Whining, whining, whining 3 yr olds

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by THREEGIRLS, Jul 20, 2007.



    Lately, my girls have become wonderful drama queens :itwins: and i am about to lose it with them. McKenzie starts fromthe minute she gets out of bed, ...hold me, i waaaannnnt juuuuice, repeating pattern. :blink: When i ignore the whines, it gets only louder and more annoying and not to mention, my other two are wanting attention too. I also use 123magic for whining and when they are in time out, they cry and say i'm sorry mommy, i won't do it again,over and over again.
    Any other strategies that have worked for you gals?
  2. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    I try explaining to them that I can't understand them when they whine. I tell them they have to ask in a big boy voice & then I get bwhat they wanted. Good luck - this is a tough one that never seems to end.
  3. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    I try telling Gabe that I can't understand whining...it does tend to just get louder until I finally tell him that he has to go sit on his bed until he can stop crying/whining.
  4. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    The whining is driving me crazy, too! It's ALL DAY! I tell them that I can't understand them when they are whiniing, and "try again". I try to model by saying something like "Mama, I want more juice please" and have them repeat me. The do a pretty good job when I cue them with "try again". I just wish something would actually stop the whining before it even starts! If they continue to whine then I give them a timeout in their room untilt they stop. AlSo, I NEVER give them what they want if they whine. Oh, and if we are in the car, I pull over if they start whining, and if they don't stop I get out of the car for a minute The when I get back in, remind them to try again.

    Then, of course, comes the problems when they can't have/do whatever they're whining aobout. Those usually end up with a tanturm and in a time out. Have your girls been having a lot of tantrums, too? My girls have been having outrageous tantrums. When thy're good, they're REALLY good girls and when they are having a hard time, the meltdowns are REALLY big!

    Oh, I forgot to mention, when I"M being really bad, I just yell "STOP WHINING!!!!". I'm not proud of this, but I am guilty of doingit!
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