Wiggles Concert

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by aandax246, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. aandax246

    aandax246 Well-Known Member

    Has anyone take twins less than two years old (17 months) to a Wiggles concert? Our grandsons absolutely love the Wiggles. We have Wiggles DVD and they watch them religiously on TV and their eyes never leave the screen. It will cost around $200.00 for us to purchase four tickets and their paw paw wants to take them. We take them out often and take them on trips and have never had a problem with them, but I have never taken them to a concert atomosphere. I'm wondering how loud it is at a children's venue. I don't want to damage their little ears. Has anyone taken their young children?
  2. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Not twins, but we did take our older DD when she was about 21 months old....and she had a lot of fun. She was a huge Wiggles fan at that age, too.

    Believe me, it's totally geared toward kids -- not at all the loud concert atmosphere you're fearing -- and there will be plenty of little ones there, and infant siblings, too!

    I would go for it. :)
  3. aandax246

    aandax246 Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much Becca for responding. My husband is dying for us to take our grandsons and the concert is this week. I know they're only 17 months old, but they are so attentive. Our daughter has let us take them with us on short vacations and such and they are world class travelers. They can both do the wiggles dance and the little booty drop and waving their little fingers around when they come on TV. They "sing" along with them, more humming and gibberish, but they adore the Wiggles. If I spend that kind of money on tickets I really wanted it to be something they would like and it sounds as if it will be perfect. I was terribly worried about the noise level. Again thank you. I'm going to pick up four tickets tomorrow.
  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I took my DD's to Go Diego Go about 1.5 months after they turned two, and they loved it. But our first Wiggles show is on 8/12, we're so excited!
  5. Jocelyn5173

    Jocelyn5173 Well-Known Member

    We took ours when they were just over two and they both loved it. (Okay, to tell the truth, even DH and I had fun!)
  6. aandax246

    aandax246 Well-Known Member

    Okay it was totally awesome. We decided it was worth the money to take the boys and I have never been so pleased with anything we have done for them. G sat in paw paws lap totally mesmerized. Of course we had four seats since you pay for anyone over 1, but if they sat in their own seats they couldn't see as well. We managed to get floor seats, center stage very close up front. M sat with me or should I say stood in my lap the entire time. He squealed, danced, clapped and in his little fellow gibberish sang right along. The smiles on their faces and the sparkle in their eyes were worth ten times what we paid for those tickets. And yes as pp said, even hubbie and I enjoyed the show, but especially enjoyed the pure joy on our grandson's faces. I have never seen such a large gathering of "small" children under school age in any one location. I knew the boys loved the Wiggles, but apparently everyone in a three state area did as well because there were families from Alabama, Mississippi and Florida well represented in attendance. We saw many many car tags from those states. I was nothing short of amazed at how this show caught and kept the kiddies attention throughout. I wondered about taking 17 month olds, but saw so many children even younger and so many that were older. They all were fascinated. If anyone has a chance to attend - go for it. I know I gasped when I thought of how much a ticket was for a 17 month old. It made us have second thoughts about going, thinking we might have to get up and leave if they didn't like it - well I'm so glad we did. Even if they don't remember it down the road, paw paw and I will remember those mega watt smiles for the rest of our lives. It's so much fun being a grandparent!
  7. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    That is great! I am so glad they liked it! How is the new yellow Wiggle? Sam?

    My oldest loved it when he went and I think he was under 2 also.
  8. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Glad it was fun! We took my oldest DD when she was 3 and she loved it! :)
  9. dan&gab2007

    dan&gab2007 Active Member

    We are taking our girls in August. They will be 17 months and they love the Wiggles. Happy to hear that it will not disappoint. Thanks for the review.
  10. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    We had taken our daughter about 6 years ago!! I didn't know they were touring again with a new guy!! Riley LOVED it!! The boys watch the videos as well and dance around the living room! Hope they make it to California!!!! Glad you guys had a great time!!!
  11. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    Glad they (& you) had fun. We took the boys right when Sam started doing the shows. They loved it!
  12. RRTwins

    RRTwins Well-Known Member

    We are taking our 2-year olds to the Wiggles concert in two weeks. I got really lucky and nabbed front row seats... I can't wait to see their faces when the realize who's on stage because they"re obsessed with the Wiggles! Thanks for posting this - nice to see the reviews from others!
  13. aandax246

    aandax246 Well-Known Member

    For those of you going to the concert soon, remember to take signs and roses. Jeff took the time to read all the signs and make comments. One said that it was a little girl's birthday and she wanted her picture with them and he came down into the audience to have his picture made. Of course there were the WAKE UP JEFF signs and the Fruit Salad and Hot Potato signs - he read every one out loud and called out the children's names that were on the sign. As for the roses - when they started lifting all the roses in the air there were too many for Dorothy to come down and get alone, so cast members came through the audience and took all the roses. The kids were really excited to have the costumed members come and get the roses. One child was dressed up in a Wiggles outfit - black pants with the red stripe down the side, red long sleeved shirt with wiggles logo and he had a miniature red guitar. They actually put him on stage and let him pretend playing the guitar. At our venue they allowed cameras - most of the time with other concerts cameras are banned so I'd check and see if cameras are allowed because there were numerous photo ops. To those of you going - have fun.
  14. lola5

    lola5 Well-Known Member

    It must be a fun idea, especially since they love the show. It's smart to consider the noise level, though children's concerts are usually not as loud as regular ones. You could always bring some child-sized ear protection just in case. I’ve read some SeatGeek reviews , and it seems like a good place to find tickets if you need deals. Concerts like these are usually well-suited for young kids, so it should be a positive experience for everyone.
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