Why won't she pottytrain

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by PraisesX5, Dec 26, 2007.

  1. PraisesX5

    PraisesX5 Member

    I need some help!!!! One of my twins has been potty trained for about 4 months now. My other twin refuses to do it at all. We have tried it all. She just absolutely refuses. I tried buying some Princess pull ups. She was ok with picking them out, carrying them through the store and carrying they to the van. But when it came down to putting them on her. She threw a major tantrum. She was kicking & screaming. It was crazy!!! Does anyone have any advice? Please help!!!!!

  2. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Well, kids are all different and mine were both like that. Until one day last month they just changed their minds and decided to try it. Now one is 100% trained, poopy and all, and the other still has some accidents and some regression but is mostly there. One month later.

    I only have a few pieces of advice:

    Keep trying but stay positive, not forceful.
    Try bribery. ;) M&Ms and stickers have worked here. And praise.
  3. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    With my one daughter, she wasn't taking to any of the bribes (m&m's, jellybeans, etc). This time around, we decided to try the potty chart with stickers and rewards. It seems to be just what she needed. I think that each child has different motivation and it's just a question of finding the right motivation. Hang in there...as everyone tells me, they won't be going to college in diapers.
  4. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    "I think that each child has different motivation and it's just a question of finding the right motivation."

    I agree with the PP. Just so you don't feel alone, my boys trained over 6 months apart!! They are individuals and each have their timing.

    My son who trained first basically trained himself. It seemed so easy. With the other, it seemed to be a combination of him not being ready and having to find the right thing to motivate him. It came down to visiting his 3 year old preschool. He really wanted to go and potty training was a requirement. I swear that teacher sprayed some "magic dust" on him during that visit. He went pee on the potty while we were at the school and went full steam ahead with training. At the same time, I had bought a potty training video and he started watching it several times a day... memorizing all of the songs. It all clicked!!! and he trained #1, #2 as well as night trained within that week.

    One other thing that I found, he seemed more distant to potty training if I brought up the fact that his brother was trained. He said "he didn't care and he wanted to be different!"
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