Who else wants to VBAC?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by lianyla, Mar 18, 2011.

  1. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I do NOT want another cesarean. It was HORRIBLE for me. I only had it cuz I thought it was not a big deal.. WRONG! Recovery sucked and I DO NOT want to do that again w/ the twins here at home already. EEKS!

    My doc says it's okay to attempt since I had no reason for the cesarean in first place. She also said that vaginal is best but c section after FAILED labor is the WORST! Ugh.

    Kinda scary.

    I'll be four years out (EXACTLY) from the last section so.. I'm not AS concerned about a rupture..

    Any stories? Anyone done it or is going to try this time?
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I had a VBAC with my 10lb baby. They say that if the baby is 13+ lbs they might go with a section but no worries. I had not history of failure to progress, my incisions were both low and horizontal and I did not tear with my c-section so with all those going in my favor I was able to do a VBAC. Some hospitals have policies against them. I switched hospitals but honestly I do not know why I did. My first question to the new clinic was whether they did VBAC's though. Yes! Whew! I wouldn't trade it for the world! At my post birth appt. the doctor stated that if I were to have another child, it would be as if my section never happened. I was in the clear to have another one vaginally because the VBAC went so well. We were driving home and I told my hubby that I could do that again (VBAC). LOL Educate yourself.. talk to your doctors and keep a flexible mind just in case you do have to have a c-section. GOod luck!

    ps. I only had a c-section because my twin A was breech.
  3. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    I am not pregnant yet, but I will for sure want a VBAC. My section was for a breech Baby A and I DO NOT want another section if I don't have to. Looking forward to more stories, thanks for sharing JicJac.:)
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  4. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    here are some good resources for information on VBACs that you may find helpful:

    ICAN - the International Cesarean Awareness Network & VBAC Information is a great resource for information & support on all things cesarean.

    Birthing Beautiful Ideas - this blog is written by a mom who is also a doula. her first birth was a c-birth, and her second was a succesful VBAC. she wrote a series on VBAC scare tactics that are sometimes used to discourage women from trying a VBAC. it's a great series with lots of useful information & links to even more evidenced based info.

    hope that helps!
  5. Christel

    Christel Well-Known Member

    I've had two VBACs, one after my first section (for breech)and one after the twins. Uterine rupture is very rare, even after multiple sections. If I didn't have previa, I'd be VBAC-ing, and I've had 3 sections!
  6. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Thanks girls. I feel like there are a TON of scare tactics out there about this, as well! I'm SOO glad I'll get to try it cuz, like I said.. c sections are NOT for me :)
  7. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I want a VBAC but I seriously doubt I will get to try.
  8. rosenschaf

    rosenschaf Well-Known Member

    I did it and it was the most amazing and beautiful thing. I had two ultrasounds late in pregnancy to check the c-section scar and the doctors were a bit concerned b/c it was so thin, but they gave me the go-ahead. I tell you, delivery was the best part of pregnancy. So, so much different from a section. As soon as she was out, I said I would be back for more!
  9. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    AWESOME news! I'm actually excited! I do want to experience labor, believe it or not and there will be NO MORE KIDS after this one. LOL!

    Heather, why not?

    Anyway, thanks for the encouragement!
  10. weegus

    weegus Well-Known Member

    I agree with pp... I had a VBAC 17 months after the twins' c-section. Even though I had a positive c-section experience, I wanted to experience birth and hold my baby right away. It was the most beautiful and serene moment of my life. I kind of feel jipped knowing what I know now having had a c-section for the twins... even though they were breech and I had no choice with my doctor. Definitely want to do that again!!!!! Good luck!
  11. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I had only seen nurse practioners until this past Monday both of which were very discouraging about VBACs and one of my good friends that used the same office with all 3 of her kids told me that they were not VBAC friendly and that she searched for a VBAC friendly dr in our area and could not find one. So I thought there was no way. When I went in Monday I was shocked when my dr was actually pro vbac ! So I may get my vbac after all!
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