Who is more adventurous?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by tinalb, May 23, 2007.

  1. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My two little one's are polar opposites in personality which, from what I can tell on here is probably more the norm for twins than the exception. So, I was just curious about birth order & personality. Who is the more adventurous, agressive and who is more passive, laid back? I think it is probably more random but I was just curious to see. Lila (Baby A for me) is way more adventurous, assertive, into everything, knows what she wants & takes it, than Luke (Baby B ) who is so laid back, loves to be cuddled, lets her take his toys (though he does sometimes get mad), etc. How about yours?
  2. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    For us it is the opposite. Emma ( B ) is more outgoing while Mia ( A ) is more reserved and laid back.
  3. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    For us i would have to say baby B Mason is the on who is always exploring and although his sis like to also she is more happy watching him than doing it herself.
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Adventurous...Jake( B ), he was the first to climb up the stairs, and the first to take steps.
    Aggressive as in taking toys...Emma(A), it's funny though, because she is also my cuddler.
  5. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My twin A (Clayton) was first to do several milestones, but not walk. My twin B (Audrey) is my daredevil. She has *that* look in her eye that says watch out! LOL She is not the shy one! LOL Twin A is laid back and my string bean.
  6. Mrs.B

    Mrs.B Well-Known Member

    I don't know if it's too early to tell who's more adventurous but Gabby - baby B, is easier to get excited while Alex, baby A is a little more reserved... guess I'll have to wait and see :itwins:

  7. LNC20

    LNC20 Well-Known Member

    Baby B is more curious and more of a "go getter" . Baby A is more content to sit and "read" her books :)
  8. stacyw

    stacyw Well-Known Member

    Cameron (A) is my demanding baby. He wants things done when, where and how he wants them. He is also the more social of the two. Evan ( B ) is more laid back. He is content to play with toys or stare at the wall, it doesn't matter to him.

    What's funny though is that is how they are when it comes to other people. When it comes to each other it is kind of opposite. Cameron tends to defer to Evan. Evan takes Cameron's toys all the time and Cameron will just sit there and let him.
  9. JakoBen

    JakoBen Well-Known Member

    My baby B (Ben) is definitely my adventurous one, while baby A (Jake) is way more laid back.
  10. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    Yep, they are opposites. Baby A (Lilly) is my more quiet, sweet, complacent girl. Owen is a ham, and aka Mr. Fussypants!
  11. cael0816

    cael0816 Well-Known Member

    Baby A (garrett) is the CRAZY one. :p He steals toys ALL the time and has done most milestones first (usually only by minutes or one day). Baby B is Grant and he is my cuddler and is laid back. I think that is changing now. He is the bigger one and when Garrett steals a toy he hits him on the head until Garrett starts to whine.
  12. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    James (baby a) is my aggressive go getter, but Sean (baby B) is more laid back. They both steal toys equally. :)
  13. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    My Baby b is a dare devil! He's working on climbing stairs today.. sheesh!!
  14. 2boysforus

    2boysforus Well-Known Member

    Too funny!
    Baby A (Jonathan) is my laid back buddy. He's content hanging out watching the world and is an excellent sleeper. Baby B, James, on the other hand is my active, stringbean baby. He's always moving and is a bit more emotional than Jonathan.
  15. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    Baby A at birth (Noah) is aggressive, very laid back (except when he does not get his food fast enough :D ),more physical, into everything to the point he can be scary, likes to do his own thing more. Baby B at birth (Jacob) is much more easy going, emotional, cuddly, verbal even in moments of anger, would rather hang with people. However, let me add the disclaimer they do also fight equally over toys and will play wonderfully together when they want to.
  16. veggiehead

    veggiehead Well-Known Member

    Great post~~So fun to read the responses!! My Baby B (jack) NEVER sits still and he didn't in my tummy. Baby A (Bella) is what I call my sedentary baby! ha She is so laid back and just goes along for the ride...

  17. Angela0580

    Angela0580 Well-Known Member

    Baby B (Harlie) is my aggressive one, she NEVER sits still lol. She is into absolutely everything. Abbie is very shy and laid back, happy to just sit back and suck her thumb.
  18. lleddinger

    lleddinger Well-Known Member

    Baby "B" Corey is the "assertive" one and Baby "A" Cameron is content to lay there and watch..
  19. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    They are pretty young but Ashley(baby B) loves to lay and be played with and will smile at the drop of a hat at whoever or whatever is in her face at the time. Alyssa (baby A) is a very picky baby and is "suspicious" of everyone and has to do some major 'checking out' before she will give you the slightest grin (this includes DH and I and her sisters!) Alyssa is colicky and seems to need to be held more and eat more. Ashley is happy with a paci and a bit of 'conversation' so to speak!! So I dont know who will be what Ashley is outgoing but also seems to be laid back Alyssa I think will be the toy steeler.
  20. SharonH

    SharonH Well-Known Member

    For me it's Chloe (baby A) who's the dare devil and mischief maker. She's always chasing her big sister. Ben (baby B) is more laid back, content to do his own thing unless someone takes his toy - then the world has ended!
  21. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    As babies, Ainsley (Baby A) was always the one who had the initiative, assertiveness, and was more adventurous. Sierra (Baby B) was, to put it plainly, lazy. :rolleyes: She needed more attention from us and was near the end of normal on all her milestones not because she couldn't do them but because she didn't want to.

    That has all changed though and now Sierra is the one we have to watch out for. She'll try anything while Ainsley will often go to follow her and then think better of it. :p
  22. gatormommy

    gatormommy Well-Known Member

    My Baby "B" (Ava) is far more aggressive, adventurous, has diva attitude, etc. Baby "A" (Evan) is VERY laid back, content to watch, loves to cuddle, etc!
  23. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Baby A Jack is more adventurous. He always does new stuff first like climb the stairs (im always behind him) and then Sophie will copy him a couple of weeks later. x
  24. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    In our family, Melissa (Baby A) has always been the fussier one. She's also the more aggressive toy-stealer. But Jade (Baby B), who is quite laid back in some ways, is the more adventurous -- even when she couldn't crawl, she'd just roll wherever she wanted to go. And although in many ways she developed more slowly than Melissa, she was the first walker, because I think she just wanted to GO! She's also willing to eat new foods, so she's an adventurous eater too! Lately they are both big huggers, but Melissa moreso because she's more willing to be still a while.
  25. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Baby A, which Evan is very adventurous and daring..he will do just about anything. Baby B, Ian is very laid back, will play with a simple toy forever and only climbs etc. when he sees his brother doing it or honestly I don't think he would even care to.
  26. mommyeandm

    mommyeandm Well-Known Member

    Baby B (Ethan) is my adventurous one...always on the go, discovering things, etc. and takes toys away from Mitchell and likes to pull on him and "love" on him (HA!). Mitchell is a bit more laid back...VERY curious about things..how they work, etc. and more "sweet" but they both are rough and tumble boys. They like to have fun!
  27. BaaRamEwe

    BaaRamEwe Well-Known Member

    Baby A is my wild child and Baby B is my laid back, easy going girl.
  28. reeba1976

    reeba1976 Well-Known Member

    Will (Baby B) is more adventerous and John (Baby A) is more reserved.
  29. twinboymomma

    twinboymomma Well-Known Member

    Baby B is definitely more adventurous. I swear this child is fearless and is going to be the trouble maker. Nothing can get in his way and he will try anything. He is also more determined to get to what he wants, if he sees something he wants he will stop at nothing to get to it. He likes to climb over his brother and steal his toys.
    Baby A is very laid back. He is quite content to just hang around and take in the world. It was the same way when I was pregnant, baby A (Kris) was just hanging out in my belly. Baby B (Jayson) was always moving around and always seemed to be kicking Kris in the head during u/s.
    It is too funny how they are the same now as they were when I was pregnant.
  30. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Emilie (baby A) is definitely more adventous and Trevor (baby B ) is more laid back.

    Emilie is a lot like her older sister in that respect.
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