Winter Clothes

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by rabresch72, Oct 3, 2008.

  1. rabresch72

    rabresch72 Well-Known Member

    I have been trying to figure out what to get my twins for the Winter months. We live in MD and get some pretty nasty weather here. I am not going to be going out a lot this Winter, but would like to be prepared when it does happen. I know that I am going to get the Bundle Me's for each of the kids...what else? How many? Should I get each kid a Winter jacket? Is there anything that you couldn't live without last Winter? Just need some guidance. Thanks!
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    My babies only really saw one month of cold weather, and I just put them in warm sleepers with a blanket on top of them in their car seat. I don't think a winter jacket is necessary when they'll probably spend most of their time in their infant seat if they're outside anyway. The bundle me made me nervous because it goes under them and I always thought you're not supposed to put anything under them in the car seats.
  3. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    My boys were born in December I had two buntings from baby Gap but never used them because they would not be properly buckled in the carseat they were too bulky. I dressed them in very warm sleepers, plugged them in the carseat put a warm blanket over them, a hat and the blanket cover that goes over the carseat which I think you mean by the Bundle me. I had this one because it kept the wind/rain/snow from hitting the babies head when taking them in and out of the car but mine had a flap also so their face was not cold either.
  4. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    We used bundle me covers here (in MI.) and I also put them is snowsuits. HTH :).
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't buy winter coats, but I would buy those one piece with feet fleecy snowsuits. The ones we had last year we got from Target for like $15 each and they had little flaps that could be put over their hands and were perfect for the cold months. I also had BundleMe's but I actually preferred just to put them in the snow suit and then have a blanket over them in the car. I did use the BundleMe's for the stroller though and it worked well. Also, fleece hats with ear flaps and something to secure it under their chins. That will keep them nice and toasty.
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We had snow suits that first winter and could have easily done without them. The daycare teachers used to laugh at me, stuffing these tiny floppy babies into snowsuits and then into their carseats. (And I didn't even know then that you aren't supposed to use puffy snowsuits with carseats. :blush: )

    I also found that snowsuit sizing was way off (I've heard other people say this too, so it wasn't just that my babies were tiny) -- when mine were almost a year old, they were wearing some that were supposedly for size 3-6 months. And when they were newborns, their feet came basically to the crotch of the "newborn" size -- the snowsuit legs just flopped around empty.

    We did go for a lot of stroller walks though, even in the winter (weather is usually OK here, some slush/snow on the ground but generally 30s/40s), and they needed to be warmly dressed. Bundle Mes would have been a lot more useful than snowsuits, and easier to put on as well. We also had some sweaters which were theoretically newborn sized, but my girls still swam in them and looked really uncomfortable.

    You will also need hats -- I like the fleece ones with velcro chin straps.

    You don't need a winter jacket -- I don't know if they even come in that size -- and in any case, you need to keep their legs warm too, so a full-body outfit is better (or a blanket tucked snugly around them).
  7. ca2pa2005

    ca2pa2005 Well-Known Member

    I live in Pennsylvania and used Bundle Mes and loved them.
  8. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Ditto the fleecy snowsuit suggestion! Something with feet and fold-down mittens and a hood. Get something bigger than you think you need, and make sure it zips all the way down at least one leg (not just down to the crotch) or there will be major wrestling matches getting in and out.

    Bundle-mes also look very cool, but I never got around to buying them.
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