Why won't they hold their cups?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by HeatherMom2_3, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. HeatherMom2_3

    HeatherMom2_3 Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone! WE just moved over to this board from the FY board! What an exciting time we've been having. Ok so I'll just get right to the point..... my little boogers won't hold their cups. They refuse! I have to hold them for them to drink their milk. They never held their bottles, and now still won't hold the sippy cups. They don't drink from bottles anymore so we are doing good there. If I could just get them to hold the cups. They eat all table food and no more baby food. This is the only issue. Help me, I'm going nuts! LOL
  2. HeatherMom2_3

    HeatherMom2_3 Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone! WE just moved over to this board from the FY board! What an exciting time we've been having. Ok so I'll just get right to the point..... my little boogers won't hold their cups. They refuse! I have to hold them for them to drink their milk. They never held their bottles, and now still won't hold the sippy cups. They don't drink from bottles anymore so we are doing good there. If I could just get them to hold the cups. They eat all table food and no more baby food. This is the only issue. Help me, I'm going nuts! LOL
  3. firsttimer

    firsttimer Well-Known Member

    It was at about 10 months (when my mother joked that Our kids were "lazy" because they didn't hold their bottles) that I realized I wasn't giving them the chance. I provided hand over hand assistance while they were in their rocking chairs, eventually I was able to remove my hands and they caught on. If you don't have rocking chairs, try it while holding them (just until they get the hang of holding them) - this way they don't have to get the tilt as gravity will help. Eventually they shpould figure it out.

  4. reaganslp

    reaganslp Well-Known Member

    Okay, I seriously thought I would be attending Kindergarten with my son just so I could hold his milk carton for him. He absolutely refused to hold his bottle, sippy, anything. I finally just handed him the sippy cup and said here. If you want a drink get it. He eventually got the hang of it. I think as a first time mom I just loved his dependence on me. I always wanted to hold him and snuggle and hold his bottle. Eventually that got real old. I am happy to report I will not be joining him in the cafeteria on the first day of kinder.

  5. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ellie went right from breastfeeding to a sippy just last month. At first she wouldn't finish 4 ounces or hold her own cup--I was holding it for her as she sat in her high chair for her breakfast and lunch. Then one night I had her in my lap for her nighttime drink and she grabbed one handle, and then the other...I let go! Now she'll drink 6 ounces and hold it herself if she's somewhat reclined.

    If you're feeding the sippy in the high chair, try holding them or laying them down. This morning Ellie downed 6 ounces in the time it took for me to change and dress Josephine.
    And try cups with handle if you haven't.

    Hope they get the hang of it soon!
  6. lettered olive

    lettered olive Well-Known Member

    Mine were that way for the longest time. They layed down to drink their sippies, because they would not hold them up...it even took a little encouragement to get them to hold them at all. I ended up switching to straw cups which you do not need to tilt up. I'm actually not sure if they would be able to drink out of a regular sippy. Oops.
  7. tracerhawk

    tracerhawk Member

    My 13 month olds are the same way. Never would hold a bottle unless we layed them down and propped them up. They will drink out of cups with straws just fine but will not lift their arms up to hold sippy cups. Lazy, lazy, lazy! So now I'm on a mission to find straw cups that don't leak. Guess I can't complain too much as our oldest would hold her bottle and cups but wouldn't drink white milk from the sippys. Took 3 months and a scoop of Ovaltine to get her to drink milk out of a sippy. The "lazy" kids at least drink the milk without Ovaltine.
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