Why are you (were you) on bedrest?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by pinguinlvr, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. pinguinlvr

    pinguinlvr Well-Known Member

    Hi girls! I'm joining the ranks of you on bedrest! I was just curious why you are on bedrest. Or for those that have been on bedrest why you were on bedrest and the outcome of it.

    I am bedrest because my twin girls have a 20% difference in their weights right now and my doc said that the best thing to do to get them to grow is to be on bedrest. So here I am!!
  2. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    Hi I am on bed rest currently. I am 17 weeks today. I have been on bed rest since week 5....I have been bleeding since then...on and off...I spent 6 days in the hospital and had 4 blood transfusions last Monday...it was very scary but I was in good hands with the medical staff there. I have been diagnosed with Placenta Previa and Placenta Abruptio. My perinatologist said that he has never had another patient bleed as much as I have....what a thing to be remembered for...LOL I can think of many other accomplishments that I would rather stick out than that one!

    I wish you well with your baby girls and Pray that God will keep them settled in there and help them GROW GROW GROW!

    take care and keep us posted!

  3. ferfischer

    ferfischer Well-Known Member

    I've been on bedrest since 18 weeks. In our case it's for TTTS, growth issues and fluid issues. To put a little sunshine into your day, the bedrest is working! My twins have stabilized for the moment. The growth discordance was once about 20% and still is different, but hasn't gone up, and sometimes, has even gotten as low as 10%. More importantly, the fluid levels have stabilized.

    Also, if you have growth issues, I would recommend boosting your protein, with protein drinks or increased protein in your diet. I really believe it helps!

    Also, I'm pretty strict with my bedrest - I'm up only 2-3 hours a day total, including shower and bathroom and eating. I also help with my DS in the morning and evening.

    I've kind of gotten used to bedrest - I can work from home, so that's good. I'm trying to avoid hospital bedrest for now.

    But I'm prepared to go as long as it takes - I'm encouraged that its working!

  4. Rachel&Emily

    Rachel&Emily Well-Known Member

    I was put on at 24 weeks due to TTTS, PTL and a positive (I spell this wrong every time) Fetal Fibernectan test. I had to spend the evening in the hospital to get steroids and make sure the contractions stopped then shipped home to the bed/couch.

    It was hard and uncomfortable for me but I got through it.

  5. pinguinlvr

    pinguinlvr Well-Known Member

    Thanks girls! It's so great to know that the bed rest is helping! I'm definitely taking it serious and with some of the stuff I heard going to up my protein etc. Good luck to us all!!!
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was put on bedrest due to an emergency cerclage and cervix shortening and dilating. Hang in there.
  7. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I was put on bedrest at 16 weeks after an emergency cerclage due to severe cervical shortening/incompetent cervix. I was put on hospital bedrest at 24 weeks when it had shortened again due to PTL. Got steroid shots right at 24 weeks, spent 4 weeks in the hospital stable, then went back to home bedrest at 28 weeks.

    I delivered at 31 weeks due to baby a PROM'ing.
  8. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I was put on hospital bedrest due to pre-eclampsia at 30 weeks. Hang in there. Its no fun but each day is closer to your due date.

  9. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I was placed on bed rest at 27 weeks b/c I was 1 cm dilated at my apt. that day. After that, I spent the majority of weeks 30-34 (about 25 days of that time) on hospital bedrest b/c of PTL.
  10. tvstouwe

    tvstouwe Member

    :) Hang in there! I was put on bedrest at home at 18 weeks for TTTS and went into the hospital on bedrest at 24 weeks for TTTS and a "pseudo" monoamniotic/monochorionic pregnancy - really tangled up cords. For me, the time flew by and was definitely a big help in delivering my little dudes safely (at 32 weeks) - that was scheduled due to the cords being really tangled.
  11. bryean

    bryean Member

    I was just put on bedrest this Wednesday at 30 weeks. My cervix has decreased from almost 4 cm to only 2 cm right now and is funneling, in about 2 weeks. I'm also having contractions, but not regular enough for meds. I'm hoping I can make it to 34 weeks at the very least. Bedrest stinks but I know its going to be worth it.
  12. jesstheca

    jesstheca Well-Known Member

    My doctor put me on bedrest at 33 weeks due to gestational edema or MEGA swelling. My legs are hee-uge and the swelling is actualy VERY uncomfortable. I'll be working from home for the next two weeks and after that waiting for the boys to arrive.
  13. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    I was put on bedrest at 27wks (3 days after my baby shower) for shortened cervix, measuring at 1.9cm. Fortunately it has not shortened anymore since so I guess bedrest is working. I also have been having contractions, as long as I'm resting they are not that bad but when I have doctor appointments or my weekly u/s, they sometimes come as close as every 7-9 mins.
    Fortunately I am able to work from home on my laptop, my friend from the office brings me work a couple times a week, and I have many 'thank you' cards to keep me entertained for now!
    If I can hang in there till 34wks, my doctor will not stop my labor after that.
  14. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    On bedrest at 29 weeks for PTL (had the steroid shots for babies lungs), then had to be induced at 37 weeks due to cholestasis.

  15. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    i was put on partial bedrest at 26 weeks for contractions. my cervix was closed and the ptl test came back negetive, but i think she put me on partial bedrest because i keep asking for permission to dance and excercise and clean.... so she put a restriction on me so i wouldn't do things i'm not supposed to do.

    did that make sense? :mellow: ^_^
  16. careyayn22

    careyayn22 Well-Known Member

    I was placed on bed rest at 19 weeks due to funneling to my stich and shortened cervix to 1.5 cm (had preventative cerclage at 13 weeks).

    I am at 24.4 and have been steady. I have my next appointment at 25 weeks on Monday and hoping to reamain on bed rest at home for as long as possible.
  17. armybaby&wife

    armybaby&wife Member

    I was put on bedrest at 25 1/2 weeks due to a doppler scan that showed intermiddent absence of blood flow to Baby B. Then it went to strict bedrest a few days later from bleeding from placenta previa, a baby in the 6th percentile for IUGR. She also has a 2 vessel cord and heart arythmia, Baby A however is doing great and Baby B is as long as I'm in bed and not out and about! I am now 34w2d.
  18. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    I was put on bedrest at 19w1d due to contractions and a 1.5 cm cervix that is funneling. The bedrest seems to be working. This is going to be a long haul, but it will be worth it if it works to give me healthy babies.
  19. TamSam

    TamSam Well-Known Member

    Hello Everyone,

    I am heartened that there is a support group like this. I spent three night this past week in the hospital trying to stop premature labor. I will be 27 weeks on Wednesday. I went from 2-3 cm Wednesday to a cervix that was between 1-2 cm and funnelling on Friday. This hit me out of the blue - everything's been smooth until now - and left me very afraid of having premature babies. From the other posts, it sounds like that there is a lot they can do to stop the early labor.

    Does anyone have stories about delivering early despite bedrest, or of having bedrest successfully delay labor until a safe stage? I am curious what things would be like if they came early - the NICU and having babies there for months seems scary. :( Just tryingt o hope for the best.
  20. asahlin

    asahlin Well-Known Member

    bed rest since Friday because I was having contractions and was 1 cm dilated......hoping I will get good news on Thursday
  21. snowmom

    snowmom Well-Known Member

    I was put on bedrest after 3 days in the hosptial last week for contractions. I'm back at home on bedrest until next Tuesday, then I will be reasessed to see how I'm doing. Still getting contractions, but much milder then before. Cervix is closed and 4cm.
  22. twins0507

    twins0507 Active Member

    I was placed on modified bedrest for a shortening cervix at 28 weeks. At 31 weeks I was put on full bedrest again due to a shortening cervix and PTL. I was also given steroid shots and put on Procardia to stop preterm labor. I ended up delivering at 35weeks with no NICU time for either baby.
  23. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I was on Hospital bedrest starting at 25weeks 1 day due to PTL, dilation, positive FFN, and funelled membranes...I had the works! It was really hard, but so work it to get that extra time that my little one's could bake.

    Good luck to you!!
  24. allboys

    allboys Well-Known Member

    Preterm labor causing me to dilate to 3/70/-1 at 26 weeks. Now 29 weeks and still hanging on.
  25. sbailey

    sbailey Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone!

    I was put on bedrest about three weeks ago (I can't believe it has flown!!!!!). I was put on bedrest due to shortened cervix and contractions. No hosp. time for me (yet) I am really hoping I don't have to, but if I do I will. Everyone hang in there!!!!!!

    Sending a group hug to everyone! :love0028:

  26. Jayn

    Jayn Well-Known Member

    I have a history of preterm labor and about a week ago (23 wks), I landed a trip to L&D for mostly a lot of pressure and "maybe some contractions" It ended up I was contracting every 1-3 minutes. I was dilated to 1cm and 50% at the time. After 4 days in the hospital with Mag, I was allowed to go home on Procardia and pretty strict bedrest.
  27. cbrownie15

    cbrownie15 Active Member

    I was placed on moderate bed rest at week 17 for a shortening cervix, then strict bed rest form week 20 on due to cervix being less than 2 cm - had the cerclage stitch put in. Have also been in the hospital a few times for contractions. Am now on terbutaline 6 times daily and 17 hydroxy progesterone shots weekly.
    Now going into week 21 - so just settling in for the long haul. So great to see everyone's stories - def. makes you feel less alone and it becomes less scary as you know other's are going through the same thing.
    Best wishes to all!
  28. nkirk

    nkirk Well-Known Member

    I was put on bedrest 3 weeks ago due to increasing blood pressure. My blood pressure readings have been all over the map since then. I'm trying to get prepared to deliver at any point... I'm so bored of hanging out on my couch, but want these babies to be as big as possible. I hope we all deliver healthy babies...
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