Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jdio33, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    So my boys have been little devils this week (I mean more then usual). Let me just say that we go out alot! I'm part of a mommies group and we have meetups in the summer about 3 times a week. This is not counting the times we go to the store or grandparents. For them most part they are very good on outtings, but every minute we are HOME they turn into the biggest monsters ever :angry: . They will not play with toys or even me most of the time. They just do every single thing I tell them not too!!! They are just BAD!! I have had a horrible week needless to say!!!
    Anyway... they keep getting on the back of the couch and taking pictures off the wall knocking over gates, standing on chairs to get stuff up high ect... The problem is that if I step out of the room for a second and they do anyone of these things when I come back I'm not sure who did it? Of couse I have a VERY good idea (LOGAN), but I can't prove anything. haha. So do I put them both in time out, which doen't seem fair at all? or do I let it go, which I feel like is not teaching them?
  2. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    :hug: So sorry you are having such a trying week!

    My policy is generally that I have to see it in order to address it with them. They will do it often enough (at this stage anyway) that I am sure to catch them. In your case, I would just calmly put everything back and only address it if you catch them (easier said than done, I know). Over the past few months Jacob has become quite the little policeman for our house and tattles on Jackson for any little thing that he does, but I still only acknowledge something if I see it.
  3. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    Sorry about the rough time. I know it can seem so frustrating. Max & Lily are fascinated with toilet paper this week and keep ripping it off and trying to eat it. Yuck...Of course DH says fiber, but I hate all these tiny pieces of TP all over the house.

    Anyway, since yours are a little older I thought my sisters philosophy might work. When my 3 year old nephew (older than yours I know) won't listen she says "I bet you can't pick up your toys or I bet you can't eat that piece of chicken" The who reverse physcology thing is working for now with him. Just a thought.

    Sending :hug: :hug: your way. Hopefully this phase will pass soon.
  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :hug: If I don't catch the person in the act, then they both get a stern talking to, but no TO. Usually whoever did the thing they weren't supposed to tries it again and I do catch her and she goes to TO. Maybe take the pictures off the walls for awhile until they aren't so fascinated by them.

    Also, I know my girls are angels at the sitter's house but can be insane at home. I chalk it up to the effort that they expend being good all day and then they feel safe at home and 'let it all hang out' with me. Lovely. But maybe that is going on with your two as well. :hug:

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