Luke, more so than Lee, sticks his finger in his diaper when he has poop and then pulls it out to show you he has poop! Well, it started with just the finger, now he pulls out pieces! AHHHH! :wacko: I hate this! It is so nasty!! I know I have read other posts about them playing in it and stuff, but how do you punish them for this? I don't want them to think I am punishing them for pooping, but this is just gross! What do I do?!?!?
I made it through almost all of my kids without this happening. Then one of the twins started! I started just dressing her in one piece outfits or outfits with onesie shirts or overalls. I ended up with a drawer full of clothes I refused to put on her because of it! She has since stopped, I think because she went so long without being able to put her hand in her diaper that she forgot she could! hth
maybe putting them in overalls or all in one's so they can't get into it and its not such a novelty. I don't know that u could "punish" them for it, they're just curious I guess, they don't realize we find it so disgusting. maybe putting them in overalls or all in one's so they can't get into it and its not such a novelty. I don't know that u could "punish" them for it, they're just curious I guess, they don't realize we find it so disgusting.
One of mine did this. Once I realized that she didn't like to feel it in her diaper, and was trying to change herself, I told her over and over that her hands were too small to change herself, and never never never touch the poopie, come get Mommy or Daddy instead. This did work, although not the very next time she pooped.