White noise or no white noise?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by JoannaD, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    Do you use white noise when your twins sleep? Our ped recommended it when E&C were waking each other up at night. I had just downloaded an ocean sounds CD from Itunes onto my Ipod and used that. We've been using it for 4-5 months now. I just switched Ipods in their room, but now I can't get the CD to play continuously on the Ipod. So far, we haven't had any problems with them sleeping at night, so I'm debating on not using white noise anymore. It would be nice to not have to worry about it when we sleep somewhere else. But they also nap some days at my ILs, who have a dog and the CD helps block out some of his barking. If you used white noise, how long did you use it for?
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have a sound machine for the boys room and Annabella's room. The boys will be 3 1/2 in April...and they still use it. And Annabella will be 2. I don't forsee us stopping it anytime soon. And like you said-it is good when the sounds drowns out dogs barking, etc. That said-we don't bring it with us when we go places. Annabella has slept at my inlaws and she hasn't used it there. And we went on vacation last year and didn't bring it. Although, it is quite portable! LOL!
  3. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    We still use white noise for our boys.....our house is all one level and very close together, and it really helps block out noise from us and our dogs when they are sleeping. We will continue to use it as long as we live in this house for sure, which will be at least for another few years.
  4. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    We have air purifier in their room. It's like a white noise machine. But very often they sleep without it's running. Their room is on second floor and our house is very quite. My kids are great sleepers though like us heheh
  5. Chrijodo

    Chrijodo Well-Known Member

    We got a sound machine recommended by a mom on here for our girls room and it plays ocean waves every night. We also had one in our first son's room from the time he was 5 weeks until he was about 2 years old or so. In fact we used it so much that he broke it and we had to replace it. It helps ALOT with the twins they don't wake each other up and my older kids don't wake them up as easily either. Plus knowing that the sound means sleep time helps the transition to sleep.
  6. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    we also have a white noise machine & have no plans on giving it up anytime soon. we have second one that stays at the grandparents & third one for travel (found for cheap or free from other moms). i find it's really helpful when we travel because the sound is familiar.
  7. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    White noise. We have had a machine since they were tiny. When we travel, I use a free iPhone app.
  8. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    My kids are all 5 yrs + and all still have fans for white noise. I work nights and use a fan for noise when I have to sleep during the day.
  9. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My two are 3 and still have fans for white noise. We started out with a CD player that played lullabies and when that broke, we went to the fans.
  10. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    I am 33 almost 34 and still have to have some kind of white noise (usually a ceiling fan) to sleep. We have this one, My link it projects on the ceiling as well as plays white noise and music. Also has a timer or can play nonstop. WE LOVE IT!
  11. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We bought a sound machine (at Target) when our twins were a couple of months old. It was really more for my peace of mind than anything -- they were sleeping in the living room (long story) and although we tippy-toed around and they could sleep through anything, I still worried about waking them up.

    They're almost 5.5 and we still use it in their room. We also have a mini one (which fortunately makes almost the exact same sound) that I bring with us when we travel. I don't think it makes that much difference in blocking out sound anymore, but it's a powerful sleep cue for them and helps them settle down.
  12. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    we used a cd at first, then switched to my dh's alarm clock in their room b/c it has a bunch of sounds on it.

    I like the idea of them not having to have it... but for now it works. I know that they can go to sleep w/o it too, but it just seems to give them their own little peacefulness.
  13. Angelfish

    Angelfish Active Member

    I used a CD with ocean waves and they loved it. We stopped using it around 5 months mainly because we were traveling and I forgot to bring it along. I'm glad though they don't need any sleeping aids - less to worry about when we go to other places.
  14. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    Thanks girls! I ended up using the white noise again last night :lol: They did great over the weekend, but on Monday and Tuesday night, they woke each other up at 5am and kept each other up. Way to early for us! I used it again last night, and while C woke up at 5:30, he put himself back to sleep. Much better!
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