Will it ever stop? (vent)

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by p31heather, Feb 16, 2007.

  1. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    It seems like every single time I go anywhere, the kids get sick. I am sick of their getting sick. We've been sick quite a bit this winter, even with the girls getting their flu shots. UGH! Runny noses, bronchial coughs, fevers, antibiotics, and now Rachel is throwing up and has diarrhea. And now Rachel won't drink Pedialyte or eat anything. [​IMG] In a desperate attempt to cleanse my home from the cold and viruses, I basically bleached everything in sight. Am I going to have to turn into a hermit as well? I don't enjoy having all their toys get quarantined. I'd rather go to Library time, Bible Study, and Play Shoppe than stay at home reading the same 3 books all day. I believe in social interaction and building strong immune systems. But this is ridiculous. We easily have 6 more weeks of winter, so I am not expecting the weather to help out any. [​IMG]

    What can I do to try to get them to stay healthy?
  2. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    It seems like every single time I go anywhere, the kids get sick. I am sick of their getting sick. We've been sick quite a bit this winter, even with the girls getting their flu shots. UGH! Runny noses, bronchial coughs, fevers, antibiotics, and now Rachel is throwing up and has diarrhea. And now Rachel won't drink Pedialyte or eat anything. [​IMG] In a desperate attempt to cleanse my home from the cold and viruses, I basically bleached everything in sight. Am I going to have to turn into a hermit as well? I don't enjoy having all their toys get quarantined. I'd rather go to Library time, Bible Study, and Play Shoppe than stay at home reading the same 3 books all day. I believe in social interaction and building strong immune systems. But this is ridiculous. We easily have 6 more weeks of winter, so I am not expecting the weather to help out any. [​IMG]

    What can I do to try to get them to stay healthy?
  3. kimr

    kimr Well-Known Member

    I don't know. Like you I stopped going places. We signed up for a My gym call on Saturdays, it started the beginning of Nov. and went thru the first week of Feb. We lasted 3 classes. The girls were sick every single week with runny noses, low fevers, coughs. The last straw was the week before xmas Natalie had a 104+ fever! We haven't gone to another class and they have been sick at all. There goes that $$$ down the drain! As soon as we got in the car after class, I'd Purell the heck out of the girls hands, other than doing that I don't know what would help, so we just stopped going.

    The girls are my house with a babysitter while I work M-Th, so they haven't been exposed much. I do have bad news though, I have a good friend who is a SAHM and when her son entered pre-school he was sick all the time. Her pedi told her it was because this was his first exposure and that's why he was getting sick. So I think we'll get hit eventually with being sick.

    Sorry I didn't have any great advice.
  4. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    We hadn't been to storytime in three weeks and missed Gymboree this week, and guess what? They are finally healthy! I went ahead and took them to storytime today, but in the back of my mind I was thinking, watch, they'll get sick. I can't stand being cooped up either. I guess the price of going out is getting sick. [​IMG]
  5. kt7776

    kt7776 Well-Known Member

    Our pedi has put the boys on a nose spray called Astelin. Its main purpose is to help with allergies (which the boys don't have) but it also blocks airborne germs that can come through the nose. He likes to prescribe it throughout the winter months to reduce aquiring airborne illnesses. We spray it in their noses before we go out anywhere, and so far, they've done well.

    Even though not all illnesses come through the nose, it might be worth asking about for the future!
  6. nbgmom

    nbgmom Well-Known Member

    all I can say is I hear you. My guys are sick alot and the only place we usually take them is church and once in a while out to eat. The usually pick up a cold at church in the nursery every other time they are there. We used to take turns with going to 2 different services, but that is half of our day apart from each other as a family. Then my 4year gets sick too, sometimes he gets sick first. They all have bad head colds right now and I am so frustrated too. I already feel trapped at home, but this is crazy. And I also had someone tell me it is good for their immune systems to get sick, well maybe she should come take care of 2 babies that are both clingy at the same time. God Bless and I will pray your girls feel better soon.
  7. LmSjt915

    LmSjt915 Well-Known Member

    Could you maybe open up a window or two in your house to let some fresh air in? I always do that in conjuction with my cleaning routine, the house always feels "cleansed" afterwards (sounds corny, but its true!). Sorry they are so sick!
  8. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    I can empathize. We're getting hit hard here too... Just when I thought we were over it all, Annika started to vomit this afternoon. Rachel came home from school with a "tummy ache" and is vomiting now as well. I'm spending tomorrow morning debugging all the toys I can get my hands on. Hope everyone else is feeling better soon.
  9. Becky444

    Becky444 Well-Known Member

    We too have limited out goings out. We dont do library and playgroups have stopped also. I just cant handle it. Oldest brings home enough germs with preschool. Sounds silly but I have been washing his blanket every day he has school. 2x a week in effort to cut down on germs. I can sense the next round coming so I better get the Lysol and bleach going. Spring will come .......eventually. Just hang in there.

    Sometimes I wonder about that whole theory on building immune systems. My oldest still gets sick and he was sick when he was a toddler also.
  10. jultaria

    jultaria Well-Known Member

    Maybe try things to build their immunity like more yogurt in their diet and if you dont already give them vitamins. I give my boys lots of fruit too, dole makes a mixed tropical fruit packed in fruit juice that they love, they also love orange juice.

    I dont wash everything in bleach or lysol but I do make sure to wash my hands or use sanitizer when I leave a public place and I wash their hands before they eat. I think washing their hands frequently is about the best thing we can do.

    One other thing we do is take off our shoes when we come into the house.
  11. CapeBretoner123

    CapeBretoner123 Well-Known Member

    I can answer ..lol it will never stop.
    We have limited outings due to FH being out of work, need to save as much cash as possible(gas money). I take them to get groceries..they get sick. I take them out once every 2 weeks..they get sick.No wonder stores are offering wipes to wash off carts now.
    Last year I recall one week of no illness in this house among 3 kids. Sarah has been ok this year, one illness so far. Her class is plagued by headlice (I'm psyhco momma on this, check daily if not 4 x daily)this year not flu as much.
    No matter what we do , it will happen. Drives me nuts though seeing a child dragged into a store or event gagging from colds or flu.
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