Whine Whine Whine.... I am huge, we need groceries...

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by JediMom, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. JediMom

    JediMom Well-Known Member

    Yeah, another whiney thread from me. I am just SO miserable and WE NEED GROCERIES! But I know I can't go shopping. Heck, I can BARELY walk around the house, much less walk into and out of a grocery store (much less, GET groceries!). My wonderful husband has been having to work more hours over the past few days (including the weekend), so I haven't bothered him with it. He's been so frustrated about work and here I am... hugely pregnant and still putting his need to relax first. Sometimes I think I think TOO much for other people, kwim? So, my monkey is whining that we don't have any breakfast food (which we do, he just doesn't have pop tarts) and I am whining that we don't have any food for dinner. Heck, even if we did, I can't stand and cook it and if I plan on DH cooking, it will take FOREVER before we can eat since he comes home so late....

    Okay, I will stop. RACHAEL --- STOP WHINING! This will be over soon enough and I will have a whole new set of whines... but at least I can move them to another forum and stop bugging you all ;)
  2. idtwinstx

    idtwinstx Well-Known Member

    I am sorry that you are having such a bad day, and it really stinks not having groceries in the house.

    Could you go to the grocery store and ride around on the motorized cart? I always did that as I got farther along.

    Hope your day gets better :)
  3. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Girl - you have a right to whine and who better to listen than us gals who have BTDT??!! if you can't vent to us who can you vent to??? I got to the point that I just told my dh what he needed to do - He would NEVER get a hint and just do it! I would slip a list in his hand before work! not only is it uncomfortable for you to be out and about but it is safer for you to be home - I am sure your dh won't mind and would probably rather go a little out of his way than have you worry about things!! you are getting so close! I am so excited for you!!!
  4. VivGuest

    VivGuest Well-Known Member

    :hug99: It's ok to whine when things suck! At least your husband is at work, mine gets home early in the afternoon then goes off and does fun things and expects my neighbor friend to fill in for him on his chores like going to the store and such. I had to sit him down and and tell him how batty I'm getting 'cause I've put off all my needs so he can go do his thing. Now he's cut back recreation hours and I've been able to get a few things done! :yahoo: some of my sanity is back!

    But seriously, I know what you mean about putting husband's needs first. I make sure he's happy, but then I'm getting less happy and so he doesn't want to be around crazy unhappy pregnant women, and it becomes this weird spiral downward thing.... yeah. I don't know what I'm trying to say! You got to whine! I wanna whine too! We haven't been married that long so I figure we're just going to have to figure it out as we go along. But it really sucks sometimes.
  5. Emily@Home

    Emily@Home Well-Known Member

    Do you have any local stores who do over-the-phone or online ordering? I have two chains in my area who have great online ordering services, and then all I have to do is go pick up the groceries when I'm ready. . . they even load them for me!
  6. Brown Eyed Gurl

    Brown Eyed Gurl Well-Known Member

    honey whine all you want I do it too I'm only 28.3 weeks and I've been feeling like this for about 5 weeks now...
  7. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    Sorry you are having a rough day! I ditto what one of the other posts mentioned online shopping. I have never done it myself, but also noticed that amazon.com has a grocery delivery option as well. I would think that even if you lived in a small town you could call down to the local store and they would gather the things you need and either DH or a friend could go pick them up for you. I am thinking frozen dinners - things that dont require much prep on your part. Hang in there - you are getting SO close!
  8. laura305

    laura305 Well-Known Member

    i was going to suggest the same thing.. are there any way to have groceries delivered... ALMOST all of my grocery stores in the area deliver exccept for like 3 or 4. And they all have online ordering. I still can waddle around enough to go to the grocery store but barely.
  9. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(JediMom @ Jun 3 2008, 09:13 AM) [snapback]807229[/snapback]
    Yeah, another whiney thread from me. I am just SO miserable and WE NEED GROCERIES! But I know I can't go shopping. Heck, I can BARELY walk around the house, much less walk into and out of a grocery store (much less, GET groceries!). My wonderful husband has been having to work more hours over the past few days (including the weekend), so I haven't bothered him with it. He's been so frustrated about work and here I am... hugely pregnant and still putting his need to relax first. Sometimes I think I think TOO much for other people, kwim? So, my monkey is whining that we don't have any breakfast food (which we do, he just doesn't have pop tarts) and I am whining that we don't have any food for dinner. Heck, even if we did, I can't stand and cook it and if I plan on DH cooking, it will take FOREVER before we can eat since he comes home so late....

    Okay, I will stop. RACHAEL --- STOP WHINING! This will be over soon enough and I will have a whole new set of whines... but at least I can move them to another forum and stop bugging you all ;)

    IF you live in an area with major grocery store chains, almost all you can shop online and they will deliver. I know Safeway does! http://shop.safeway.com/register/default.asp?brandid=1

    You do have a right to whine, though :D But thought I would maybe help offer a solution
  10. JediMom

    JediMom Well-Known Member

    No delivery options for groceries in this area of Alabama.... besides, I am WAY TOO CHEAP to pay for someone to deliver my groceries would I could get my DH to do it. My issue is that I don't want to stress him out too much because he is already stressed about work. That's my fault... I COULD ask, I just don't.

    But otherwise, I am just big an pregnant. That's all it boils down to! I keep telling myself to just suck it up because I am NEVER going to be PG again - EVER! So, enjoy the excuses to not shop, clean, or cook! Right? :)
  11. cmccarthy

    cmccarthy Well-Known Member

    Some big chains will deliver too. We have a service called peapod here in New England and they will send the groceries to your house. Maybe it is available in your area too:
  12. mrsmoon

    mrsmoon Well-Known Member

    I was thinking about the motorized cart too. I used one beginning when I was around 28 weeks pregnant b/c I was so swollen. I know you are miserable. It will be over soon and you will forget about all the pain when you hold your twins. I had a horrible pregnancy that I HATED but it was all worth it. I hope you feel better.
  13. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(JediMom @ Jun 3 2008, 12:23 PM) [snapback]807524[/snapback]
    No delivery options for groceries in this area of Alabama.... besides, I am WAY TOO CHEAP to pay for someone to deliver my groceries would I could get my DH to do it. My issue is that I don't want to stress him out too much because he is already stressed about work. That's my fault... I COULD ask, I just don't.

    But otherwise, I am just big an pregnant. That's all it boils down to! I keep telling myself to just suck it up because I am NEVER going to be PG again - EVER! So, enjoy the excuses to not shop, clean, or cook! Right? :)

    my advice, call or email DH at work with a grocery list to pick up on way home. Order pizza/take out for tonite for whoever is home at dinner time.
  14. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    Ohhh I soo know how you feel!!! When I was 36wks pregnant with the twins, I asked my sister to go with me cause I knew how hard it was. Plus, our grocery had just expanded. So not only was it bigger, but everything was moved around. When I got home, I told DH that I was done grocery shopping and he was doing it til the girls arrived. I had them two days later though.

    You need to think about yourself right now. I know DH might be working a lot, but he also needs to take care of you. Is there anyone that can do the shopping for you or help you get dinner ready? Sometimes, take-out is just the best way to go too right now.

    You are almost there...hang in there!

  15. kj427

    kj427 Well-Known Member

    Hang in there, you are getting so close!

    Is there a close neighbor or friend who might be able to help you for a few hours a week to get the groceries, do dishes, etc? Will your little boy watch a cartoon or read books for long enough that you can get a nap each day? I wish I were as far along as you. I can relate to being so tired and miserable.
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