White spots on finger nails

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by w101ttd, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    My Son always has white spots on his finger nails. I did some research on the internet. It might be nail bed's injury, vitamin/mineral deficiency. I am just not sure. He constantly has them. I dont think he gets hurt. He still drinks lot of formula (24-30oz/day), eats baby food and finger food. And his height is growing fast (over 30 some inches). I dont really know what the causes. Do/did your kiddos have this? Do you know what the causes? please share. I might call doc office tomorrow. I kept forgetting about this. TIA!!!!
  2. Brizzy_Twins

    Brizzy_Twins Well-Known Member

    i dont have kids but ive had it myself, even growing up to and mine was caused by vitamin/mineral deficiency. id call you doc sometimes they can give u some medicines that help clear it up and keep it away. good luck :hug:
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I know I had white spots on my fingernails... I never thought about it. I just thought it was calcium deposits. And looking at my fingernails now...I don't have any. I'm no help, I know. LOL! Did you end up calling the doctor?
  4. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    I never have but my husband does have a lot. He is a big tall guy (6foot tall). I did call doc office and talked to the nurse. She reAlly didn't have any idea what she's talking about. I left a message for our Pedi. But anyway we will have 12 month well check up on 4/13. So I will bring it up. For now, he still drink his formula and I replace his water with cow milk in sippy. I started giving him his vitamin again. 2 weeks ago, he got croop, he lost his appettie and refused milk. Now he's well but still only drink like 21oz of formula. He used to drink 30 some. However he eats more. I offer 3 meals and 1 snake now. His sis drink ton of milk from 29- over 30oz and has 3 meals. I never thought and still can't believe he has calcium deficiency. He wears 18 months pants and my kids are over 90% of height ((sigh))

    Thanks ladies!

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