My daughter is 2, just turned 2 last month. Last night when I went to put diaper cream on her, she kept shaking her head and saying "no, no, no, no" while her eyes kept getting bigger and bigger. When I actually put it on her, she started crying. I was using Desitin, but I checked to make sure there was nothing in it that burned. There didn't appear to be. She has gotten yeast infections before that I've been told to treat with OTC jock itch medication, and it works wonders, but could that burn her?? I've noticed this behavior before (but not to the extent of last night) in both my daughters (the other one just clamps her legs shut and won't let me near her) They'll let us change their diapers with no issues and use wipies, it's just with the diaper creme that I get this type of reaction. Why would a 2 yr. old act like that?? They are to young to realize that it's a private area, and even quite frequently will either touch themselves or each other. The only discouragment they get is DH telling them to keep their hands out of their diapers (and he's not very forceful, just tells them that their hands don't belong there) I'm hoping someone will tell me it's just from the diaper creme and nothing else, because I'd really hate to think about the other reason.
QUOTE(blueclouds @ Feb 12 2009, 07:54 PM) [snapback]1188003[/snapback] My daughter is 2, just turned 2 last month. Last night when I went to put diaper cream on her, she kept shaking her head and saying "no, no, no, no" while her eyes kept getting bigger and bigger. When I actually put it on her, she started crying. I was using Desitin, but I checked to make sure there was nothing in it that burned. There didn't appear to be. She has gotten yeast infections before that I've been told to treat with OTC jock itch medication, and it works wonders, but could that burn her?? I've noticed this behavior before (but not to the extent of last night) in both my daughters (the other one just clamps her legs shut and won't let me near her) They'll let us change their diapers with no issues and use wipies, it's just with the diaper creme that I get this type of reaction. Why would a 2 yr. old act like that?? They are to young to realize that it's a private area, and even quite frequently will either touch themselves or each other. The only discouragment they get is DH telling them to keep their hands out of their diapers (and he's not very forceful, just tells them that their hands don't belong there) I'm hoping someone will tell me it's just from the diaper creme and nothing else, because I'd really hate to think about the other reason. Did she have a rash? I would think maybe that reaction was because she had a rash and it already hurt her? I know my boys get upset when they have a rash and hate when I put the cream on them, but I just tell them it will make them feel better. Usually they end up calming down shortly thereafter, before I am done putting the cream on.
I use desitin on both Jack and Lily when they have diaper rash. Jack complains almost every time. I have thought before that he is reacting like it burns him. I think it does. Lily is fine with it and never says a word at all. I wonder if certain children are just more sensitive to it???? Anyway, I feel sort of helpless in that there are times when I have to use Desitin on Jack and although he protests, I continue to use it. It seems to go away after a minute or so and once his diaper is back on and he is up and running he seems back to normal. I wish I had an answer, but I just have a similiar experience !
I remember both Nathan and Brandon disliking Desitin. I vote it just hurts the rash when you put it on.
I think it's hurting her. A few weeks ago, Jake had a really bad rash and for the first time I used Butt Paste. I put it on and he started screaming and crying. I could tell he was in pain. I tried to wipe it off as fast as I could and after a minute or two he calmed down.
I put Desitin on a cut I had just to try it out and oh my goodness... IT STINGS!!! That was about 18 months ago and I have not used it since. I've found that if I use wet wash cloths as wipes rather than the wipes you can buy in the store, we have almost no diaper rashes. Then, when we do, I use an all natural product rather than Butt Paste or Desitin. It stings a lot less but works just as well. I would bet your daughter remembers the pain from Desitin and is reacting because of that.
Also, I know from experience(sorry! lol) that miconazole (the otc jock itch cream, or any otc yeast infection cream) hurts like buggery when you put it on. Yowch. Maybe it's a combination of the Desitin, and remembering teh cream from the yeast infection. Can you get Bepanthen over there? It's nice, and doesn't sting as much. Bless em...hope they feel better soon!
We use Aquaphor for diaper rash, and I can tell it actually soothes them. Sometimes the wipes hurt the rash, and as soon as we put the Aquaphor on they calm down. Maybe try that instead of Desitin? For what's it's worth, I think it works better anyway.
My DD is like this too. I use aquaphor on her diaper rashes. It fixes it overnight when everything else seems to make it worse.
my ds get upset sometimes when i put a & d or desitin on him. we put a little cream on them at night since they stay in a wet diaper so long. so ds doesn't even have a rash and he still gets upset on occasion. after i put the diaper on, he's fine. dd doesn't do this. tanya
I would definitely try another type of diaper rash cream and see if you get the same reaction. It might be her skin is sensitive to the Desitin. I've found that using just plain old petroleum jelly works best on my daughter that gets really bad diaper rash, mainly because it wipes off easily. My dr. also suggested mixing it with Mylanta, and that the antacid in mylanta should take away the stinging? I haven't tried this yet.
Wendy: Your daughters are EXACTLY a year younger than mine, and were born at the same gestational age! LOL That's cute. I will try aquaphor, thanks for the advice. I never thought about Desitin actually stinging. I figured zinc oxide was a soothing medication. I'll also look around for the Benapen (SP?) but don't know if you can get it in the U.S. What types of all natural products are available?? Thanks again! I figured it had to be something with the diaper creme or the yeast cream becuase she doesn't do it at just any old diaper change. Just when we put cream on her.
QUOTE(blueclouds @ Feb 13 2009, 03:38 PM) [snapback]1189244[/snapback] Wendy: Your daughters are EXACTLY a year younger than mine, and were born at the same gestational age! LOL That's cute. That's Awesome! Hope you figure something out.
QUOTE(blueclouds @ Feb 13 2009, 05:38 PM) [snapback]1189244[/snapback] Wendy: Your daughters are EXACTLY a year younger than mine, and were born at the same gestational age! LOL That's cute. I will try aquaphor, thanks for the advice. I never thought about Desitin actually stinging. I figured zinc oxide was a soothing medication. I'll also look around for the Benapen (SP?) but don't know if you can get it in the U.S. What types of all natural products are available?? Thanks again! I figured it had to be something with the diaper creme or the yeast cream becuase she doesn't do it at just any old diaper change. Just when we put cream on her. My Grandma used to tell my Mom to use Crisco on us and once she was in a jam with no diaper rash creme but had some Crisco and used it and has never used anything else since! I have not used it with my girls ... we get good response from A&D (with no tears when I put it on) ... just FYI! Crisco?! Who knew!?
Yeah, I'd definitely try something else. I've had good luck with plain old Vaseline or Aquaphor for mild rashes, and for really bad rashes, I like Triple Paste (I buy it in a big tub at Target). All of them seem to soothe the rash instead of stinging...
Looks like you got great advice (we use vaseline but I have A&D around if it gets real bad) but I wanted to add about the wipes. We make our own wipes or you can use the washcloth thing. I know there are wipes don't have alcohol in them but I found that they still were making DS break out. He was extra sensitive.
Ditto pps - wipes can be really harsh on the skin. Plain water works better. And TMI, but yes, those yeast creams can be awful! I've had horrendous itching and burning with them. For a gentle butt cream, I'd use Vaseline like pps suggested, or Lansinoh (pure lanolin).
We always used cotton wool with water (and squirted something called balneum - a bath oil that you don't have to wash off, based on soya oil - into the water). It really helped.