Who's 15 month or older is still not walking?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bennysusie, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. bennysusie

    bennysusie Active Member

    My daughters both just turned 15 months and are still not walking. While I expected Jess to be a late walker due to some gross motor delays and she is in EI. I am surprised that Natalie is still not walking. She has taken steps and stands on her own. Anytime we try to encourage her to walk, she would much rather crawl. Some days she loves to practice and other times she wants nothing to do with walking. So it seems that she has been close to walking forever, but is still not there. This is the child I thought that would be walking three months ago. Any other experiences like this? Thanks!
  2. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    One of my girls just really got confident in her walking this past week, she walks about 10-12 steps and she is always grabbing for fingers so she can walk assisted, she had been taking a few steps for months.
    My other girls can take a couple steps but she just started last week, she is doing EI for gross motor skills.

    People told me not to worry, it will happen when they are ready. I actually am in no hurry for walkers, it just means more chasing on my part! :rolleyes:
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Royce just started walking a few weeks ago at about 15.5 months. He still crawls more than he walks though.
  4. danachang

    danachang Well-Known Member

    First thank you for posting this. Second one of my boys who turns 15 months this week is still not walking. He shocked us yesterday by taking four steps out of the blue. He has been cruising forever and finger walks all day long but just refuses to walk. Our PT said not to worry since he was a late crawler but is tough. My other son has been walking and running for months. Hang in there...you are not alone.
  5. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    Our boys will be 16 months on the 20th and just started walking around Christmas.

    Riley seems to be doing a letter better than Reese, who still prefers to crawl. I think he crawls because it gets him there before his brother, though! I'm finding that late walkers are more the norm among twins than the exception. At least, from the stories I've heard...
  6. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    My DS just started walking last week at 15.5 months. When we went for our 15 month pedi appt he wasn't showing any interest at all, the pedi said not to even start worrying unless he wasn't showing any interest at all at 18 months. In the last 3 weeks has gone from zero interest to full out walking.
  7. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    my girls weren't walking until 16 months. Dr. told me not to worry until 18 months!
  8. mjcady

    mjcady Member

    One of my girls just started the other day; the other can't even stand for long! I'm not concerned -- excited though that they'll surely be pretty stable once the nice weather arrives. (Pacific northwest -- we have rain through May/June!) Eloise, who is walking (a little) now, was the first to crawl as well. Enjoy the last bit of limited mobility while it's here!
  9. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    DS was crawling at 5 mo and pulling up/cruising long before DD --- but didn't walk until 17 mo! And now he's unstoppable.
  10. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    Mine didn't start until they were 16 months. And I thought Braxton was "almost there" for 3 months as well. He tricked me. Caleb didn't even pretend. He just got up and walked one day.
  11. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member


    My twins are 17.5 months (boy/girl twins). My DS started walking at 16 months, but my DD is still not walking. She will cruise the furniture, walk holding both hands and will walk with some of her toys (shopping cart, walk behind walker, etc...), but she does not stand independently or has not taken any independent steps. We had her in physical therapy for awhile, but they recently released her because they said even though she is delayed, she is making progress and they see no problems with her muscle tone or joints. The therapist sees us once a month now just for a re-eval and to check on her progress. She pretty much just said that she will eventually do it in her own time and recommended that we work with her at home by encouraging her to cruise more and walk with us holding her hands, etc.
  12. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Mine were born 9 weeks early. Lily walked at 11 months actual, Grace not until 20 months actual. Grace is just way more cautious, it was a total personality thing. They'll do it in their own time, don't stress.
  13. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    My girls didn't start walking until 17 and 18 months (actual age, they were 10 weeks early). Even now, one of them isn't walking all of the time yet. I know it's very worrisome, but they will walk eventually!
  14. EricaG

    EricaG Well-Known Member

    My boys are 17m (15m corrected) and just starting to walk. P walks well on his own when he WANTS to and E stands well and will take a couple of steps but then usually gets down to crawl since he can do it so much faster. It's hard not to worry but since I know that they CAN walk I'm trying to relax a bit and let them get the idea that walking is better then crawling.

    Good luck

  15. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    My second daughter didn't walk till 18 months. She is now doing algebra in 1st grade (because she LOVES math and DH is thrilled to teach her.) I asked her last night if A=2 how much is (3) (2) +1 she told me 7. ( I needed a tutor to pass algebra in 10th grade....)

    I wouldn't worry about it!
  16. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    1st dd walked at 11 months
    1st ds wwalked at 10 months
    2ns ds walked at 14 months
    2nd dd walked at 18 months

    dd #2 was also in EI. Give it some time. Also, be careful what you wish for. I really wish I could go back to the non-walking days some times.
  17. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    My last DS decided to be a later walker. He got and started walking around the 16 month mark (and he was not a preemie). Prior to that my latest walker had been at 13.5 months so we were definitely anxious for the last to walk (not to mention he weighed a ton).
  18. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Both my girls walked at 15 months, although Nadia was crawling at 7 months and cruising shortly thereafter, and Karina didn't even *roll over* until 8 months, LOL. It varies so much per kid.

    Kevan is 19 months and still not walking -- he's just now taking 8 to 10 steps in a row, if we force the issue (hooray!). But, he does have general delays across the board, and is in physical therapy.
  19. kstar

    kstar Well-Known Member

    My DD was 16 months when she started, other DD was 13 months.
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