Which of your twins are stronger? My dd is by far stronger than her brother! Maybe ds doesnt fully realize his strength? But my you have to see how strong my dd is to believe it! She can singlehandidly move a full water bottle (the 2.5 gallon ones)! Or even the 35 bottles in a holder! When she pushes ds he goes sprawling on the floor! No match for her yet! Truly incredible!
Hmmm....DD is for sure stronger willed. She is the dare devil and not afraid to try to pick up, push of climb over anything. DS on the other had....usually tries to follow her lead and fails miserably...I find it to be rather cute!
We've got a dead-even match here but in watching their twin cousins, the boy is stronger than the girl and outweighs her by several pounds (they're 3). He's also more aggressive and sure of himself. She plays the drama queen role nicely, though, and is stronger willed by a mile.
Same here! Dd is quite into her own extreme sports! :lol: Ds on the other hand is more reserved & will 'think' first before doing. He does go on his own 'adventures' though & dd will follow & take what he finds!
Over here, my son is the stronger, bigger, more physical one. My daughter, definitely stronger-willed but since she weighs 10 lbs less than her brother, she cannot compete physically. However, she is the quicker-thinking one of the two.