Whew! I'm BEAT

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Poohbear05, Dec 25, 2008.

  1. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    LOL! I made DH watch the baby today so I could soley concentrate on PTing the twins.... After everyone opened presents, we went and spent about 1.5 hours in the bathroom. I brought books, cups of warm water, milk, etc... We sat there until they went potty at least once. Well T went twice and J went once FINALLY. She took the longest and was mad by the end becuase she saw T get all the stickers, pick out big girl undie, etc when she went potty. I made as big a deal out of it as I could, making sure just the one that went potty got any stickers, praise, etc. and pretty much ignored the other one and just said, "when you potty you'll get to do all this too."

    Well it worked for T. She saw J get stickers, undies, etc and all I had to say was that. Within 2 seconds she peed so she could get her stickers! LOL She was the one that pee'd twice before J anyways, but she still wanted to make sure SHE was getting stickers too! J didn't care so much. Like I said, she just got pissed, but once she did go and I made a big fuss over her too, she figured it out.

    So, so far today T has peed 5 times and J has peed 3 times in the potty. And they've each had an accident in the living room too. Oh well. We're doing better than any other time, that's for sure...

    Now, how do we figure out the daycare situation?? If I can have them trained by Monday, I'll send them to school with big girl undies. Problem is that daycare only takes them every 2 hours. I'm telling them, "Okay, you need to make sure to let Ms. so-and-so know when you need to Pee. Tell them you gotta go." And they look at me and say, "go potty?!" so I KNOW they understand what I'm telling them, and that they'll need to tell someone when they need to go.... I just don't know that their teachers will necessarily LISTEN to them, so we may end up with LOTS of dirty clothes being sent home. But I don't want to put them back in diapers if we can help it, because I don't want them to get confused... Do you think that they'll figure out how to hold it for a few hours at a time after a couple of days of lots of clothes changes??? How does that work?

    Also, how do we work going out someplace?? For this weekend we can probably just all stay home so we can work on the PTing, but once we're done, how do you work outings?? Just make sure they go before we leave the house, and then again when we get to the destination??

    BTW, they are almost 24 months (b-day is beginnin of January)
  2. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I would stay home all weekend and see how they do. If they are still having accidents, I'd let it go for a few months and try again later. They are only not even two yet. If they're doing well with it (like they can wait five minutes if they ask you to go) then talk to their teachers about it. Let them know they are in panties so they need to go more often than two hours if they ask. And send TONS of extra panties and clothes! Kayci just trained at Thanksgiving and her first day at school in panties she brought home 3 dirty outfits! She's only there 3hrs!! She isn't very verbal though so that probably has something to do with it. Your girls are so young, give it a shot but don't be discouraged if they just aren't quite ready yet.
  3. jakeandpeytonsmommy

    jakeandpeytonsmommy Well-Known Member

    I agree with the post above. They are just two, so their verbal cues might be hard for the teachers to believe?
    Good luck!
    I sent P to nursery school in a pullup, this way he didn't ruin clothes and we told him it was only for school (and bedtime). They took him every hour or so, and he tried but didn't go...he held it in.
  4. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    They might not be two yet, but two days and they are day-timed potty trained. And, one of them stayed bone dry during naptime even though we had a diaper on them. Neither one has pooped yet (2 days of wearing undies all day long) but they didn't need to either. I tried putting diapers on today when I *thought* one was scared to go poop (mind you, they've both pooped in the potty previously) but she didn't go and had the diaper on a couple o hours.

    They'll both go for a good 45 minutes w/o having to use the potty, and will go when we ask them. T is even telling us now that she needs to go, and makes sure to tell us that she has gone (T go potty on toilet) :) LOL It sounds so cute!

    So, Monday morning we will be speaking to their teachers and seeing what happens.

    I won't say that we are 'successfully' PT'd yet since it has only been 2 days and no one has pooped yet, but we are doing extremely well in that department!
  5. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    That's great! I wasn't saying they shouldn't or couldn't do it, just not to be surprised if they didn't. I wish I could have been done with diapers that young! Pooping is a problem for many newly trained kids so if they are staying dry, don't let the poop issue discourage you. I had two that would ask for or wait for a pull up or diaper (we continued to use them at night at first). One of mine took six months to finally go in the potty rather than the nap or night time diaper/pullup! Good luck with school on Monday!
  6. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ktfan @ Dec 26 2008, 02:52 PM) [snapback]1122363[/snapback]
    I would stay home all weekend and see how they do. If they are still having accidents, I'd let it go for a few months and try again later.

    Ditto. Even when my DD was potty trained at 2 1/2, she had to wear pull ups at daycare until she was consistently accident free. We couldn't send her in panties right away.
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