WIC told me to start giving them juice?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by cottoncandysky, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. cottoncandysky

    cottoncandysky Well-Known Member

    the nutritionist told me to start them on juice, that doesnt seem right? they said to start them on rice cereal and veggies too, cuz if they have fruit they wont want veggies. okay..so why do they want me to give them juice? the dr at their 6 month appt didnt mention solids at all though. im confused!
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Our pedi gave us the ok to start juice after 6 months if we wanted to. We've opted not to since the girls like water and milk and eat well. I just don't see the point when they eat real fruit all the time. I know some other people disagree and some kids don't drink water without a splash of juice. Ultimately you know what is best for your kids regardless of what WIC says.
  3. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Our doc never said one way or another, but we've opted not to give juice at all for now. They like water and milk. I would wait until they start fruit to start juice though. That just seems logical.
  4. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    our pedi said no juice till they're 2. everyone is different tho.
  5. ladybenz

    ladybenz Well-Known Member

    We do juice mixed with their food probably once or twice a day but only because they have issues with constipation. Otherwise, we'd not bother with juice. I also sometimes put the teensiest splash in their sippies if they are really backed up, but I dilute heavily with water.
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    It's probably cheaper for WIC. There is NO nutritional value on juice. I would follow your pedi's guidelines and not theirs. It's really a can of worms that you don't want opened at 6 mos. they need to learn to eat food and might not if you introduce juice. Especially since you are still adjusting their age. (I take that to mean that they aren't quite caught up to age....so)

    Honestly it makes me feel angry that they would be that irresponsible to advise you that way. I'm glad you clearly have a good head on your shoulders and questioned that advice!!

  7. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(~* dfaut *~ @ Nov 4 2008, 08:38 AM) [snapback]1055172[/snapback]
    It's probably cheaper for WIC. There is NO nutritional value on juice. I would follow your pedi's guidelines and not theirs. It's really a can of worms that you don't want opened at 6 mos. they need to learn to eat food and might not if you introduce juice. Especially since you are still adjusting their age. (I take that to mean that they aren't quite caught up to age....so)

    Honestly it makes me feel angry that they would be that irresponsible to advise you that way. I'm glad you clearly have a good head on your shoulders and questioned that advice!!


    I totally agree with this. :) Good to question it. I'd stick with what your ped. said.
  8. cottoncandysky

    cottoncandysky Well-Known Member

    thank youuuu!!
  9. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(~* dfaut *~ @ Nov 4 2008, 09:38 AM) [snapback]1055172[/snapback]
    It's probably cheaper for WIC. There is NO nutritional value on juice. I would follow your pedi's guidelines and not theirs. It's really a can of worms that you don't want opened at 6 mos. they need to learn to eat food and might not if you introduce juice. Especially since you are still adjusting their age. (I take that to mean that they aren't quite caught up to age....so)

    Honestly it makes me feel angry that they would be that irresponsible to advise you that way. I'm glad you clearly have a good head on your shoulders and questioned that advice!!


    just wanted to jump on the bandwagon and agree :D , we started letting H &N have juice at a about 18 months - mixed with at least half water (1/2-2/3 water, not actually measured). Now, they beg for that over plain water or milk. Once you start, that's all they're going to want to drink!
  10. 3greysandamutt

    3greysandamutt Well-Known Member

    We've introduced diluted apple and prune juices, mainly because of constipation issues. Our kids will not be getting cow's milk when they turn one (due to sereve allergies), so we will probably be introducing orange juice at that point (we meet with a dietician next week to discuss all options). BUT, our family is the exception to the rule! Most babies should be getting water, and milk at age one... juice should only be a special treat or as needed for constipation.
  11. cottoncandysky

    cottoncandysky Well-Known Member

    question real quick jessica,
    as far as allergies, ds is very allergic to milk products and is on nutramigen right now. when he does turn 1 are things like lactaid safe or will it cause his eczema to flair up and his belly to hurt really bad?
  12. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    WIC gave me checks for juice for the girls at 4mo. if you do not want to give them juice thats strictly up to you, my girls get juice maybe once a month and its mainly to help them poop if they are constipated.
    I would discuss it with your pedi if you are concerned, especially since their adjusted age is so young.
  13. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My pedi said it wasy "okay" at the 6mo appt. and suggested diluting it with equal parts water-this was for practice with sippy cups. I slowly took out the juice and now they enjoy water and drink well from the sippy. I keep juice on hand for my 4yo and incase of constipation.
  14. april mcdaniel

    april mcdaniel Well-Known Member

    My ped doesnt ommend juice. He says they can go w ithout juice. He wanted me to start solids at 6 months
  15. 3greysandamutt

    3greysandamutt Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(cottoncandysky @ Nov 4 2008, 10:54 AM) [snapback]1055351[/snapback]
    question real quick jessica,
    as far as allergies, ds is very allergic to milk products and is on nutramigen right now. when he does turn 1 are things like lactaid safe or will it cause his eczema to flair up and his belly to hurt really bad?

    It probably depends on whether he has lactose-intolerance, or a true milk allergy. Most people with lactose-intolerence can drink Lactaid, which is cow's milk that has the lactose removed somehow. My AJ has a true milk protein allergy - he can react to just about every component of milk (like whey, sodium casienate, rennet, lactose, etc. He can't have anything that has ANY cow milk parts in it... so Lactaid is a big no-no for him. If we want to give him "milk," he can only have soymilk, rice milk, hemp milk, etc - nothing from a cow! But, the only way to know for sure if Sean has an allergy or just lactose-intolerance is to have some allergy testing done. Good luck!!
  16. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ThreeLittleSnowflakes @ Nov 4 2008, 11:11 AM) [snapback]1055251[/snapback]
    . Once you start, that's all they're going to want to drink!

    that's what our pedi said! that's why she told us to wait as long as we can, but at least till they're 2
  17. bkpjlp

    bkpjlp Well-Known Member

    I think the pedi community also differs on the fruit/veggie thing. I initially heard that offering fruit will discourage the babies from eating veggies, then I read that was a myth. With that said, I still feed my boys a lot more veggies than fruit.

    The boys get juice when they're constipated. Otherwise they don't get any. DD, who is 2 1/2, gets it only sometimes, and I still water it down. My good 'ol dentist, who I truely adore, said don't introduce juice to your kids.
  18. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(bkpjlp @ Nov 4 2008, 01:55 PM) [snapback]1055581[/snapback]
    I think the pedi community also differs on the fruit/veggie thing. I initially heard that offering fruit will discourage the babies from eating veggies, then I read that was a myth. With that said, I still feed my boys a lot more veggies than fruit.

    Yeah, some even say to start with meats. How confusing. I started with veggies anyway just in case, but introduced fruit after they had three different veggies... as I wanted to make sure they would get to like solids. They eat everything now but I mostly give veggies also.

    About juice, I'm planning to wait as long as possible... even for me, straight juice is too sweet, so it will be a while before I give it to them plain!
  19. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(~* dfaut *~ @ Nov 4 2008, 09:38 AM) [snapback]1055172[/snapback]
    It's probably cheaper for WIC. There is NO nutritional value on juice. I would follow your pedi's guidelines and not theirs. It's really a can of worms that you don't want opened at 6 mos. they need to learn to eat food and might not if you introduce juice. Especially since you are still adjusting their age. (I take that to mean that they aren't quite caught up to age....so)

    Honestly it makes me feel angry that they would be that irresponsible to advise you that way. I'm glad you clearly have a good head on your shoulders and questioned that advice!!


    I agree with this also.. Couldn't say it better myself.
  20. twinmuffin

    twinmuffin Well-Known Member

    I agree with other posters. Juice is nothing but empty calories. Give them formula, and let them start trying sippy cups with water. No need for juice (unless constipated, and even then I'd try prunes/plums etc. first).
  21. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    WIC makes their nutritional recommendations based on what they give you. Since they're giving you juice for the girls, they're going to tell you to give them juice. It's a blanket recommendation but your pedi knows your situation better. Like all the pp said, juice isn't a great thing to start if you don't have to. In regards to solids, your girls are only 4 mon adjusted age so they don't need to start that yet either.
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