White Noise Machine

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by angs241, Apr 9, 2010.

  1. angs241

    angs241 Well-Known Member

    We are in the market for a white noise machine. Currently we just use the humidifier in the LOs room, but should we decide to ever take them anywhere overnight, we'll need something we can take with us. We need recommendations please!

    What type do you have? Do you like it? Is it portable?

  2. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    we have a clock radio in their room that has a cd player in it. I just use the rain on tin roof track on the cd I got from The Happiest Baby on the Block set. When we're out somewhere else, we hope and pray they have a radio... and we can just tune it to a static sounding station... sounds very similar to the rain sounds.
  3. weberboys

    weberboys Member

  4. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    We actually use a sound machine that has the sound of rain, waves, heartbeat, etc. and keep it on waves. It is what we have used from the beginning and works great and is tiny so totally portable. It does a little light show on the ceiling too but we never turn that part on.
  5. nycmomma

    nycmomma Well-Known Member

    We have this onehttp://www.amazon.com/Conair-SU7-Sound-Therapy-Relaxation/dp/B000OCK9S2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=miscellaneous&qid=1270861121&sr=8-1 and love it. It goes everywhere with us, I find that it helps 'recreate' home away from home.
  6. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    We have THIS one that we've used for probably over a year now. We usually use the "rain" setting. It works very nicely, and is small enough for traveling which is great. It also takes batteries so you don't need to pack the power cord.

    We use it in conjunction with their humidifier (the best white noise generator EVER!). I'll be sad when we put the humidifier away for the season; I hope the boys still sleep as well! :D But for traveling, the white noise machine works just fine, and they are used it from home so it makes for a familiar sleeping environment.
  7. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    We have been using Dexbaby sound mashine for close to 17 months now and absolutely love it. I recently bought another one in their room for better acoustics.It is always on "brook "setting and it is very soothing to my ears also.
    When we travel I always bring them with us and kids sleep so well.
  8. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    I had an old sound machine from Sharper Image that I got I think after college. I was so used to the city streets where I grew up, the quiet country peace was a bit too much for me. The sound machine worked. I never got rid of it, so I use it now for Cameron. I had gotten this clock once when we were looking for something to replace my broken alarm clock. It did ok as an alarm, but the snooze was permanently set to about 5 minutes which was too short for me. It had nature sounds included. We are using that one for Kiefer since he's in a separate room. Both are set to rain since those are the only sounds that sound similar between the two machines so they won't be annoying in the room monitors. It works well for us. They both are very portable. The only problem is the sound machine is the only one that works on batteries. Well, it did, that part broke. The alarm clock has back up battery but it only keeps time working in the background. It doesn't even show the time. When you plug it back in, it will not lose the correct time. The sounds are non-functional. We may have to update what we have, but for now, they work ok.
  9. angs241

    angs241 Well-Known Member

    Thanks to all! I appreciate the recommendations.
  10. luvmytwins08

    luvmytwins08 Well-Known Member

    also try the hearbeat/womb sound teddy bear. Still use it!!! They love it to this day!!! also try the crib toy from fisher price that plays muisc, has lights and fish and moves inside. my austin pushes it when he wants in on in the middle of the night!! so cute:) good luck!
  11. lovemytwinsx2

    lovemytwinsx2 Well-Known Member

    We use the Honeywell Air Cleaner, it works great, DH and I had it long before the boys arrived, then we put it in their rooms, and finally we just got another for our room, i sleep like a baby myself with it now. I think he bought it at homedepot.

    I dont know how to do a link to it, but you can look it up at homedepot or honeywell website. It works great...esp if you have allergies. and has different settings...they boys will not sleep without it on.
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