Whirlwind Doctors Visit

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by TrishaLinn, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. TrishaLinn

    TrishaLinn Well-Known Member

    Well, I was supposed to have a doctors apt at 3pm today, but had a call at 7:30am asking if I could be there at 8:30 because they had made a mistake and I was supposed to also have a growth scan today. So I rushed around and got my butt there at 8:35am only to be told that actually they read my chart wrong and I wasn't due for a growth scan. Talk about being BUMMED OUT! My 6 year old even came with me because he is so excited to see the babies and find out if he is having a baby sister.

    I met with one of the nurse practicioners today and she was awesome. I liked her a lot. She decided we're going to be adding vitamins to my IV fluids and doing ultrasounds every other week to monitor my cervix. We also were able to move our anatomy scan up a week so I don't have to come in the week after my scan for my cervix, so now I only have 14 days to wait! She is also going to talk to my doctor about starting me on progesterone shots since I've been noticing a lot of contractions lately and also I have a history of pre-term labor. Does anyone have any experience with progesterone shots? Are there any drawbacks?
  2. runnermom

    runnermom New Member

    Hi Trisha,

    I am new here and this is my first post! Anyway, I have been getting progrsterone shots for the last 12 weeks. I'm pregnant with fraternal twin girls and have a history of pre-term labor with my first pregnancy (they did stop the contractions and I was on bed rest for 12 weeks, though delivered my son full term!). I had a second trimester loss with my second pregnancy, so this go around everyone felt it wouldn't hurt to do the progesterone. Anyway, they're fine. They hurt when you get them, your butt is a little sore that day and sometimes the next day, but overall they're fine. I have no side effects other than the soreness. They alternate which side they give them each week, which I highly reccommend. Don't get it in the same place each week.

    Good luck!
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't personally have any experience with them, but my next door neighbor took them with baby #3 and then again with baby #4 and they did help her to go full term. Her first two kids were born at 35w and 33w. So the progesterone shots helped get baby #3 to 38 weeks and baby #4 to 40 weeks. :good:

    Sorry you didn't get the growth scan you were expecting. :hug:
  4. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Hi, I had weekly p-17 shots during the last trimester with the twins. I only had a 6 mm cervix, but made it to 36 weeks. I didn't think the weekly shots were a problem. When we did IVF, I had to do it every night :-( I think it helped!
  5. TrishaLinn

    TrishaLinn Well-Known Member

    Are there any side effects? Anything you have to worry about besides a sore spot? The doctor is supposed to call me today to discuss it and tell me whether or not she recommends these injections for me. I can't find much info via google and feel quite uninformed!
  6. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    I also received the injections starting at 16 weeks... I think you are at the cut off as to when they can start the injections. I was unaware of any side effects and never was even sore from them. I had a lot of contractions also and that is why they started them plus a history of ptl. I could always tell when I had got the injection as my contractions were less and increased closer to the day I was due to get the shot again. If you are not eligible for the shots you could ask about Procardia to keep your uterus quiet and not contracting. I started that at 26 weeks and stopped at 32 weeks. I delivered at 35 and 3 healthy babies who came home with us and no NICU time, GL
  7. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I did progesterone suppositories after IVF, and I noticed a lot of lower back pain (similar to what I experience while PMSing). It was pretty bad but went away when I weaned off it. I read that it could be a side effect, but I think it's pretty rare because even the doctors hadn't really experienced it in other patients.
  8. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I had two shots of 2ccs PER DAY for 13 weeks in my butt. My DH gave them to me. you get used to it. I never worried about any side fx cuz I knew it was the progesterone keeping those guys alive!


    OH but make sure you WARM UP the oil (either in water or between legs etc) so it thins out before injecting it!! BIG PLUS. Get some EMLA cream for spot and ICE IT like heck before the shot. Then rub like mad when it's over to disperse the oil! GL.
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