Which Sippy cup to use?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by shannonfilteau, Feb 18, 2008.

  1. shannonfilteau

    shannonfilteau Well-Known Member

    My DS is struggling to get the sippy cup thing down, we have tried 3 kinds so far (avent, playtex and nuby) I think I am confusing and frustrating him by changing, but I have thought each time that the newer cup would work better.

    He just sits there waiting for it to come out (typical man right :rolleyes: ). I tried taking the valve out but all he does is choke and get soaked...

    What kind have you all had success with?

    :huh: TIA
  2. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Have you tried a straw sippy with him? Mine got the straw thing around 9-10 months, and we use Nuby straw sippies. They do great with those.
  3. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    I hated the nuby's. They leaked everywhere. I got them the gerber sip and smiles in the beginning and they done really well with that.
  4. shannonfilteau

    shannonfilteau Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the straw idea, I never thought to try that, I am going to go buy yet another cup tonight...
  5. benderboys

    benderboys Well-Known Member

    I have tried so many and finally had success with the First Years Take and Toss. There is no valve and even if you shake it and turn it upside down, not much comes out. The boys finally figured out they actually had to suck on them and now they love them.
  6. Tandis

    Tandis New Member

    I second the Nuby straw sippies. Those are the only cups they'll use, and don't leak (much) ;)

    Good luck!
  7. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Shannon @ Feb 18 2008, 01:13 PM) [snapback]627232[/snapback]
    What kind have you all had success with?

    We've only had success wtih the take'n'toss ones. I'm not sure of the brand name, so it could be one of the brands you mentioned, in that case :sorry: They don't have a valve {and are fairly good with spills, meaning not too much comes out when knocked over.} Good luck.
  8. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    We use Nuby straw sippies and if you build them just right with the correct lid, they don't leak. When they do leak, I get another lid and try it. Goofy, I know. Mine just would tip/suck the regular cups. We're working on real straws now. I want to get rid of sippys altogether SOON!
  9. Tracy O

    Tracy O Well-Known Member

    We use the Playtex ones(they have animals, tea party pictures on them) I have found those don't leak if they are on their sides. But I have found a trick to get the lid tighter I anchor my thumb on the part where their lips go and give an extra turn We use the take and toss with a straw for OJ. The dentist mentioned that straws should be used with the acid in the OJ even thought I dilute 1/2 with water. I found the Take and Toss with the sippy part leak like crazy if left on their sides. GL T
  10. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Love the Take N Toss!! These were their first ones and they do great with them. I was late in introducing straws, so we are just starting with the Nuby ones with the flexible tip and they seem to really like those.
  11. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I highly recommend the Nuby straw sippy!!!
  12. sj3g

    sj3g Well-Known Member

    My favorite set of cups is made by the first years. We have a pair of 9 ounce "insulated" sippy cups with Disney princesses on them. They don't require valves, and they don't leak. When it gets to the bottom of the drink, every last drop can be sucked out of these, unlike the gerber cups we have 12 of. I think my girls drink the best from these. I've also seen them in the Thomas the Tank Engine theme. HTH!

    Here's a picture of what I have: 9 oz. insulated sippy cups
  13. guestd

    guestd Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(sj3g @ Feb 18 2008, 09:00 PM) [snapback]628251[/snapback]
    My favorite set of cups is made by the first years. We have a pair of 9 ounce "insulated" sippy cups with Disney princesses on them. They don't require valves, and they don't leak. When it gets to the bottom of the drink, every last drop can be sucked out of these, unlike the gerber cups we have 12 of. I think my girls drink the best from these. I've also seen them in the Thomas the Tank Engine theme. HTH!

    Here's a picture of what I have: 9 oz. insulated sippy cups

    We have these in the "Cars" version. They love them and now ask for them over the other cups. I am going to buy more because I love the no valve idea and they don't leak!
    BTW - Toys R Us & Babies R Us have coupons for $2 off of a 2 pack of cups (at least here in Texas).
  14. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    I use the Nuby's but not he soft ones, the normal sippy ones. I also LOVE those "take n toss" or something like that. They have lids that just snap on and they are great! Super cheap too, so if they get messed up, you just toss them!
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