whole milk how to make them like it?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Kristamommy, Jul 1, 2007.

  1. Kristamommy

    Kristamommy Well-Known Member

    ok so i am down to two nursing sessions a day.....early morning and right before bed....my girls love water and they are ok with juice...but they hate milk...they wont drink it. i tried mixing caranation instant breakfast to it to make it tastey...nope! cold...nope! warm nope! they dont like it
    any ideas? ps they drink from cups

    oh also my zoey is now going to be drinking rescourse just for kids....kind of like pediasure btu different to help her gain weight...anyone else twins doin g this?

    thanks :)
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I had that problem with my older 3 kids and added Chocolate milk mix to get them to drink it. The ped said it was ok.
  3. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Ovaltine was my life saver for Kayla, still is!
  4. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Options for milk:
    1) add a bit of vanilla (just a few drops)
    2) add choclate, carmel or strawberry syrup
    3)mix half and half with yogurt(my girls favorite)
    4) ovaltine

    I haven't heard of rescourse and can't find out anything on the web. Do they have a website?
  5. betseeee

    betseeee Well-Known Member

    I tried soymilk and they didn't spit that out, but they wouldn't drink much of it plain. I started very slowly mixing it with EBM over the course of several weeks. Now they will drink plain soymilk. I figure soon I'll reverse that process with adding cow's milk to the soy.

    Have you ever tasted breastmilk? I don't blame them for not wanting to switch to cow's milk! :)
  6. Kristamommy

    Kristamommy Well-Known Member

    thanks will try the ideas :)
  7. xkaper

    xkaper Active Member

    I am having the same troubles. This morning however I made a smoothie with the whoile milk and added a couple of strawberries, blended and tthey loved it, tomorrow we try with some banana. Hopefully this sticks :)
    Good Luck,
    mom to id twin girls 06/23/06
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