winter clothing

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 2Xthelove, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    ok so i admit i am new at this but last winter when we went out they were in their infant carrier and i had the snuggle wrap on them with their regular clothes on. i also put a blanket underneath with them. then once they were in the car i would unzip the bundle wrap and when they got hot they pushed off the blanket. all was well.

    so here we are and they are to old for the snuggle blanket and i am wondering do i put them in a snowsuit? do you leave them in the snowsuit in the car? if so what if your going to be in the car for awhile they are sure to get real hot then arent they. or do i get a jacket? but still do you leave them in them while driving around or do you take it off when they get in the car. can they wear them in their car seats? oh i just am not sure....HELLLLPPPPPPP
  2. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I bought them a winter coat, hat, and gloves. For short trips they wore them in the car, if we took a long car ride I'd take their coats and hats off. Their coats had matching snow pants, but they didn't wear those unless they were playing outside.
  3. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    I just had gloves, a hat, and a coat for them and kept them on in the car. For long trips I might unzip them but that was about it since I also keep the car on the colder side since I get hot so easily.
  4. kajulie

    kajulie Well-Known Member

    we too do jacket, hat gloves and remove/unzip as necessary. Snowsuit/pants only if playing outside. If it's really cold, i'll put a pair of leggings or tights under their pants.
  5. cwinslow7

    cwinslow7 Well-Known Member

    Good topic to start BEFORE the cold weather gets here. We don't really deal with it here since our idea of a cold morning is about 60 degrees :p

    Here's a good article on the subject. Has lots of info that I wasn't aware of til I read a thread here last year. Info to keep in mind when shopping for winter coats and when strapping your kiddies in during cold weather.
  6. my2littlebubbas

    my2littlebubbas Well-Known Member

    My boys were at the same age last winter as yours will be this winter. I bought them each a Columbia winter jacket with snowpants. Seriously, if I would do it over again, I would skip the snowpants. we maybe more them 5 times to play outside in. THey were so bulky that they tipped over all the time. We would just put them in their winter coats. We also had fleeces and if it wasn;t that cold out, the boys would wear those because they weren't as bulky in the car seats.
  7. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Babies4Susan @ Aug 27 2008, 07:51 AM) [snapback]949491[/snapback]
    I bought them a winter coat, hat, and gloves. For short trips they wore them in the car, if we took a long car ride I'd take their coats and hats off. Their coats had matching snow pants, but they didn't wear those unless they were playing outside.

    Same here!
  8. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Babies4Susan @ Aug 27 2008, 08:51 AM) [snapback]949491[/snapback]
    I bought them a winter coat, hat, and gloves. For short trips they wore them in the car, if we took a long car ride I'd take their coats and hats off.

    :good: This is what we did.
  9. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    Since bulky jackets aren't safe in a carseat, I usually either warmed up the car before putting them in or I'd put them in quickly, buckle them up, and then put the jacket on backwards over their buckles. If they got hot after a while, they could eventually wiggle their arms out of the jacket. I threw a blanket over their legs.

    I also put them in hats & mittens before getting in the car. Get lots of mittens though because those get lost pretty easily once they learn to take them off. :)
  10. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't put snowsuits on in a carseat; I've heard that it's too bulky & can make it unsafe. It doesn't get really cold here, but we had snow on the ground most of the winter months. Luckily, we live where we can start up the truck & get the heater going.......otherwise this year I'm planning on dressing in layers & keeping some blankets in the truck.
  11. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    We live in New England and it gets pretty darn cold here. All last winter I dressed my girls in a simple thick fleece coat for the day-to-day stuff. I always kept an extra hat, heavier coat, sweatpants, and blankets in the car in case we ever broke down.

    If we were going to be outside for any amount of time, I would put their snowsuits on them. But I have also heard they aren't safe to wear in their car seats so I would wait to put them on until we were whereever we were going.
  12. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member


    ya see i told my MIL snow suits aren't good for them to wear in their seats. I am going to print out that paper and show it to her thanks cwinslow7.

    I am going to check out the jackets and see which ones look good. I just love shopping for them :laughing:
  13. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    The year that mine were 1, they wore fleece coveralls pretty much every time we went outside. If it was super cold, they'd wear a warmer jacket on top of the fleece. It kept them warm enough in the car (and usually warm enough outside -- but it's not usually colder than 30s/40s here), and kept their legs warm, but it wasn't too bulky under the carseat straps.

    I actually bought fleece suits for last winter too, but they didn't want to wear them -- they wanted to wear big-kid jackets (and didn't care that their legs were cold, I guess).

    You can get the fleece coveralls from LL Bean:

    I found them used on eBay for about half the price. ;)
  14. lola5

    lola5 Well-Known Member

    I can totally relate to your questions about winter clothing for your little ones. It can be a bit overwhelming to figure out the best approach. While I don't have twins myself, I've found that reading vuori reviews can give you a good idea of what others have experienced with winter gear. When it comes to snowsuits or jackets, it's generally recommended to remove them before putting your children in their car seats, as bulky clothing can affect the effectiveness of the harness. Keeping a cozy blanket in the car for extra warmth is a great idea, and layering with easy-to-remove options might be your best bet to ensure they're comfortable during the car ride.
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