Why do I even bother?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by KYsweetheart, Oct 23, 2007.

  1. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    The boys share a room, and they have a king size bed... I make it up every morning and its not long they have the sheet, comforter and pillows in the floor. Everytime I walk by to check on them while they are playing, I make their bed back up. I made it up 4 times today! Why do I even bother? I know I should just let it go... but I hate walking by and seeing a mess anywhere... I automatically go to trying to straighten things up.
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Jamie, I am the same way, with some things that is. Do you think they could help you make the bed after they play in it, it could be a fun game for them. Or you could just keep making it 4 times a day. :laughing: I think that is just the Mother in us. :D
  3. Amy A

    Amy A Well-Known Member

    LOL! I also make the boy's beds every day, and I wonder why I bother! They each have their own room and they each have a twin bed. They still have their mattress on the floor (haven't bought the actual beds yet), so it's a pain to lean over and make it. I don't know why I do it either! Like so many things - why do I pick up some of their toys when I know they will just take them all out again later (especially when they can and should be picking them up themselves??). It's me being a neat freak I guess!!
  4. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I gave up. Between napping and playing hide and seek 40 times a day in it, I no longer bother. It only gets made now if we have company coming over, or I have changed the sheets.
  5. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Between napping and playing hide and seek 40 times a day in it,

    Thats what mine do in theirs as well!! lol
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