Whinning and Crying

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Kludelhoven, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. Kludelhoven

    Kludelhoven Well-Known Member

    I'm sure this has been posted before and i'm sure its normal but I feel like I might go crazy with DS soon. Over the last week, his crying/whinning has gotten terrible. Every little thing sets him off. His toy is stuck or he can't reach something, he hits his knee off something, if his sister pushes him(which I don't condone) but you would think she is hitting him with a baseball bat. Just any little thing sets him off crying. Is this normal 2yr old stuff, i hope so. He dosen't have his 2yr molars yet so maybe those are bothering him. He was sick last week but he seems to be better now. He is fine if we are out doing something so maybe its out of bordom at home. What do you guys think or maybe just make me feel like i'm not alone :gah:
  2. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Yep, sounds pretty normal to me, at least with my boys. They go through spells (sometimes an hour or two, sometimes several days) where ALL they do it whine. It is often right before or right after they have been sick, but sometimes there isn't an apparent reason at all. Molars definitely could be part of it - mine had their molars before they were two, and that was a really rough spell for sure!
  3. SC

    SC Well-Known Member

    My boys have days or parts of days when they're like this. Honestly, I think it's normal 2 yr old behavior. But, I also think it's exacerbated by things like boredom, lack of sleep, hunger....
    4-5pm is often still the witching hour here. I'm preparing dinner, DH isn't home yet, the boys are getting tired and hungry and the littlest things -- like you mention -- can send them into tantrums (or even just periods of whini-ness). If the tantrums are worthy of attention (such as someone getting hurt) I tend to them. If they're due to little things like dropping toys, I usually let them work it out.
    I think giving attention to the whining/crying over little things probably just reinforces the behavior.
    Anyway, I think it's just something we have to ride out. Fun ;-)!
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