/c the coats were too big.....I couldn't live with the guilt.
  9. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    For car trips I put them in these -;feat=503594-tn

    They are warm and not too bulky. I can tighten the seat belt to the level I would if they were wearing a thin jacket or sweater. They have puffy coats too but I don't have them wear those in the car seats because I can't get the belts tight enough.

    If they are in the car in pjs, I would just use a blanket and turn up the heat. No need to mess with coats when they are asleep!
  10. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    Last year my twins wore snow suits and this year they have 3T coats and snow pants on.
  11. Cathmar

    Cathmar Well-Known Member

    What about those JJ COle BUndle Me's? I used it last winter. In fact, you reminded me about it....they have them in toddler size also.
  12. hanknbeans

    hanknbeans Well-Known Member

    Wow! I always have mine in coats. I thuoght I could get the belt tight enough, but maybe not! We live in Minnesota, so it islike 5 degrees here. I cannpt imagine not having coats on. Hmmmmm...this has me thinking.
  13. allgood2000

    allgood2000 Well-Known Member

    As long as my kids fit them, I also use the fleece buntings. They are a great weight for the car, and the kids stay quite warm in them! You can add a warm hat and blanket over the bunting if it is *really* cold.
  14. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    We have the Hanna Anderson coats that are really warm (I wouldn't let them play in the snow but warm enough to get from A to B.) We also use the toddler Bundleme's that cover them up so they are toasty and not bulky.
  15. jamey

    jamey Well-Known Member

    My girls won't get into a carseat with even a jacket on. They both start screaming "It's KOO KIGHT!". Cate is very funny about how clothes fit & feel, so a lot of time she even pulls down her pants so they don't get bunched up behind her in the seat. I can unbuckle & buckle pretty good from the front seat, if I have to (if it's FREEZING), and I have them put their coats on before we get out of the car. I also keep an extra blanket in the car for each, to lay across them if it's chilly (or to block the sun if it's sunny - gosh my girls are PICKY!). They do wear hats & gloves in the car, though. I don't have time to be searching for all their components!
  16. TwinMom205

    TwinMom205 Well-Known Member

    Fleece jackets, hats, and gloves in their carseats. We bring bulkier coats with us if we'll need them. If its REALLY cold out, I'll start the car a few minutes before we get it to warm it up. Otherwise, we're just all cold for a little while. They're not going to get sick or get frostburn, so I'm not that concerned. I'm much more concerned about a big coat compressing in an accident.

    You can also cover them with blankets.

    Bundle Me's are not recommended. ANYTHING that goes between the child and the carseat that was not provided with the seat VOIDS the carseat warranty because they are not tested with the carseats.
  17. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure what a carseat warranty is in relation to using it day to day but this is from the JJ Cole website:
    "In line with JJ Cole's commitment to child safety, the Bundle Me has been tested to FMVSS (Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard) 213 requirements. All tests passed on the child restraint system, indicating that the Bundle Me product appeared to have little to no effect on the performance of the child restraint system."
  18. TwinMom205

    TwinMom205 Well-Known Member

    Here you go, Bundle Me is an after market product.... All brands--


    "The use of non-Britax Child Safety, Inc covers, inserts, toys, accessories, or tightening devices is not approved by Britax. Their use could cause this restraint to fail Federal Safety Standards or perform worse in a crash. Their use automatically voids the Britax warranty." (This statement can be found under the Warranty section of all Britax Child Restraint manuals).

    the NHTSA and Transport Canada recommend against the use of any kind of coat or bunting in a child restraint.

    " If you want to cover your baby, buckle the harness around him first, then put a blanket over him. A bulky snowsuit or bunting can make the harness too loose."


    "Padded Car Seat Bags: Child seat manufacturers state in their instructions not to use bulky clothing and never add anything between the shell of the restraint and the child. The padded car seat bag can re-route the harness system and add slack and increase compressibility. Check with the car seat manufacturer before using and ensure that the product does not compromise the harness routing path."
  19. TwinMom205

    TwinMom205 Well-Known Member

    bumping to get this seen.
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