why wait until 6 months for solids??

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Mommydee, Feb 16, 2007.

  1. Mommydee

    Mommydee Well-Known Member

    i haven't really read, i must admit, the recommendations of waiting until 6 months until introducing solids, but am wondering what the reasons are to wait? food allergies? choking risks? anyone know? i am open to starting them to get used to it, but if there are possible risks/problems, i am more than happy to wait. i think they are only eating around 25-28 oz/day (not sure, since i BF and they only get a bottle before bed or when at the sitters).
  2. Mommydee

    Mommydee Well-Known Member

    i haven't really read, i must admit, the recommendations of waiting until 6 months until introducing solids, but am wondering what the reasons are to wait? food allergies? choking risks? anyone know? i am open to starting them to get used to it, but if there are possible risks/problems, i am more than happy to wait. i think they are only eating around 25-28 oz/day (not sure, since i BF and they only get a bottle before bed or when at the sitters).
  3. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    The ped told us there is a concern for higher food allergies and obesity later in life if started on solids too soon
  4. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    Allergies mostly, and the fact that bm or formula is all the nutrition that a baby needs for the first 6 months. Feeding them solids before then could actually shortchange them nutritionally.
    Parenting magazine article
  5. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    I've heard food allergies and obesity. They also say that the babies main need for nutrition the first year is breast milk or formula and if people start food to soon, they do more of solid food feeding and less of the breast or bottle feeding.
  6. Natalie81

    Natalie81 Well-Known Member

    My pedi told us to start at 4 mo. we tried and they just really didnt care for it. I dont know if it was laziness or something just telling me to wait untill right around six months, but now they love their food and happy babies = happy mommy.
  7. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Her Royal Jennyness:
    Allergies mostly, and the fact that bm or formula is all the nutrition that a baby needs for the first 6 months. Feeding them solids before then could actually shortchange them nutritionally.

    Our pedi said the same thing.
  8. Becky707

    Becky707 Member

    Yep - you've all got it right. Propensity to allergies if introduced too soon. Also, you are substituting a superior food with an inferior one. A baby's digestive system simply isn't mature enough to handle anything but milk. You might catch a lot of flak from some grandmas who think you are starving the children, but listen to the American Academy of Pediatrics!
  9. RRTwins

    RRTwins Well-Known Member

    Every baby is different - you should start solids when your babies are ready. 6 months is a guideline not a rule... some babies are ready for solids before 6 months and some after. Mine for instance were eating over 40 oz of formula a day at 4 months and wanting more -definitely ready for solids. With the addition of solids, they are still getting over 36oz of formula a day. At 36oz a day plus two solid meals, they are clearly not being "shortchanged" nutritionally in any way. Yours may be sooner than 6 months or later and they may not be ready at the same time. So you need to follow your gut and do what you think is best for your children.
  10. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    Every baby is different - you should start solids when your babies are ready. 6 months is a guideline not a rule... some babies are ready for solids before 6 months and some after. Mine for instance were eating over 40 oz of formula a day at 4 months and wanting more -definitely ready for solids. With the addition of solids, they are still getting over 36oz of formula a day. At 36oz a day plus two solid meals, they are clearly not being "shortchanged" nutritionally in any way. Yours may be sooner than 6 months or later and they may not be ready at the same time. So you need to follow your gut and do what you think is best for your children.

    Very similar but my boys started at 5 months- and mine were waking at night and finishing whole bottles
  11. Brockgirl

    Brockgirl Well-Known Member

    I disagree. I started my son on solids at 6 months and he had a food adversion where when he tried a new food and didn't like it or the texture of it...he would vomit...even in a restaurant.

    My two daughters...no 11 and 13...had an older doctor that started them on cereal at 2 WEEKS and babyfood at 4 WEEKS. Neither have allergies, obesity, or food adversions like my son. In fact, they eat more healthy foods than my son.

    If you read Child Magazine...they had an article about if you wait too long (7 months and on) that your child can develop food allergies, too. It seems strange that since the docs have changed kids to start solids later that more and more food allergies have appeared. When I came home from the hospital, I was on cereal. I know of no one my age that has food allergies. However, if you go into classrooms now, look at all the food allergies. Maybe it is because people are waiting too long and the doctors are wrong.

    Both of my twins have been on cereal since 2 months. They had difficulty with gaining weight prior to the cereal and are now thriving very well (but no where near obesity). My ped said he didn't want them to start solids right away because of head control. I feed mine in a bouncy seat. Mine actually are very interested in when I eat. Some moms are just lazy to start solids because it does make quite the mess and they don't like to take the time. You have to decide what is best for you and your babies.
  12. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member

    Allergies is the biggest reason. More importantly if you have a history of food allergies in the family. But there is a list of less allergenic foods that you could start (sweet potatoes, bananas, pears).

    I was planning to wait til 6 months but started one of my sons early as he was eating 36 oz of EBM a day and I was having trouble keeping up. So I gave him some food. It's taken him a month to get more proficient so I don't think it helped calorie wise, but he's now eating 4 oz less a day.

    If you're not worried about allergies, then go for it. it's best when the babies are interested, though.

    My friends with twins who formula feed started their kids at 4 months.

    Teri D
  13. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Everyone has already made great points, so I won't belabor the point...but just wanted to add another GREAT reason to wait until 6 months:

    solids is a huge, messy hassle and why complicate life with twinfants any more than you have to? [​IMG]
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