I posted in Parents Club about being on the vacation from h&*($. A large part of the problem is Breena... For the first couple days, both girls did great. Napped on time, went to bed without a peep, were eating fine. But on Day 3, it all started going downhill and it hasn't gotten better. Breena is whiney and MISERABLE. She has no symptoms of being physically sick, so could a 15-month old be homesick? Nothing makes her happy, she has even less of an attention span than normal. She has always been more high-maintenance than her laid-back sister but this is crazy. I feel like I don't even know my own child. I feel like such a failure as a mom. Will we never be able to travel with them? We were thinking about 2 trips later this year, one for Thanksgiving and one for Christmas. But I would rather stay home than torture her and the rest of the family by dragging a cranky, tantrum-throwing, non-listening toddler. Will she go back to 'normal' when we get home? We are actually thinking of cutting our vacation short because it's just not any fun. DH is giving me the silent treatment - he thinks this is my fault. Any experience this? Any words of advice? Encouragment? Will we really not be able to take them anywhere til they are like....5?? Help!
Is it possible she's teething? Or perhaps her tummy is upset......when I was a kid, traveling always messed up my tummy & I'd get constipated.
Anything is possible I guess. She's 15 months and only has 4 teeth, so we're always watching for more. I did give her Miralax for constipation and that worked, but didn't improve her constant crying. QUOTE(naomi02 @ Sep 4 2008, 01:58 PM) [snapback]962504[/snapback] Is it possible she's teething? Or perhaps her tummy is upset......when I was a kid, traveling always messed up my tummy & I'd get constipated.
She could possibly be teething or not feeling good but it may be like one of our girls. I have had a similiar issue with DD#1 (they are 22 months old right now). Here is a recent post from me and some replies: http://www.twinstuff.com/forum/index.php?s...mp;#entry941815 Basically, our DD#1 absolutely thrives on a schedule. Once that schedule is messed up for more than a day then she is very unhappy. We tried our best to keep her on her schedule but I think for her, it just wasn't the same because she wasn't at home or her daycare that she is familiar with. Also, I think she just gets overstimulated. I can't offer any advice as I know how hard it can be when your child is so unhappy and you are trying to make the best out of your vacation. I would hate to cut the vacation short and I don't know how far you are from home, but if you aren't far, I would seriously have to consider (if it were me) cutting it short. If no one is having fun, why bother. That sounds harsh but I have been there and when one is unhappy, you spend so much time trying to make her happy. I hope whatever solution you choose, it works out for you guys. I am sure she will be back to herself soon. Take care and happy remainder of your vacation.
My kids are always nightmares on trips (Or when we have company over). And these are the times I have the LEAST patience, and when there are other people watching! AUGH!!!!! I think it's just the change in routine and environment. It's gotten better as they have gotten older.
We left early from our vacation this summer. Only one day, but we were all just "done". And the drive back was far and my husband and I didn't want to sit in weekend traffic with two miserable toddlers. It stinks that plans have to get a bit messed up, but they won't remember any of it and you'll be calmer and happier. Sometimes it's just worth it. When I take them anywhere and it starts to get hairy, I give them a chance to work it out, but if it gets to the point where we're all miserable, it's just silly to keep it going. After all, vacation is supposed to be fun. And again, they won't remember this down the line anyway. When they get to five, that's when cutting a vacation short could reek havoc for the rest of your lives! Pick a "if-it's-not-better-by-this" day and draw the line....
Sounds like the trip I took last May when the girls were 15 months old. I tried to maintain our schedule, but had to be flexible with it. Both girls were teething majorly (didn't realize until the end of the trip), and didn't sleep well because they were in the same room as us for most of the trip. Both these things resulted in a lot of crying and whining. But we are planning another trip for December so we are either gluttens for punishment or true optimists. GL!
Not that this was your question, but if she is out of sorts from traveling, it sounds like she got the gene from your DH! Traveling with twin kids is hard enough without a grownup kid thrown in the mix...
My boys are 15 months tomorrow and every freaking tooth in Elias' head are coming in right now. This is the time for first year molars and they are painful! Try ibuprofen....couldn't hurt.
Thanks everyone for your responses. We are home now. I know it KILLED DH to have to forfeit 2 nights on the beach that we already paid for, but it was just pointless to stay there. I called our ped as soon as we got home and she saw Breena right away. Turns out the poor kid has a double ear infection! She was showing no signs of it, except for the major crankiness and the less sleep. I got her Rx filled right away and gave her some Motrin tonight before bed. Hopefully now that she's home in her own crib, she will sleep better. Poor kid. Bad Mommy! :huh: I should've KNOWN that she didn't have a total personality transplant overnight! Why don't kids come with an instruction booklet?
Not everyone has bad experiences with vacations so don't let it scare you into staying home. We have taken 2 week long vacations and leave for our 3rd in 2 weeks. My girls are 2 1/2 and have loved each one. They do fabulous flying and we get them on the new time zone the first day. We do several things that seem to make it easier. I always buy bottled water. I get sick anytime I drink tap from other parts of the country. I have never wanted to risk making the girls sick. We have a timeshare that we stay in so we have our own bedrooms, a full kitchen, high chairs, etc. so it is more spacious and easier to stick to schedules. We always make sure they get their nap and go to bed at their normal time. I now bring our brand of wipes, shampoo, etc. Our first trip, I thought I would buy everything when we got there so I didn't have to pack as much. The wipes I bought gave both of the girls the worst diaper rash due to an allergy so we couldn't swim the whole week. I now know what they are all allergic to so I bring everything...including a lot of food since they have food allergies. We try not to try anything new so they don't get sick. A double ear infection can't be helped so I am hoping that one never occurs while on vacation
Its terrible to hear that your poor little one was sick while you were on holidays but it may have been a combination of things that led to her mood she may not like the change of routine aswell. My guys are all over the place when we go away they dont eat well or sleep well. Maybe when you go again Start with just a night and see how she goes if all goes well then that was a one off. If not you can go home ASAP. Please dont beat yourself up about not knowing we mothers dont always know everything.(dont tell my hubby I said that )