which convertible car seat do you like best?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by allgrace, Jan 19, 2007.

  1. allgrace

    allgrace Well-Known Member

    we are probably having to switch here- not cause of weight but more because of height- the straps don't fit well over their shoulders. we do have the bundle me's in the car seat too.

  2. allgrace

    allgrace Well-Known Member

    we are probably having to switch here- not cause of weight but more because of height- the straps don't fit well over their shoulders. we do have the bundle me's in the car seat too.

  3. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I like our Marathons, because they use a 5 point harness until like 60 lbs. Rearfacing they are a tight squeeze but well worth the money. The girls seem very comfortable and happy in them. They are ver similar to the graco snugrides in how you adjust the straps. The covers are easy to clean and you can buy extras.
  4. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    Ditto two Marathons here too! The straps are athe key in these seats. They do not twist like the cheaper graco and evenflo convertible seats. I had the boyz in them rear facing around 6-7 months and they fit fine in my honda odyssey and dh's suburban. I am hoping they will last in these until maybe 5 as they go up to 65 lbs and I think 49 inches? The roundabouts are awesome seats too as my petite dd fit into hers until almost 5! But seeing as my boys are much bigger than she was at their age, the Marathons were a must.

    They are pricey but how can you put a price on your kiddos safety and comfort? [​IMG]
  5. cajuntwinmom

    cajuntwinmom Well-Known Member

    I have the Alpha Omega Elites and the Alpha Omega 3 in 1's. A set for DH's and my vehicles. I like them both just fine. They are actually almost identical, but I've never had any trouble and they are both really easy to put in. DH didn't like the marathons at all, but they do have great ratings. Although a bit pricy when we absolutely needed 4 since we alternate taking them to daycare and back (well we used to, we carpool now).
  6. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We have the Britax Roundabout. We really like it. Probably would have gotten the Marathon, but it wouldn't be a good fit for our small SUV.
  7. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    LOVE our marathons!
  8. tbpmtb

    tbpmtb Well-Known Member

    We received the Britax Roundabout seats as a gift, but they only go up to 40 lbs. In fact, that's why I logged on to TS today, to ask a question about what is the best choice for the next phase (>40 lbs).

    Personally, I would like to keep them in a harness as long as possible, so knowing what I know now, I probably would have chosen the Marathon instead, because it gives you 20 more lbs, and therefore extra use!
  9. Mandymarie

    Mandymarie Active Member

    I have FOUR of the Britax Marathons in my van and LOVE LOVE LOVE them all. They are wonderful and I have had no problems rear or forward facing with them. Mandy
  10. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    Love our Marathons! They are exceptional.
  11. 241mommie

    241mommie Well-Known Member

    Britax Boulevard (sp?)
  12. Elizabeth H

    Elizabeth H Well-Known Member

    I just got the Sunshine KIDs Radian 65 and absolutely love mine! It can be rearfacing up to 33 lbs and forward facing 5 pt harness up to 65 lbs and 49 inches in height. We had orginally bought the Graco Comfort convertible seats but my girls outgrew them shortly after turning three so I we had ended up buying about three car seats for them between their infant carseats and two convertible car seats. It was expensive. We looked at the Marathons when my girls were three but they were at the top notch for those and for almost the same amount of money we could get the RAdian which was slightly taller than the Marathon. Britax makes the Regent "youth seat" which is taller than the Radian and can harness up to 80 lbs but is a forward facing car seat. And it's huge. Now that I have another baby about to outgrow his Snug ride I think I will invest and just get the Sunshine Radian which will last till he's probably 6 or 7. That way I'm not buying two convertible car seats.

    http://www.specialtybaby.com/sukiracarseg.html Here is a pic of it. We have two across our bench seat in our Expedition and a infant carrier also and there is plenty of room. This company I ordered from was very fast and didn't charge for shipping or tax.

  13. Tasha

    Tasha Well-Known Member

    HI Jamie!
    We have the Britax Roundabouts, and I LOVE them. We might have gone with the Marathons, if we had more money, and if they didn't take up more room than the roundabout. Just my opinion. I have heard good things about other seats too though. [​IMG]
  14. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    i like the intera safety first car seats. convertible seat that will grow into a booster. 5 pt harness and up to 100lbs. not too bad to clean the covers either.
  15. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

    we have a marathon and a roundabout, and I like the marathon better. More roomy and comfortable I think. I got one of each thinking maybe one would prefer more than the other... but we pretty much interchange them in the seats.
  16. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    We have the Britax Marathons and LOVE them! [​IMG]
  17. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We also have a Roundabout and a Marathon -- got the Roundabout on sale while I was pg, then got the Marathon when we needed it. We decided to do that rather than getting another Roundabout because it was clear that Sarah was going to be bigger than Amy. [​IMG]

    They both seem comfy, but I have to say I like the Roundabout better. The straps are simpler, easier to arrange and tighten. Maybe I am not understanding something about the Marathon, but I always feel like I have to fuss with the straps more and it takes longer to get the child situated.
  18. cantwait2bmom

    cantwait2bmom Well-Known Member

    I guess I'm the odd ball here but we have the Evenflo Triumph DLXs and we have had no problems at all with them. The kids seem to really like them and they seem comfortable as well.

    The Britaxs are nice but our budget is just too tight to afford them.

  19. kma13

    kma13 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by cantwait2bmom:
    I guess I'm the odd ball here but we have the Evenflo Triumph DLXs and we have had no problems at all with them. The kids seem to really like them and they seem comfortable as well.

    The Britaxs are nice but our budget is just too tight to afford them.


    LOVE our triumph dlx's..... I just didn't like the Britax very much, but they are great seats.
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