Why oh why do my DD keep getting yeast infections?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by siobhan, Sep 28, 2008.

  1. siobhan

    siobhan Well-Known Member

    actually both my DD's, is there something lacking in their diet or what one of my Dd's has dairy allergies..
  2. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    has she been on antibiotics a lot?
    Does she like yogurt? Yogurt can really help and I know antibiotics can really mess up us girls.
  3. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    Try feeding them more yogurt and less things made with yeast and sugar. Some people are sensitive to yeast (like in bread) and refined white sugar and it somehow feeds all the naturally occurring yeast in their vagina, then those little suckers quickly get out of hand.
  4. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    This is what I use to control yeast in my body. I rarely have a yeast infection down there, but I do deal with yeast in my milk ducts and intestines. When treating the symptoms get worse before they get better, because of the die off.
  5. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

    Bubble baths are a known culprit. I just started this past week letting the girls take them and it's only once a week. They've only had one case of bad diaper rash and I make sure they always have diaper cream on, with each diaper change. It seems to help my two. I've also had a tube of Nystatin on hand in case I see those little red bumps surface, I'll put a little Nystatin on and it'll clear up. I'd call your pedi and ask for a Rx for the Nystatin. Hope you get it figured out and she feels better soon.

    Here are some links I've found. Hope they help.
    about UTI's
    Prevention of yeast
    Good info here too
  6. siobhan

    siobhan Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(EMc2 @ Sep 28 2008, 09:25 PM) [snapback]1002171[/snapback]
    Bubble baths are a known culprit. I just started this past week letting the girls take them and it's only once a week. They've only had one case of bad diaper rash and I make sure they always have diaper cream on, with each diaper change. It seems to help my two. I've also had a tube of Nystatin on hand in case I see those little red bumps surface, I'll put a little Nystatin on and it'll clear up. I'd call your pedi and ask for a Rx for the Nystatin. Hope you get it figured out and she feels better soon.

    Here are some links I've found. Hope they help.
    about UTI's
    Prevention of yeast
    Good info here too

    Thank you so much for all the info!!!
  7. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    My SD was prone to these and had them alot from age 2-5 she had about 2 from age 5 years until present, she will be 11. She stopped taking baths at age 4 per doc orders and we gave only showers until she was old enough to do them herself, no ice tea, soda dark drinks tend to give her a reaction and I had to monitor her wiping skills for awhile because she was not properly drying herself when she went to the bathroom. Give her some yogurt or cranberry juice. HTHs!
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