Where/how do your newish borns sleep/nap?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by littletwinmom, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    Just curious. Since they were born, the twins have been sleeping in the living room with me on the couch. We have a cosleeper, but after the first two weeks or so, they've been mostly sleeping in their papasans or the swing. Until recently, they could sleep through vacuuming, laundry, washing dishes, anything. I think that is coming to an end. So last night we moved to the cosleeper into the bedroom, and DD actually did really well. I was worried about her because she spits up if laid down to quick, but we elevated the cosleeper at an angle and it seemed to work. DS, onthe other hand, went crazy every time I tried to lay him in it. So, he was wide awake and fussy from 1:30 to 4:00, and slept on either I or DH all the other time. Not a fun night!!! Is it worth the effort at this age to get them used to sleeping in a "crib" or are we torturing ourselves for nothing? I would like to get them sleeping in their real cribs (as soon as we buy them!) in another month or so, so I guess it's inevitable that we have to go through this?

    So, does this sound familiar? Where did yours nap and sleep at this age?

  2. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Whereever and whenever they would fall asleep! [​IMG] If it was in the swing, on me, in our bed, in their car seats, you name it, we did it. Nothing is more important these first 3 months than getting your sleep becaudr sleep deprivation can lead to so many other things (like PPD, anixety, weight gain, sickness etc). [​IMG]

    Some people will disagree with this but I would do whatever it takes to keep them asleep. If he needs you right now, I would let him sleep on you (IMO anyway). [​IMG]
  3. kristimom22

    kristimom22 Well-Known Member

    I agree with pp- at that age, pretty much up till about 3 months, mine slept wherever they WOULD sleep! lots of nights in their bouncies, a few on my chest on the couch (i didn't sleep well- paranoid about them falling off!), and sometimes when i was real lucky, they actually slept in their cribs!
  4. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    I may be one of the only people to say this, but my girls always slept in their cribs. Every once in awhile I'd lay them on the floor for nap but that was because I didn't feel like climbing the stairs to put them in their crib, but that didn't last for long. I figured it would be easier in the long run to create a good sleeping habits from the beginning. But this is just me, everybody does things different. You need to do whatever feels right for your family. Good luck.
  5. Laura in Alaska

    Laura in Alaska Well-Known Member

    Our girls sleep at night in the cosleeper and always have. However, since McKenna started having awful reflux around 2 weeks, they've both been sleeping in their boppy pillows which we have in the cosleeper. They sleep so well in there and look so comfy.

    For naps, if they're sleeping well, then I put them in their room in the boppys in the crib. Their "room" was our dining room and its between the living room and kitchen in an open floor plan. So, they don't get a lot of quiet time during naps, but they usually sleep alright anyway.

    Right now, they aren't feeling well and aren't sleeping hard, so they're in the car seats in the living room with me. That way, I can rock them a little as they stir and keep them asleep a little longer.

  6. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    I am also a crib person. Maxine is in her own room (crib) and Felix is in his pack n play in our walk in closet (not that bad) because especially in the beginning, they were very very different sleepers and Felix has reflux and is really loud during and after feedings, although he did get better with the Prevacid.

    They started napping in their bassinets / cribs at 3-4 weeks old, soothing themselves to sleep. Occassionally they take a 3rd cat nap on the go, basically because I have to with my toddler, however they're in bed at 6 / 6.30 pm at the latest. Both will sleep 11-12 hours straight these days. Hopefully we'll have them both sleeping until 6.30 am or so soon.
  7. Marbear

    Marbear Well-Known Member

    We put a carrier IN the crib so they are used to the location at least. I think one gets refluxy on his back and I have suctioned milk out of his nose in the middle of the night and it scared me to death, so we don't want them on their backs unsupervised too much.
  8. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Mine were sleep anywhere babies too. We put them in their cribs at 7 weeks but they would only do one stretch of about 3 hours in there. Otherwise, we held them A LOT in the first couple of months. I used to get out a lot in the early months and go anywhere I could just to get them to nap in their car seats for a while. If we were home, they would nap on the couch, in their swings, in the bouncies, anywhere and everywhere as long as they would sleep.

    They are now almost 7 months old and have been sleeping through the night in their cribs since 4 and 4.5 months old.
  9. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Mine were sleep anywhere babies too.

    Same here. I started putting them in their cribs at 4 months.
  10. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member

    congrats on the babies,

    I napped my kiddos wherever they would sleep until about 3.5 months and slept them in our bed until 2 months, then transitioned them to a crib (together) in our bedroom.

    at 4.5 months they woke each other up so we separated them into their own cribs in separate rooms. they are still in this sleep config.

    I think babies are "funky" about sleeping from about 3-5 months and you just gotta try and get a routine going. At 5 months you can start to see patterns, but you gotta catch them when the are sleepy.

    i'd get healthy sleep habits, happy child -- it's a great book, and it works.

    Teri D
  11. cmharper

    cmharper Well-Known Member

    We started out with a co-sleeper, but they both hated it because the board they sleep on was so hard. We spent the first month downstairs on our huge sectional couch. They napped there as well, or in their swings or bouncies. Then, we all moved up to our king size bed as wanted to continue co-sleeping until they were 4 months old. The transition to the crib was very easy for Chloe, but not for Bryce. We ensured we had a good bedtime routine in place, then started them napping in their cribs all the time first, then gradually phased in bedtime sleeping there. Bryce had several back-to-back illnesses so sleep was challenging for him in his crib by himself. We did a mix of crib/our bed with him until we committed to a routine using the Sleep Lady (Good Night, Sleep Tight by Kim West) around 8 months old. Within two weeks, it worked wonders for him.

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