Whiskers, zits and other facial anomalies

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mrsfussypants, Apr 6, 2008.

  1. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    Before I had these babies I had great skin. I never had acne as a teenager (before you think you would have hated me as a teenager I had the frizziest hair in history and braces....good skin was the only thing I had going for me!). I am now sprouting the weirdest things all over my face! I really did cut myself some slack after having the twins because I know hormones can cause all kinds of weird things, but c'mon! My babies are almost ONE! The other day I found a giant whisker growing out of my chin! What am I, someone's grandma? Is this just the magic of turning thirty? Or did these babies make my face spontaneously grow whiskers?! I have gotten more zits in the past year than I have in my entire life up to this point. And the irony is now I have less time to put make-up on to cover it all than I ever have up to this point. Arrrggghhhh. My face is just blotchy and gross. What is a girl to do? Heeeelllllllllllllppppp!!

  2. monique+2

    monique+2 Well-Known Member

    no advice here, but i feel you on the great skin all your life to the most spontaneous, biggest zits! UGh, so annoying!
  3. DarciH

    DarciH Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mrsfussypants @ Apr 7 2008, 02:37 AM) [snapback]708351[/snapback]
    Before I had these babies I had great skin. I never had acne as a teenager (before you think you would have hated me as a teenager I had the frizziest hair in history and braces....good skin was the only thing I had going for me!). I am now sprouting the weirdest things all over my face! I really did cut myself some slack after having the twins because I know hormones can cause all kinds of weird things, but c'mon! My babies are almost ONE! The other day I found a giant whisker growing out of my chin! What am I, someone's grandma? Is this just the magic of turning thirty? Or did these babies make my face spontaneously grow whiskers?! I have gotten more zits in the past year than I have in my entire life up to this point. And the irony is now I have less time to put make-up on to cover it all than I ever have up to this point. Arrrggghhhh. My face is just blotchy and gross. What is a girl to do? Heeeelllllllllllllppppp!!


    No zits, but my skin was/is SO different during pregnancy and after, and not just my face. I had never had a mole in my entire life until I was pregnant, but was covered w/ skin tags & moles when I was. They've basically just dried up and went away but there are still remnants, it drives me nuts! I found some really long, fine, white-(what the ?) hairs on my stomach near my navel, eww! Seriously I pulled one off that had to have been over an inch long, and I am not a hairy person. Ever since I had the babies last June I've had this weird quarter-sized splotchy spot on the top of my left foot. What's weird is it isn't even my skin, it's underneath the skin and looks like burst blood vessels. But as huge as my feet and ankles, er shall I say cankles, were, it doesn't surprise me...gosh it's going to look oh-so lovely when I wear sandals this summer

    Oh, and about the turning 30 thing, I would say no - my skin never looked better than when I was in my 30's! I'm 42 now and still no whiskers, lol
  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a hormone issue. Maybe talk to your doctor about getting your hormone levels checked. Are you still BF-ing? Until then there is always tinting moisturizer and wax.
  5. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Leighann @ Apr 7 2008, 12:39 PM) [snapback]708703[/snapback]
    Sounds like a hormone issue. Maybe talk to your doctor about getting your hormone levels checked. Are you still BF-ing? Until then there is always tinting moisturizer and wax.

    Yes I'm still Bf'ing...but weaning soon. Maybe that'll do the trick! But thank goodness for tinted moisturizer and wax!

  6. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    :rotflmbo: Oh the joys of motherhood, right! My skin also looks like whodunit and why. Just gross-pasty and dull and blemishes galore. And I have the whiskers too....eew! I usually manage to keep them under control, but every now and then, I'll think I'm whisker free only to get in the car under natural lighting and see that I've missed them! Of course this only happens when I'm going somewhere special and I have no tweezers on hand. Ugh! No suggestions other than a good facial waxing and maybe a deep pore facial every month or so. I can't afford them, but I know they work.
  7. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(serranoboys @ Apr 7 2008, 02:35 PM) [snapback]708935[/snapback]
    :rotflmbo: Oh the joys of motherhood, right! My skin also looks like whodunit and why. Just gross-pasty and dull and blemishes galore. And I have the whiskers too....eew! I usually manage to keep them under control, but every now and then, I'll think I'm whisker free only to get in the car under natural lighting and see that I've missed them! Of course this only happens when I'm going somewhere special and I have no tweezers on hand. Ugh! No suggestions other than a good facial waxing and maybe a deep pore facial every month or so. I can't afford them, but I know they work.

    It's ALWAYS in the car that I noticed how badly my eyebrows need plucking, the dreaded whisker (how do I not notice them until they are like 2 inches long?) and how not blended my blush actually is.

  8. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    AMEN! I totally know where you're coming from. AHHHHHHHH
  9. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mrsfussypants @ Apr 7 2008, 03:00 PM) [snapback]708990[/snapback]
    and how not blended my blush actually is.


    You're KILLING me! :rotflmbo: :rotflmbo: :rotflmbo: I mean seriously! I could swear I'm ready to be the star of the next MAC campaign when I'm in the bathroom only to find I actually look like Bobo the clown!

    CROSSTWINS Well-Known Member

    Oh I know what you are talking about. I have bumps all over my face and they are not even real pimples and the hair on my chin eeewwwww.
  11. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

  12. DarciH

    DarciH Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(serranoboys @ Apr 7 2008, 03:17 PM) [snapback]709040[/snapback]
    You're KILLING me! :rotflmbo: :rotflmbo: :rotflmbo: I mean seriously! I could swear I'm ready to be the star of the next MAC campaign when I'm in the bathroom only to find I actually look like Bobo the clown!

    Now THAT was funny, I'm dying here
  13. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    Grrrr I have found a few whiskers on my chin and my eyebrows need to be waxed more often it seems! And the pimples, I thought those were from drooling all over myself when I sleep!?!? :pardon:
  14. monique+2

    monique+2 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(serranoboys @ Apr 7 2008, 11:17 AM) [snapback]709040[/snapback]
    You're KILLING me! :rotflmbo: :rotflmbo: :rotflmbo: I mean seriously! I could swear I'm ready to be the star of the next MAC campaign when I'm in the bathroom only to find I actually look like Bobo the clown!

    Ditto That and if i don't see it my boyfriend will definitely bring it to my attention.
  15. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I had terrible zits for the first 4 months after my girls were born. It got better after that, but it's still worse than it was before I got pg.

    Where do I get a deep pore facial? Maybe DH is getting me that for Mother's Day. ;)
  16. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

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