Whiney when DH (or another adult) is around

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mommymauro, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    Hi Ladies :wavey: …
    its been a while…
    I have a question for you, on Sat mornings I want to scream… because my normally very content dudes are sooo whiney (like the whiney that usually only happens w/ illness :( ). They do not do it during the week… BUT we have a very tight planned out day (I need this tight schedule, not them)… all though we still follow the week day “plan” they won’t play like they normally do… they just whine and want him to pick them up or me to pick them up (sometimes it can turn into a complete crying, hysterical fit if we try to just ignore it :grr: )… it’s not like they don’t see him… he works from home… so he is in his “cave” all day… and they know where he is, and go visit and easily leave him there… but Sat mornings I dread… I have also noticed this when my housekeeper is around (she also babysits). I am seriously contemplating bring her days down just so I don’t have to deal w/ the whining everyday… I would rather my house messy then hear the whine… I find we (the dudes and I) are at our ‘best’ when it’s just the three of us… BUT I don’t like that… and dh REALLY doesn’t like it…

    Any thoughts? Phase?

    Help! :gah:
    Thanks :hug:
  2. Erica92

    Erica92 Well-Known Member

    Yes we experience the SAME thign around here! My well behaved independent almost 2 years olds become whiny and clingy when DH is home on the weekends. It takes 2-3 days of him being home for them to go back to normal (frustrating when the weekends are only 2 days long).

    Unfortunately I don't have many suggestions, it does get better as they get older (or at least that is what I have found) but I think it's just normal behavior. We always joke that when he's around I become broccoli and he is ice cream and EVERYONE wants to be around and whine for ice cream!
  3. two.heartbeats

    two.heartbeats Well-Known Member

    Oh man mine are the same way! They have always been and they are nearly 2 now. My DH is home Sundays and Mondays...So tomorrow morning is my worst...HATE Sunday mornings!!! I always take them outside then so it isn't SO bad, but even then....ugh....At the end of Monday, they start to come around of course. When he comes home from work during the week around 7pm, they are fine. Totally cool with it all. I don't get it why they freak during the weekend. The second they see him in the morning, this thing clicks with them and it's instant clingy and whining...DS with DH and DD with me...lol...Oh well...I hope to see an end to it soon, though I am not holding my breath on that!
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine are not yet close to two but they are the same way with my DH. Just tonight we were having dinner at home and both of them (who already ate while DH and I were at a movie) wanted him to hold them while he was eating. I think they just miss him because he usually sleeps during the day (DH works third shift, so he works while they are sleeping) and when he is up, they make up for lost time. It's the only theory I got...
  5. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    Thanks Ladies…

    Hmmm… I guess I will just have to take comfort in the fact I’m not the only one :pardon: … my older DS was the same way, but he was never a ‘happy child’ <_< so I thought it was just him… but I guess it’s just a “thing”

    It is true by Sunday evening its ok… but OYE Saturday morning has taken on a completely new meaning… I remember the days that I looked forward to “sleep in Saturday” :rolleyes:

    Thanks again Ladies…
  6. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    Mine are actually the opposite. They whine and cling all week with me and then on the weekends if DH is downstairs playing with them and i'm upstairs doing laundry or something, they are totally happy and content and will play nicely together. But as soon as I come down and they see me....all heck breaks loose. Wanna trade????
  7. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    This definitely happens with us, all the time! The hypothesis around our house has been that the boys are jealous of our attention being on each other, so they are acting out to try and get our attention. They do this especially in the car when we are trying to talk to each other. When we are out and about, doing activities as a family, it's not so bad. But when we're just trying to enjoy some nice, relaxing family time around the house, you can forget it! It started somewhere around 18-20 months, I think, for us.
  8. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    Hmmm… we had this theory w/ older DS… he got our undivided “play” attention… then Daddy came… and Mommy (or Daddy) started talking and “playing” w/ the other parent… but I guess I assumed (probably my first of many problems) was since they play so well together and rarely do I get involved/play… more just kind of hang and make sure toys aren’t being used as weapons referee …. that it didn’t apply to this situation… but I realized Sunday… this may be the case more than I thought…
    the CAR :shok: … that is a whole other post… but I know that’s because DH thinks that’s adult talk time not… “look big truck”… time… or their new favorite… sing the Noggin “taxi” song every time we see a yellow taxi :wacko: … luckily in LA not to many of those around..

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