WHY WON"T THEY P'''''P on the toilet?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by muskokatwins, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. muskokatwins

    muskokatwins Active Member

    Hi Ladies!

    Its been so long since I last posted!!!
    Two months ago I did the intense 3 day potty training with the boys and as hard as it was it totally worked!! three days and both boys were peeing on the potty all day and sleeping thorugh the night with dry beds!!! I am SO happy I'm all done diapers nada, zip, good bye!!

    However...we are still having poop accidents!! Both boys know exactly where poop goes, they are comfortable sitting on the toilet, and they have no problem telling me when they've pooped...but day in and day out one or both poop in their pants...

    SO many people tell me that its really hard for boys - they don't like to "let go" so to speak......

    I just don't know what to try to get it to "click" How do I get them to poop on the toilet???

    If anybody has any suggestions I'd appreciate it...I'm all about love and understanding, and Smarties are my best friend when we have a successful BM :clapping: , but I just don't know how to explain further how to poop on the toilet...and everytime they do it in their pants all I want to do is yell and scream, but Don't worry! I don't!

    Anyway, any help is appreciated!

    Hope all are well!
  2. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    Are they constipated at all? This was the problem (and still is) for my two. They now only go in the potty, but still try to hold it in because it hurts them.

    Also, I think kids get used to the "poopy position" they prefer and it is hard to learn to go another way (ie, sitting on the toilet). My DS had a real hard time going in any other position than the crouching one he had adopted. Sorry, I have no advice on how to fix it, but I do promise it will get better! It just took us a lot of reminding and catching them about to go and moving them to the potty.
  3. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Are they at all consistent about what times of day they usually go? If they have typical times, you could be hypervigilant about sitting them on the toilet then.

    And ditto Stacy - what's their favorite position? When mine are in diapers, they get down on all fours to poop. When we started PTing, if I saw them on all fours, I'd just kind of talk them through it - tell them they could start out like that and then move on to the potty - and got down with them and showed them different positions they could try. They figured it out (probably as much because of luck as anything else).
  4. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    It took my Sarah 8 months to finally poop in the potty after being pee trained. She just refused. I periodically would try to get her to, but she just wouldn't do it. I tried everything, stickers, bribes, you name it. Then one day I tried the stickers again, and it worked...but it took 8 months to get there. Maybe they just aren't ready to go there yet?? Good luck! PT'g is the pits!!
  5. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    Same here for my boy at least. Fine with #1, refuses #2 ... he still goes every day though but mostly in his pants (or diaper for nap/bed time). My oldest was the same, took her a few more months (2 or 3) so I am just trying to live with it, and keep encouraging him ... 5 m&m's ...?! Just wanted to let you know you're not alone and my oldest turned out fine! Never did again once she first did it!
  6. muskokatwins

    muskokatwins Active Member

    Well, in reply to some of your questions, neither are constipated, they do not go at particular times of day which makes it even harder to predict, and neither have a "poop position" (unless standing is considered a pooping postion)

    and both boys have actually had successful BM's on the toilet, and they get SO excited and we all cheer and do the dance etc...but then they turn around and some time later that day they do another in their pants...which is why I'm so confused...
  7. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I've been told that telling them that poop belongs in the toilet helps. Explain it that way. No clue... we had a few accidents in pants but somehow they figured it out. :hug: It is very frustrating!
    Once I was downstairs doing laundry really quick and then I see one of them at the top of the stairs holding their underpants. Oh oh. Turns out there was a 'log' smack dab in the middle of the coffee table. :shok:
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